
Pokemon : Destruction

Death. War. Destruction. The world of the future lies in ruins. I got the chance to go back and stop it from ever happening, only to discover that I was the cause. This is how I destroyed the world.

DaoistOC9kLF · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Chapter no.9

Jennifer told me, in a phrase that was a paraphrase of her earlier words, that the more you bond with your Pokémon, the more you'll understand it. She did this while ignoring the fact that I was unfamiliar with my own Pokémon. "As a result of this, they will be able to pick up on your internal state of mind. It's the same way that you and your friend, lover, coworker, or brother in arms become more attuned to each other after spending a significant amount of time together. Keep in mind that if you are anxious about something, your Pokémon will become anxious as well. Your Pokémon will develop an inflated sense of self-assurance if you do." She paused for a few moments so that she could consume some more of her meal. "And this one may sound strange, but spend as much time as you can reading books or going to libraries," the speaker continued. I must have made a face that indicated my confusion, because she smiled in that way that she always did, which was a mix of pity and amusement. "You might know how to kill Pokémon and what to look out for in terms of nests and other related things, but how much do you know about taking care of your own Pokémon? the treatment of their illnesses, the management of their typing abilities, or even the management of different species and their innate abilities as well as their inherent weaknesses. Even at this late hour, I'm still discovering new things about Pokémon, such as how to better take care of each and every one of them. In this regard, being a trainer is an amazing profession because you never stop gaining new knowledge."

I took the advice that she gave to heart. It only took me a few short days to realise that not every Pokémon was a natural killer, and that some of them could even be taught to avoid eating food through proper training. In addition to this, I had realised how much effort was required for the actual training. Excitement filled every pore of my body at the prospect of never stopping my quest for knowledge, regardless of how old I got.

In a more solemn voice, she emphasised, "Most importantly." "Never lose sight of the reason you came here in the first place. Realize that every action has a reaction, regardless of how insignificant the action is or how long it takes for the reaction to take place. This is true regardless of how quickly or slowly the reaction takes place. Remember that if you ever choose to sit back and do nothing, you could very well ensure that your grave future still exists, even if your journey makes you see the darkest depths of the soul that humanity has to offer. This is something you should keep in mind as you travel."

Her words had the intended effect of bringing everyone's spirits down, which is something that she herself became aware of as she sat and ate in silence afterward. After we had both finished, she indicated for me to continue sitting before leaving the room. "Regardless of the circumstances, do everything in your power to have a good time on the trip." I couldn't tell for sure whether she was attempting to lighten the mood or not, but it was clear that she was making an effort to do so. "Being a Pokémon Trainer, exploring the world, and forming relationships that will last a lifetime with your Pokémon... these are without a doubt the happiest times in your life. I won't tell you anything else about the things that you will experience on your journey because there are some things that are better learned through direct exposure, rather than through hearing about them."

I nodded and assisted her with the dishes after we finished eating. As we cleaned up, we engaged in light conversation that ranged from her life up to this point and the many amazing places she had visited to my own experiences and the rare instances of beauty I had discovered in my own world. Due to the tone in which she spoke, I was aware that I would be leaving the following day, and I discovered that I was missing her presence prior to my departure.

"Even though I'll be on the road for a while, I should be able to get in touch with you, right?" I inquired as to when we would finish the cleaning. As soon as she gave me that look, which was the most contrite expression I'd ever observed, I had the unmistakable impression that I had gone too far.

She answered my question with a clear indication that she had deliberated over her choice of words: "For a while, yes." However, I fear that in approximately one month from now, you won't be able to do that anymore.

It's highly likely that if I had been holding a plate at the time, I would have dropped it. "Why?" I found that I was inquiring. She took me in, taught me a great deal in a relatively short amount of time, and undoubtedly contributed a substantial amount to my journey by doing so. It seemed odd to me that she might have made the decision to stop communicating with me altogether.

She let out a sigh and put a hand to the side of her head as she did so. She started by saying, "It's a side effect of working so closely with a psychic type Pokémon," while motioning for me to take a seat. "It's a side effect of working so closely with a psychic type Pokémon." Before continuing, she waited until we were both seated before continuing the conversation. "You have to understand that the minds of human beings are not nearly as developed or complex as those of a psychic Pokémon. Because of the close relationship we have with them, they are willing to share some of their power with us. The vast majority of trainers experience nothing more than a telepathic bond with one another, and at most, they are able to transfer images. This has zero bearing on us in any way. Nevertheless, "She squeezed her hands together so tightly that the pressure caused her hands to turn a milky white colour. "Anything beyond that may result in negative effects on human beings. Have I not told you before that Celebi provided me with all of the information that I required?"

I confirmed by nodding in a confused manner while simultaneously wondering where she was going with this line of discussion.