
Pokemon: Final Days

. . . "I-I.... Where Am I?" 'So you're awake.....' "Huh?" 'So you do not remember, this world is now your responsibility' "Wha- How? Why?" 'You shall unveil it yourself, for I, Arceus will support you in this world' "Arce-WHAT!" 'I shall grant you what the protagonists of other worlds have - A system' "A Pokemon God giving a system? Pokemon world with a system?!?!" Fates, Balance, Order, Space and Time, Will He know the true secrets of this world? Join our hero in for he transmigrated to the world of Pokemon. . . . .

HastySeptemberPH · Fantaisie
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34 Chs


"So, ummmm..... Eevee, how will I train you now?" Haru confusedly said while looking at his system and said, "Hey system, how can I train my eevee again? Do I just need it to do some exercise or make it run?"

[ Good question Host! Ehem, to train your pokemon, you need to, of course, just like you said, exercise. You can also train its mobility, strength, defense and your pokemon's move. ]

[ You can look up the moves of your eevee in the pokemon tab in the system. ]

"O-Oh, Okay okay. I'll do that" Haru said while looking at the pokemon tab.



[ Pokemon: Eevee (Normal type) Female Gender

Level: 10

Ability: Adaptability (Powers up moves of the same type as the Pokemon)

Moveset: Tackle, Sand Attack, Quick Attack & Growl

Experience: 0%

Stats: Currently Unavailable ]

Haru looking at the screen showed to him while looking at his eevee who is looking at him cutely with its round eyes. His face is full of shock and kinda strange, making his system amused.

[ So, what are you going to do? You, as a child, only have a limited time to play outside. So hurry up and decide on what you want to do. ]

"Fine, I'll start now. Come here Eevee! Let's get you used to your moves and I'll think of some strategies for us to use when it's time for us to battle trainers." Haru enthusiastically calls Eevee and it runs to Haru at full speed and has a look of excitement because its trainer is gonna play with her.




While Haru is training outside, his parents are currently doing some talking and research with the parents of Kasumi in their Laboratory.

"So, have we really made the right choice for this one?" Haru's mother worriedly asked.

"You know that this is not a choice. This is a must do thing to ensure the safety of the region. You know the answer to your question, why keep asking now?" Haru's father answered.

"Don't be too harsh with her. You, me, everyone back then made that choice so there's no need for us to dwell on this one." Kasumi's Mother immediately answered and looked at Haru's mother with concern.

"Sigh, Come, Let's talk about Professor's Rowan Visit here in 2 days." Kasumi's Father implied.

This question directly shifted the worries and concern of Haru's parents and Kasumi's Mother.

"Oh right! We already gave an Eevee to our little Haru. Will he still pick on the Professor's Pokemon?" Kasumi's Mother, Kurumi, asked while looking at Haru's parents.

"What 'our little Haru', that's my boy!" Haru's Mother, Helen, replied.

"Now, now Helen, you're too late to tell her." Haru's Father, Kevin, commented.

"Ha-ha-ha, so funny Kevin." Helen angrily said.

"Back to the business everyone. I probably think that Haru will not pick any Pokemon from the Professor but, we can let Kasumi pick one if she likes." Kasumi's Father, Takeru, eagerly said to them.

"Oh! Oh! How could I forget little Kasumi! My goodness, I'm really getting old here. Let's tell the Professor that Kasumi will be the one who'll pick, not Haru." Helen hastily said in return while smacking her forehead.

"Yeah! Takeru, go tell Professor Rowan that." Kurumi commanded Takeru.

"Keep smacking that forehead of yours and you'll get dumb and forgetful every time." Kevin commented while looking at Helen's behavior.

"You! -- before she could finish her statement, Takeru quickly saw what's happening and grab the phone to contact Professor Rowan and said to them, "Going to contact the Professor now."

Because of that, Helen could not help but swallow what she wants to say and look at her husband with resentment and with the look, 'I'll deal with you later when we get back at home'.

Seeing what her husband, Takeru, did, Kurumi shakes her head and says to her heart, 'this childish couple.'




After a Couple of hours of training, Haru, who is with his Eevee, was done on his training part and his Pokemon training part.

Haru, who is currently laying on the ground full of sweat due to training, immediately said to the system, "Hey System, It's done right? Can I go home now?"

[ The host has completed his daily training and his Pokemon training! Calculating the rewards... ]

Just as the system wants to say the rewards, "Do that later, I'm gonna take a bath now and eat breakfast."

Without waiting for the system to say anything, Haru picked up Eevee and immediately headed back home.

[ .... I'm speechless, host ]

[ But, oh well, I'm just gonna tell the rewards, Congratulations to the host for the rewards!

Training Quest Reward: 1x month supply of pokemon food, Eevee's affection raised by 20, Eevee's experience was raised by 25%!, Soothe Bell, New move for Eevee (trainer's choice) (note: A list will be shown to host and can be taught to the Pokemon)),

System Upgrade, Rare Candy 5x and Spinarak Tickets 10x]

[ The System will Upgrade for 12 hours, for now, you can do anything you want Host! ]

Without saying anything, the system shut down by itself, leaving Haru, who is back at his home at daze and can't utter any words for a while.

