
Pokemon Earth's Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

A young man suddenly found himself in a parallel world to Earth, and the most surprising aspect of it was the presence of Pokémon in this world. However, a significant issue existed: most people harbored strong hatred towards these creatures. Five years ago, when Pokémon first appeared in this world, it caused alarm and panic across the globe. Countless instances of destruction, loss of life, and chaos unfolded. The protagonist was bestowed with a system that transformed him into the World's Strongest Dragon Trainer. Author's Note: The world itself remained unchanged; I merely altered the names of countries. For instance, Japan became Nihon, China became Longdong, the Philippines became Maharlika, and so on. This change was necessary as I am not familiar with these places. Even the city names were modified, but I needed them to feature in my story. Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a non-commercial, unofficial work created solely for entertainment purposes. All characters, settings, and elements related to the Pokémon franchise are the intellectual property of Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures. I do not claim any ownership over Pokémon or any associated trademarks. Except for the Pokémon related to my story, I only own a few original characters and some ideas. That's it. This work is not intended to infringe upon the rights of the original copyright holders. On Patreon, I've released advanced18 chapters ahead of the webnovel: https://www.patreon.com/iceclaw9113

iceclaw9113 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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231 Chs


Everyone, I have an announcement to make. Unfortunately, I am experiencing issues with my laptop; it won't turn on, and the orange light keeps blinking every time I try to charge it. I am not sure what's happening, so I am going to have it checked by a technician, which means there might be a delay of updates for a few days or possibly even weeks.

To be honest, I've been using this laptop for 7 years now, starting from my senior year in high school up until now that I've graduated. It has been a long journey, and it saddens me to see it in this condition. *Sigh.* Currently, I am typing this on my phone.

I am really sorry to my readers and Patron readers; I've disappointed you. However, please don't worry. I am already more than 20+ chapters ahead for my casual readers and 10+ chapters ahead for my Patron readers, so dropping the series is out of the question.