
chapter 25

Anyway, it was a nice day at the station while a few people were getting out of the train, including a small girl with blue eyes, blue hair that went to her back and cheeks with a white headband on her head, wearing a light blue necklace with a ruby around her neck, wearing a blue dress that went around her legs and hips, with long white gloves and a belt similar to her necklace, who was about six or eight years old and holding a small Togepi doll in her left hand.

"Why are we here again?" she asked looking around confused.

"To see how the world works." Spoke a young woman with a purple dress, gray eyes, long purple hair with a bun, a F cup chest and large set of hips, standing next to her. "Your mother allowed you to go only because she knows you wouldn't get into trouble."

"But Freesia, I don't know what's out here." She said as the amount of people on the station started to dwindle.

"It's alright, I'm right here." she smiled while taking the girl's free hand. "Just hold onto my hand and you won't get lost."

She nodded while they walked away from the station, only to see a Mr. Mime doing some tricks to people. "Oooh!"

"Now princess, please don't get lost." Freesia said while walking through a crowd of people. "It would be tragic if you got lost here."

However the girl was long gone as she was watching the Mr. Mime playing games and magic tricks with the other little kids. "Wow, that looks like fun."

"Mime. Mr. Mime." It said while pulling a Buneary out of a hat.


The kids cheered at this while the girl was entranced at the magic show.


This went on for hours before the Mr. Mime walked away and the kids dispersed.

"That was amazing! Wasn't it Freesia?...Freesia?" She looked around and saw she was completely alone. "F-Freesia?"


The girl jumped as the train rushed out of the station. She turned and went wide eyed before running towards it. "Freesia wait!"


But the train disappeared into the hills as the girl felt very lonely and scared.

"Freesia!" She cried out before shaking and looked around. "Freesia…"

That was when she remembered that there were Meowths in the area, which made her remember that they eat people according to Freesia if you don't go to bed early.

She hugged her doll tightly and tried finding somewhere to hide.


It was almost dark when we find the girl, now hiding under a bench, and trying to close her eyes to hide from the monsters. 'I can't believe this is happening. I don't wanna get eaten! Mother, father, save me!'

As she was shaking like a leaf, a figure walked by and sat on the bench.

"Boy." Sighed a woman with brown hair. "Johto was a big region."

'Johto? That's the place I went to on vacation with mother and father last year.'

"Well I hope my little Ashy is doing ok with Professor Oak." She said before stretching and noticed a blue dress under her. "Huh? What's this?" she looked under and went wide eyed seeing the girl. "My word! What are you doing under there?"

She froze and started shaking in fear. 'D-Don't look. It might be a monster!'

"Hey, come on out, I'm not going to hurt you."

She shivered and shook her head no.

The woman got down and reached out and put a hand on the girl's arm. "Please? I want to help, it's not safe to stay under here with it getting dark out. You must be feeling cold."

"..." she opened one eye and looked her over. "Not a Meowth?"


"You aren't a Meowth in disguise?"

"Of course not." she giggled. "I'm a person."

"..." she crawled out of the bench and got up. "..."

"See? Doesn't that feel more easy on you? What were you doing under there anyway?"

"...hiding." She said with a squeak. "From the monsters."

"What monsters?"

"The Meowths." She gulped. "They eat bad children."

"Oh, I think I get it." chuckled the woman. "Relax sweetie, they won't eat you."

She looked at the woman and blinked. "Really?"

"Yes, but what's your name?"

"It's not polite to speak to strangers."

"Well you're right, I'm a stranger to you, but what I don't get is where your parents are. Are they nearby or maybe they live in one of the homes?"

"They are back at the castle." She said while playing with her dress. "I was with Freesia but…."

"Castle?" the woman was lost. "What castle?"

"The one in Sinnoh." She said. "We live in Arrowroot Town."

"Sinnoh? Isn't that far from Kanto?"


"Oh dear, did you come here with someone for a visit? You must have gotten lost."

She sniffled at that. "Y-Yes…...sniff."

"Well do you know where this Freesia went? Is she a friend? A family member?"

"She's...she's my nanny." She sniffled before crying. "Freesia! I'm sorry!"

"Oh no no, don't cry." the woman rubbed the girl's back while hugging her. "It's going to be alright."

