
Pokemon Duskfall

Shade longs to be a Pokemon Champion of his region named Avalon. He creates a weird device that would let him get intel about other pokemons in detail. How will this device help him to get near his goal? A story about a young boy getting caught by fate...

Shade_2444 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 : The League

Pinecrest is one the popular cities in Avalon. It is pretty popular because of the lower and middle level of pokemons found here. This really helps in training of newborn or low leveled pokemon. Even though there are a many more cities like this, Pinecrest has the day care. Also the pokemon center here is relatively nearer to the routes. You could see many trainers roaming around or resting in the passageway after training. Some trainers just come here for breeding of their pokemons. 

Though route 17 is technically a part of Pinecrest, the level of pokemons there is pretty low for any trainer to train there. Route 15 and 16 are better for this job. 

Shade and Starly walk out of the passage towards Pinecrest town. Pinecrest town is of the refreshing and near to nature towns. You wont find any tall skyscrapers or any high level organisations working here. But its also not really an agriculture area. There are many small houses, most of them would have about 2 rooms at max. He could see the Pokemon Centre from way far due to the crowd there. 

He grabs the pokedex while walking towards the centre. The first thing is does is checking the main places in this town. Although he has come to this town before, he doesn't remember much about this place. The main highlights of this town might just be the day care and the New Ground's Hotel for new trainers and old trainers alike. There is a small market in the left side of the city while residential area could be found in the right side. Though the overall place is still small and most people work in the street markets or the hotel. Even though this place might look like a poor town, its actually doing pretty well due to the amount of trainers ready to stay here and buy things from their markets. 

"So first I'll get registered, then lets see what to do." thought Shade. Starly's excitement was turning to nervousness as they were slowly reaching the pokemon centre. Starly had never seen so much crowd before. Shade walked behind the line and waited for his turn. He didn't really bother that much crowd, especially when he deciding his plans for later. He decided that he will firstly go back to route 17 for some more levels then progressing towards route 16 to the lush forest, mostly to have an easier time training Starly.

The screen inside the center buzzes and the news changes to a new broadcast.

On the screen was Kaius, the champion of Avalon. He is a really respectful person and many people have him as a role model. He single handedly destroyed the whole Team Rocket base in our metropolis. Not only that, he is the most powerful trainer in the whole region.

"Heya fellow trainers, I know lots and lots of you people are registering as a league challenger right now. I am very excited to tell you that this time, I will be sponsoring the League and I will bring a lot of new changes to this league." Kaius said confidently. This was being broadcasted on every news channel and it had grabbed the attention of most people, even the non trainers. Shade could easily hear sounds of people cheering in the city. "League is hosted by Kaius?! Damn, I'd better listen, there is no way the changes made by him would be bad." Shade thought. He was amazed after hearing this. 

"So trainers, listen carefully now. What I have seen is that after all these years, the gym leaders have become more powerful than they already were. You all know how this goes, the league is basically becoming harder and harder every few years. So I have added a seperate way to get the badges required for the League. Now listen, Every few months, the gym leaders will host their own small tournaments with rules of their choosing. Challengers who would score a higher ranking would be awarded with the badge. And to kickstart this, I myself will be hosting over the first tournament in the Evershine Metropolis. This tournament will be hosted in about 2 months, so buckle up and now scram and train!" he concluded. Loud cheering noises could be heard in the whole city.

"Damn, badges from tournaments? Thats so sick, lemme check where Evershine is." Shade said. In the map in his pokedex he saw that Evershine is in the middle of the region, an easily accesible place would be an excellent pick for a tournament like this. He thought for a bit and finalised that he would go to Lush forests, which will lead him to Amberglow. There he would train in battle arena and training dojo. Lastly he would go through Crest town to route 10 to lastly Evershine town. "Starly, buckle up, we are set for intense training for atleast 2 months." 

Starly was fired up himself. Especially after his battle with spearow, he realized that he is still pretty weak in a harsh way. 

About 30 mins later, Shade registered his pokedex and got his brand new League Card. "Hope you enjoy your journey trainer." said Joy while the other Joy gave his fully healed Starly back to Shade.

Shade was glancing at his card while he suddenly got pushed from behind and heard, "Step aside now kid, lemme register now sucker" 

Shade sighed after looking at him and sat at the bench outside pokemon center without bothering him much. Arguing isn't really his thing until its important or unavoidable.

While sitting he booted up his pokedex and started collecting data about the trainers with their pokemons out. He could see many low level spearows, ekans and rattatas. There were some level 12ish pidgeys sitting on their trainer's shoulders. The only pokemon he found interesting was the scraggy with the same guy who pushed him. It was about level 20 and higher than most trainers he saw. Though he didn't really expect much, cus after all this town is full of trainers with low level pokemons. 

Being dissapointed, he just walks away back to route 17, he hoped to atleast get to level 14 and try evolving Starly.

He walks out to the passage then enters the route again. This time he just looked for Metapods, even though these pokemons are not good fighters, they keep using harden which helps in training the Attack stat of pokemon. Not only that, they are the higher exp giving pokemon in the area, other than beedrills, though only a fool would fight beedrills with a literal level 10 pokemon.

For about 4 hours, they don't do anything special and just train with level 7 to 8 metapods. Starly has leveled up to 12 and had learned wing attack.

Then, finally his eyes look at something new, a group of venipedes, a little inside of the trees. Though most of these venipedes were level 5's, they give a good deal of EXP. But then he noticed something, an unique Venipede.



HP ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||(100%)

Lvl - 9

Ability - Speed Boost 


Nature - Jolly

IVS - 10, 25, 20, 2, 15, 30

EVS - (Wild Pokemon)

Moves - 

 Poison Sting, Rollout, Protect, Defense Curl, Fury Cutter(egg move)