"Damn System! Good thing I listened to everything you said. I can't even access the system so how am I supposed to check the rewards itself." Haru angrily said to the System.

"Fine! Count yourself lucky." Haru whispered while gnashing his teeth. After a while, He calmed down and looked at his Eevee and said, "Come Eevee, Let's take a bath and Eat then talk to my parents."

"Eve! Vee!"

"So Cute!"

Several Minutes Have passed and Haru and Eevee emerged from the bath, feeling energetic and refreshed. While He takes his time in the bathroom, His parents have returned from the Laboratory.

"Haru! Time to eat now! The breakfast is already cold." Helen shoutedly said to Haru.

"On my way, Mom!"

Haru quickly goes to the dining room with Eevee and greets his parents with a smile and says, "I'm here now Mom! Can Eevee eat with us too?"

"Sure! How's your day with Eevee?"

"It's very good, Mom! Eevee is kind, nice and playful, but the most important thing is that, it's really cute!"

"Ohhh, is that so? Did you play with your Eevee while we're at the Lab?" Kevin interjectly asked.

"We play and we trained to become strong! right, Eevee?"


"Hoh? Train? What did you teach your Eevee now?" Kevin said while looking at his son and Eevee amusingly.

Helen, who saw this scene, looks at both father and son with interest and quickly said, "My, my, Haru! What did you teach your Pokemon"

"I teach her how to run fast and avoid some things! So when I fight a real trainer, I can teach Eevee to avoid attacks and retaliate quickly!" Haru said while being proud and have a smugly look at his face.

"So Confident!" Helen shoutedly said while showing an 'O' with her mouth.

"HAHAHA! Now that's my Son! Show them what's up!" Kevin Laughingly said to Haru.

"Oh Dad! Can I ask something?"

"What is it?"

"I saw something in a book while teaching my Eevee and saw some interesting items there. Can I ask what Rare Candy is?" with a look of innocence and honesty, Haru asked a question to his Father.

Looking at his son who is asking Him an uncommon question but has a look of 'I don't know what that is' on his face but has an eager and expectant look, Kevin slowly explained, "A Rare Candy? Wow! that's a rare thing to ask but, anyway, A rare candy is a rare item designated to help the pokemon grow strong quickly without training and battling. But due to some weird side effects like having a poor foundation to Pokemon and making them not listen to their trainers, that item was quickly banned to use. Although some trainers still use it and can be bought in some black markets."

'Side effects? Why did the system reward me with such things? I'm gonna ask it when the upgrade is done' Haru questioned in his heart then quickly looked at his father with a face of innocence and righteousness and said, "Ohh! That thing is dangerous! Eevee is not going to take some weird things!"

With a look of satisfaction to His face, Kevin nodded his head and answered, "Right, don't put your faith in external things. It is still better to train your Pokemon. Your Pokemon can get stronger and will have trust in you. So, don't use such items."

"Now, now, don't lecture our little Haru although it's good to know about that, He knows what is best for his Pokemon." Helen said while reprimanding Kevin.

"Hahaha, fine, Let's just eat now, we still have a lot of work to do." Kevin could not help but chuckle.

"Oh Haru, I forgot to tell you that Kasumi will pick the Pokemon instead of you when Professor Rowan goes here. Is that okay for you?" Helen said to Haru.

"That's fine for me Mom! I already have an Eevee. When Kasumi gets her first Pokemon, I can ask her to battle with me then I'll show who's the great one here." Haru said with a foolish smile on his face, probably imagining that Kasumi will be defeated by him with ease and will cry while he smiles on their battle.

Helen saw her Son's daydream and funny expression and could not help to shake her head and said, "Let's finish eating now, Your father and I still need to return to the Lab to do some research. And will probably be back at 7 in the evening, so you prepare your own lunch and wait for us to return for dinner."

"Okay Mom!"

After eating and cleaning up the table, Helen and Kevin departed and headed to the Lab while Haru, who doesn't have anything to do, read some articles, history books, strategic books and some stuff about Pokemon. Meanwhile, his Eevee falls asleep after eating so he lets her sleep.

After waiting for several hours, at nearly 7 at night. Haru heard a familiar sound and said, "System!"

*whooooosh, the system pops out and said, [ Upgrade complete! Hello Host! Wanna Check what's the Update? ]

"Sure sure"

[System New Feature! Spinarak Wheel of Fate, EV/IV & Nature, Affection System ]

"... Wha? What?!?! I know the Wheel of Fate but What are these EV/IV and Nature?? Also, What is an Affection System?!?! Am I on a dating simulation now and not pokemon?" Haru confusedly asked and was looking at the system suspiciously and strangely.

[ .... Can I swear at least once, Host? Then I'll explode in front of you so I can escape the fate of a miserable system? ]

"....heh, tch"

[ I'll explain! Okay?!?! ]