"Sniff...sniff…" She sniffled while feeling a little safer. "Freesia….mother…"

"My name is Delia, what's yours?"

"Sniff….Salvia." She said.

"Salvia, why don't you come home with me? I know someone who can try and get in contact with your parents over there and you can sleep in a nice warm bed. You can even play with my son Ash who's about your age."

"Really….? But I don't want to intrude." She said.


She blushed while looking away in embarrassment.

"It's no intrusion." chuckled Delia standing up and taking Salvia's hand. "I promise we'll get you back home in no time."

She looked at Delia and nodded. "Yes...lady Delia."

"No need to add lady, Delia is fine." she smiled before leading Salvia down the road. "We're just going to go pick up Ash from Professor Oak's first."

"Professor Oak?" She cocked her head to the side.

"He's a pokemon researcher and has all sorts of pokemon at his ranch. Do you like pokemon?"


"Then you will love what kind of pokémon he has."


-Professor Oak's Lab-

"Professor Oak! I'm back!" she called entering the lab.

"Oh Delia." He said while looking from his book. "You're back from Johto, and two days early too."

"Well the train was early back in Goldenrod so it helped." She said while Salvia was hiding behind her back. "How's Ash been?"

"He's been fine. But he's asleep right now." He pointed to a tiny boy sleeping on the couch.


"Aw, so cute." Delia smiled.

Professor Oak then noticed the small girl and blinked. "Did you happen to kidnap her by chance?"

"Oh professor, I'm not that desperate." She chuckled in good fun. "The truth is this is Salvia, say hello."

She poked her head out. "...h-hello."

"Why hello there, my name's Professor Oak." smiled the man. "I've never seen you around before, did you just move in?"

"...no." She said. "I didn't move here."

"She arrived here by the train and got lost when she and her nanny came. I offered to let her stay with me while you tried to get in contact with the professors in Sinnoh to see if they could get in touch with her parents."

"I see. I admit that is wise, except Rowan is out of the region and visiting Kalos. He won't be back for several months."

"Oh dear."

"But I'll try to get in contact with some of the other professors in Johto and see if they can lend their assistance. I'll also inform the nearest officer Jenny about the situation so she knows where Salvia here will be staying."

Salvia looked around nervously. 'It's so….weird.'

"I'll go wake Ash up." Delia said while walking to the boy as Salvia was looking around the lab.

She looked at a beaker and started poking it.

"Be careful there Salvia, those beakers are quite delicate."

"Ah, sorry." She said while moving away. "Um….are you a pokemon doctor?"

"No, but I do tend to them if they get hurt. I study pokemon to try and know as much as I can about them. Why I even hand out three starter pokemon to young trainers when they reach ten years old."

"Oh. So can you tell me something?"


"Do Meowths eat people?"

"Of course not. That's just a tale parents tell their children to make sure they go to bed. Meowths can get fussy and territorial though, so if they're in a group and seem upset, it's best to stay away or else they may think you're a danger to them."

Salvia nodded before Ash started to wake up.


"Hey Ashy, I'm back."

He slowly got up and rubbed his eyes. "Hi mom...yawn. How was the trip?"

"It was interesting but Ashy, we have someone staying with us for a while so I want you to be on your best behavior."

"Really? Who?"

She pointed to Salvia, who was looking at one of the beakers. "She's named Salvia, go introduce yourself."

He blinked while seeing a small halo around the girl's head and got up.

'This is a strange place.' Salvia thought while looking around the room.

"Hi there, I'm Ash Ketchum."

She turned at looked at the boy. "Oh, hello sir Ash. I am...Princess Salvia."

"Princess? Wow, you mean like in those fairy tales mom reads to me?"

"Yes, but I'm not cursed." She said with a flustered look. 'This is so weird! I've never talked to a boy before...especially one outside royalty.'

"So you don't have magic hair?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"Do you live in a castle?"

"Yes, in Arrowroot Town." She said. "Near a big lake."

"I've never heard of that town before."

"It's in Sinnoh."


"Nevermind." She said while looking a little closer at him. "Sir Ash, are you a pokemon?"

"No why?"

"You have whiskers."

"What? These aren't whiskers, they're birthmarks."

"Oh." Salvia said while looking away. "Sorry."

"It's alright, but do you have a lot of maids and butlers? Oh! Do you have a great big Charizard guarding your castle?!"

"We have some maids but we don't have a Charizard. Just a Garchomp."

"A what?"

"It's a rare pokemon around these parts Ash." spoke Oak with a smile. "It's very powerful too, why I've heard it takes a champion trainer to train one."

Ash went wide eyed. "Wow!"

"It's a dragon." Salvia said while a little surprised at his surprised look. "And looks like a Sharpedo."

"I want one!" Ash said while holding the girl's hands. "That way I can be a pokemon master!"

She blushed and felt a little flustered at the sudden contact.

"Easy Ash, you'll have a chance to meet one, but when you're older."

"Aw." He huffed at that.

Salvia moves away while putting her hands on her face and hid behind a bookcase. "S-Sir Ash...d-don't do that." 'Eeep!'

"Don't do what?"

"T-Touch me." She squeaked. "Touching a princess is….is weird!"


"It's….it's just weird." She said while looking away.


Only to turn bright red as her stomach growled again.

"Oh dear, we better get you two home and have dinner." smiled Delia.

Salvia blushed and nodded while fidgeting with her dress. 'So embarrassing!'


"Here we are, home sweet home." Delia said while they walked into the house.

Salvia blinked while looking surprised at the small living room. "This is where you live?"


"It's so….small." She said looking around. "And bland."

"Hey." frowned Ash. "What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing sir Ash, it's just…..really tiny." She admitted.

"Well it may not be a castle, but it's still homey." smiled Delia. "You two make yourselves comfy while I get dinner started. Ash, show Salvia around the house."

"Ok mom." He said while grabbing Salvia's hand. "I'll show you my room."

"H-Huh?" She said while getting dragged away. She blushed feeling his hand while trying to follow as he lead her up the stairs. 'T-This boy is...weird.'

Ash then walked into his room and smiled. "Nice right?"

"Um…" she looked around. "It's….nice." 'Is that a Voltorb clock?'

"Yeah, it's the best bedroom in the whole world." He said while sitting on the bed.

She looked around and saw the tv. "Sir Ash, are you sure I can stay here?"

"Sure, if mom says you can, then you can stay."

She looked at him. "Alright….but why are you so nice to me? I'm a princess and you're….a boy."

"Yeah, so?"

"I mean….it's so weird." She admitted. "You aren't bowing or being fancy, just being….odd."

Ash blinked at that. "Do you want me to bow to you?"

"Well I'm not asking that, it's just usually people bow to me all the time back home."

"Oh." He said before looking at her and got up.

She saw him bow and felt a little comfortable.

"Is that better?"

"Yes." She said. "Thank you sir Ash."

"You're welcome my lady." He said with a smile. "Wanna play?"

"Play? What exactly?"

"Hide n seek, you're it!"

She blinked as Ash ran away. "Huh? Sir Ash?"

"Cover your eyes and count to ten!"

She looked confused at that. "Um...ten, nine, eight."

Ash made sure her eyes were closed before hiding in the closet.

"Seven, six, five, four." She counted while still looking confused.

'She will never find me here.'

"Three, two one? Where are you sir Ash?"

He smiled while being quiet.

Salvia looked around while feeling a little nervous. 'What is he trying to do? What's hide and seek? And why did he run?' She then walked out of the room. "Sir Ash? Where are you?"

'She's way off.'

(A few minutes later)

Delia looked at the cooking pot while smiling. "Just some herbs and I'll be done."

"Lady Delia." Said a crying Salvia. "I-I can't find sir Ash, sniff."

"What? What do you mean?" she asked while crouching down to wipe her tears away.

"Sniff, he said something about seek and hide and...I-I can't find him."

"Oh! I see now." she nodded. "Salvia, there's nothing to be worried about. He meant hide n seek, it's a game."

She sniffled. "S-So he's not gone forever?"

"Of course not. It's where one person covers their eyes, counts, and then has to find the other person. Where were you two when he brought it up?"

"Sir Ash's room, sniff."

"I see now. Come with me." she lead Salvia to the room and looked inside before smiling. "Watch this. Ash honey! Dinner's ready!"

"Coming mom!" Ash called out before falling out of the closet. "Ow!"

"Sir Ash! You're alright!" Salvia called out before hugging him tightly. "I-I thought you were gone forever!"

"Of course not, I was hiding, that's part of the game."

"Ash, did you explain the rules carefully to her?"


"Ash, that's rude. Salvia was worried about you and came to me in tears." frowned Delia. "I think you owe her an apology."

Ash gulped before looking at Salvia. "I'm sorry."

"Sniff, meany." She said with a small pout.

"Next time if you wanna play a game, make sure she understands the rules first."

Ash looked at Delia and nodded. "Yes mom."

"Sir Ash." Salvia sniffled. "Don't leave me again."

He blinked and felt a compulsion to follow her order. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry."

"..." she looked away. "Then prove it."


"Stay with me." She said. "Until I get home that is."

"Oh, is that all? Sure."

She smiled a little. "I am counting on you sir Ash."

Delia smiled at this while thinking it was the most cutest thing in the world. "Alright you two, come downstairs, dinner's just about ready."

"Ok mom." Ash said while running downstairs.

Salvia blinked while feeling a little happy that someone cared for her, but also felt confused.

(Much later)

"So this is my bed?" Salvia asked while seeing a small sleeping bag on the ground.

"Uh huh."

"It's….funny looking." She poked it. "I have never seen a bed this small before."

"It's a sleeping bag." Ash said.

"So it's a bag? You want me to sleep in a bag?"

"Yeah, it's really comfy."

"But I'm not a vegetable." She said with a frown. "I don't belong in a bag."

"Vegetable? What do you mean?"

She looked at him. "You put vegetables in bags, not people."


"That's what I learned, that's how vegetables and other produce was carried around."

"Oh! Sorry, but sleeping bags are for people not food." He chuckled. "But it's almost bedtime so I'll just go and let you do your thing."

"But I've never slept on the floor before."

"Oh, well you can learn to right?"

"I don't know, have you done it before?"

"Tons of times."

Salvia looked at the sleeping bag before looking at Ash. "Then can you…..sleep with me tonight? So I can get used to this that is."

"You mean like sleeping together in it?"

"Yes." She said while tugging at her dress.

"Well it seems a bit small for the two of us…."

"Yes. But...just don't squeeze me."

"Ok, well, night night." he spoke climbing into the bag.

Salvia looked at him before walking to a corner to change into pjs. After she was done, she crawled in and felt squashed. 'This is smaller than I imagined.'

"Night." Ash said while falling asleep.

"Good night." She said before falling asleep.

(Three months later)

"Salvia! Where are you!"

"I'm here." Salvia said while looking at the microwave. "And I don't know how to use this thing to make popcorn."

"You just push the popcorn button."

"Which one was it?"

"This." he pushed the button before the microwave started.

Salvia blinked while looking at the machine. "Thanks sir Ash."

Ash smiled before popcorn started to fall out of the machine in massive piles, causing them to get buried by hot popcorn. "Woah!"

"Eeep!" Salvia cried out while the popcorn kept on coming.

After a while of this Delia walked in and saw the sight. "Oh my word!"

"Hey mom! Look what we made!" called Ash while eating the popcorn.

Salvia looked at the mess and felt ashamed. "Sorry lady Delia. It's...my fault."

"It's alright dear, everyone makes mistakes." she smiled reassuringly. "It's not as hard to clean up as you might think."

She looked around before seeing Ash getting sick.

"Ugh...too much popcorn…"

"Sir Ash, will you be alright?"

"Ugh…" he groaned. "I don't know…"

She moved closer to him and felt his head with her hand. "You don't have a fever, so you don't have a Magmar in your stomach."

"My tummy hurts…"

Salvia moves to his stomach. "Freesia told me that a hurt stomach needs something special to heal it."


"You need soda. She says it helps tummies." She then got up and grabbed some soda from the fridge. "Open wide."

"Ooh, I like soda…"

(Two minutes later)

"Ugh...burp!" He groaned while his stomach hurt even more and he felt very sick.

"Sir Ash? Are you feeling better?"

"No...burp!" He groaned while looking ready to puke.

"Salvia, soda is not good for stomachs when you put the whole thing down his throat. You need to give it to him in small cups."


"It's alright, but right now he needs some antacid and not anymore sugar."

"Yes lady Delia." She said while feeling very guilty. 'I'm a bad person.'


Ash groaned while feeling sick. "Ugh….burp!"

"I'm sorry sir Ash."


"I didn't mean it. I just wanted to help, like a princess should do." She said sadly.

"It's ok...you tried...your, burp! Best…"

"But I didn't. I made you sick." She frowned. "And...I don't know what I can do. I..I just wanted to help you sir Ash."

"It'll be alright, his stomach will feel better, just give the medicine some time to kick in." spoke Delia.

She sighed in relief but felt very bad still. "But...I thought that sir Ash would be fine. Like a knight."

"Even knights get sick." Delia sweatdropped.

"Sorry...we can't, burp! Play Salvia." he got out.

"..." she looked down and gripped her dress. "Sniff."

"It'll be alright sweetie."

"Sniff." She hugged Ash tightly. "I'm sorry for being a bad princess!"

"Oof!" He groaned while burping by accident. "Sorry."

"Sir Ash, I'm sorry."

"It's alright." he spoke patting her back while blushing.

"But I'm a bad princess."

"You're not. You're just a nice girl."

"But I nearly made you sick."

"But I ate the popcorn."

"And I asked for help. Sir Ash, I'm just a bad person with no experience outside the castle." She said sadly.

"No you're not."

She looked at the floor. "...But I am."

"No you're not, you're a nice girl. I mean you have a nice voice and personality, even if you don't know what video games are."

"I know...I know." She said sadly before Ash hugged her back. "I know…"

"Then don't call yourself a bad person."

"..." she looked at him with some tears. "Sir Ash."

"Salvia, you're a wonderful person so please don't feel bad. I believe in you."

She blushed at that. "Really?"

He nodded.

She slowly smiled at that. "Thank you sir Ash, you're like a knight."

"Heh, I guess I am." he chuckled.

Delia smiled. "Well Ash needs some rest so Salvia, it's time to clean up."

"Yes lady Delia." She said with a nod before getting off of Ash. "Feel better sir Ash."

"Thanks." He smiled before letting out a burp. "Excuse me."


Ash and Salvia were playing ball while Salvia was having trouble catching them.

"Are you sure this is a good game sir Ash? I can't get anything with this glove."

"Sure you can, you just need practice." He said before throwing the ball.

Salvia tried to catch it but she missed, again. "Aw!"

"Come on! You gotta jump for it!"

She picked the ball up and threw it at Ash, but missed him by a mile. "Aw!"

"It's ok, you'll get it next time."

"I hope so sir Ash." She said before trying to catch the ball, and missed again. "Not again!"

"Keep trying."

She threw the ball and sighed. "I hope I can catch this ball."

"Here it comes!"

She readied herself before closing her eyes.


She slowly opened her eyes and saw the ball right in her hand. "I...I caught it."

"See? I knew you could do it."

"I-I did it!" She raised her hand up. "I did it!"

"Fearow." Called out a large Fearow as it grabbed the ball from Salvia's hands and flew away with the ball.

"Hey! Bring that back at once!"

"Fearow." It cawed before flying into a tree and started cleaning itself.

Salvia looked at it with a frown. "Please give it back mister Fearow."

"Row." It shook itself while still holding onto the ball. "Fearow."

"Aw man."

Salvia looked at the pokemon and sighed. "Sorry sir Ash. I lost the ball...to a pokemon."

"It's ok, I have another ball." he smiled holding up a second one.

"I see." She said while catching the ball. "I hope you catch it sir Ash."

"Of course I will, I can catch anything." he smirked with pride before the ball went over his head. "Hey! I wasn't ready!"

"But I was." She smiled.

"Fearow." The pokemon said before flying off and into the distance.


Salvia sighed while trying to find Ash again in a game of hide and seek, and was having trouble finding him in the house. "Sir Ash? Where are you?"

But what she didn't know was that he was hiding in the bathtub and keeping his mouth shut. 'He he, she'll never find me in here.'

"Sir Ash?" She said while looking in the closet. "Hello? Are you in there?"

After a while, she felt a little nervous as she didn't want to be away from Ash then anymore then a minute. 'Oh no, what if he tried something new and went hiding outside the house?'

'She won't find me.' Ash thought while Salvia was looking around the bathroom.

"Sir Ash? Are you here? Please, don't make me run in the woods."

'Why would she go out there?' He thought while Salvia walked into the bathroom and looked around.

"Please sir Ash, come out." She called out. "Please!"

He covered his mouth before she looked in the tub and smiled. "You found me!"

She huffed. "I thought you hid outside."


"You scared me!"

"But why? We're playing a game."

"You were hiding and I couldn't find you." Salvia sighed. "That and you know I don't like being alone."

"Oh right, my bad." He admitted. "But it is a bit clingy."

"I'm not clingy sir Ash." She pouted.

"But when we were in the sleeping bag you wouldn't let me go when it was time for breakfast."

"Because it was cozy." She blushed.

"And you tried nibbling my ear."

"I-I was dreaming of candy!" she blushed bright red. "A-And you hardly spoke up too!"

"I was tired, but I thought you were being a Rattata or something."

Salvia blushed and started lightly bopping Ash on the chest. "I-I'm not a Rattata!"

"Hey!" he frowned before slapping at her back lightly. "You're mean!"

"You started it meany!"

"No you!"

Both kept this up for a while before Salvia tripped and fell into the tub and bopped Ash on the head.



"That hurt." Salvia said before seeing Ash's face SUPER close to her and blushed crimson red. "E-EEEEEEEEEEEEP!"

"Ow! Why are you doing that?!" he covered his ears.

She jumped away and covered her face. 'I-I was so close to sir Ash!'

"What's wrong now?" He asked while looking very confused.

"I-I'm sorry!" She got up and ran away in embarrassment.


(Much later)

Knock knock knock.

Delia blinked while getting up from the couch as Ash and Salvia were sitting next to her. "Yes, who is it?"

"Is princess Salvia here? It's Freesia, the woman you talked to yesterday on the phone."

"Oh!" she opened the door and smiled. "Good to see you in person."

"Is the princess here?"

"Oh she's inside with my son. Come in." She said while moving aside.

"Princess Salvia?"

"Freesia!" Salvia called out before running to the woman and hugged her leg.

"Princess." She smiled. "Thank Arceus you are alright."

"Freesia! I was so scared! I didn't know where I was, you were already gone, I thought I was gonna get eaten by the Meowths, but these nice people let me stay here!"

She looked at Delia and then at Ash. "I see."

"And I learned so many things. Like making popcorn and playing hide and seek. And...and I got into a fight with a Fearow!"


"Yeah." Ash smiled. "All to get a ball back too."

"My goodness!"

"Not to worry though, it flew away and I managed to make sure they were punished because they should have come to me first." frowned Delia making the kids look at the floor.

"Sorry." Both said at once.

Freesia shock her head. "Well if they learned from their mistakes then it's ok. Right princess?"

"Yes Freesia."

"Well I'm just glad to see you're ok. Your parents were worried sick when I told them I left you behind."


"Now the train is almost ready to leave." She said. "So please get anything you need and come along."

"Alright." Salvia said before giving Ash a hug. "Good bye sir Ash, I will miss you and your whiskers."

"They're not whiskers." he puffed out his cheeks.

"I know." She said before giving him a small kiss on the cheek as she lightly blushed and walked to Freesia.

He blushed and touched the spot while watching them walk out before sputtering. "W-Wait!"

Salvia turned around. "Y-Yes?" 'What? I'm trying to not faint!'

"If you ever need help, your knight will be there." he spoke up proudly.

"...I will remember that." She said before turning around with a bright red face.

"Awww, that's sweet." smiled Delia.

Ash blushed while feeling very embarrassed.

(Many years later)

-Sinnoh, Arrowroot Town-

"This town feels...off." spoke Ash to Brock and Dawn while rubbing his chin.

"How so?" Asked Dawn while holding Piplup.

"I don't know, it just feels like I should know what this place is."

"Maybe it's the air." Brock suggested.

"No, it's something else." He said while feeling like he was being watched.

"I think it's pretty cozy." smiled Dawn.

Ash looked around before feeling something right behind him. He turned and saw nothing behind him. "Huh, thought there was something right there."

"Hello sir Ash." Said a voice from right behind him.

"AHHHHHHHH!" He screamed before jumping back and knocked Dawn down in the process.



"Oh sorry sir Ash." Spoke the figure, which Ash now saw was Salvia, now wearing a dark blue dress with a C cup chest and large hips. "I didn't know that I would scare you like that. You did that to me when we were still young."

"Huh?" he blinked before gaping. "Salvia?!"

She smiled. "Hello sir Ash."

Brock blinked before looking at Ash. "You know this girl?"

"Yes, she's my friend." he smiled while the others took a sec to look between her and Dawn in shock.

"She's….me?" Dawn said while looking at Salvia.

"Hello." She waved while Dawn and Ash got up. "Acquaintances of sir Ash?"

"Y-Yeah, these are my friends." He said. "This is Dawn, Brock and Pikachu."

"Pika chu."

Salvia looked at each one before saying. "They don't look like squire material."

"Well they're not squires, they're my traveling buddies. Wait! That's it! Now I know why this town seemed so familiar, you mentioned it when you stayed with me!"

"Wait huh?!" Brock said in shock. "You stayed with her?!"

"Yeah, even slept in a sleeping bag together." He said.

"Yep." Salvia chuckled. "Welcome to my home and where my castle resides. It's down a few miles from here but this place is where I rule."

"Wow, you never mentioned you knew a princess." spoke Dawn.

"You never asked." He sweatdropped.

"Sir Ash." Salvia spoke up. "I have three things to say that are of the utmost importance."

"What are they?"

"One, I finally got the popcorn button right." She smiled. "So no more avalanches and upset stomachs for you."

And cue him anime falling.

"Um, avalanches?" spoke Brock confused.

"Well there was an incident where lots of popcorn exploded out of a microwave and well….sir Ash got a stomach ache. Didn't help that I poured a large bottle of soda down this throat." She said with a light blush.

"And you still call me that." sweatdropped Ash.

"The second thing is that I got permission from my father and mother to go on a pokemon adventure next year." She smiled. "I'm going to be a master like you sir Ash."

"Really? That's awesome! You're gonna have loads of fun." he smiled.

"T-Thanks." She said with a blush before shaking her head. "And lastly, I finally persuaded father to let me pick who to marry when I get older."

"Wait, you were gonna get married?"

"Eventually yes."

Ash nodded. "So who's the lucky guy?"

That was when she walked towards him and kissed him on the lips.

The others went wide eyed with Ash turning beat red.

She moved back and blushed. "Congratulations….you….you got the princess….my knight in shining armor." 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!'

"Ah...ah...ah….ah…." He stuttered before Salvia looked at the others.

"Um….is he ok?" She asked with a red face.

"I don't think he's ever kissed someone." spoke Brock.

"At all." Dawn said with a light blush.

Salvia looked at Ash and smiled awkwardly. "Um….at least you have a princess...right?"

He gave a stiff nod before fainting with swirls in his eyes.

"SIR ASH!" She cried out in shock. "SIR ASH WAKE UP!"

"Guess our Ash has fainted." joked Brock.

"Like a pokemon." Dawn added as the screen went black. 'Aw! Why can't it be me with a love life?'

he woke up and they went to the castle and the princess said this is ash he is the one that helped me wene i was lost all those years ago and ash this is the king steven and queen connie he said nice to meat you well bowing to them than she said he is the one i well marrying in the future he said i well be done with my traveling in a year so if you wont someone to look after her on her journey i well do it that way she is safe and no one well hert her they said ok be back here in 11 months he said ok well do and can we stay for the night the king said yes they sleep and inthe morning they left 11 months later he went back to the castle and said what region do you wont to go to she said your home town He said OK then you can see my mom again and will stay there for a couple days and then start our journey they got home he said this princess Salvia she was here whene she was young and i told her parents that i would protect her on her journey so me and her are going to live tomarow in the morning they left she got a starter from ash that he had kukui send over and it wad a popplio then they went to challenge misty and wone her bage then brock then Lt. Surge. then Erika.the evolves into Brionne then they beat Janine.

then Sabrina.then Blaine.then Giovanni. then they went to kalos and they challenged Clemont  and got his bage then challenged Viola then Grant then Korrina then Ramos then Valerie then Olympia  then Wulfric