
Pokemon : Destruction

Death. War. Destruction. The world of the future lies in ruins. I got the chance to go back and stop it from ever happening, only to discover that I was the cause. This is how I destroyed the world.

DaoistOC9kLF · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Chapter no.10

"Well, in order for that to happen, Celebi had to grant me control over a greater portion of its power." On the other hand, when a human and a psychic type share significant powers, it is essentially the same thing as passing a death sentence on the human in question. She continued by saying, "I'm dying," while obviously trying her best not to let the obvious strain of her emotions show in her voice. "As a direct result of it, I have a brain tumour that is inoperable." "I have one more month, maybe two on this world," the man said. She was able to plainly see the horror and surprise written all over my face as she grimaced and shook her head in acceptance of her plight and in refusal of my silent protests. She also saw the smile on my face at the same time. "Given the opportunity, I would do it all over again." You see, I am a parent to a child of my own. She is currently venturing off on her own adventure someplace in the Kanto region. When she was telling me about her, the look of obvious pride that spread across her face was very noticeable. "Erica Hale is the name of the woman. If you ever have the opportunity to speak with or even just meet her, you owe it to her to treat her with the utmost respect, regardless of how long you spend together travelling or even just talking." I did this not only to help a child from a low-income family improve their life, but also to ensure that my grandchildren will not have to experience the same kind of hardships while growing up."

I was completely astonished and perplexed. Whiskers began to rub herself sadly against Jennifer, seemingly showing me some of the emotional bond that Jennifer had begun to explain to me. Whiskers' behaviour seemed to show me some of the emotional connection that Whiskers and Jennifer share. I'd always known that psychic Pokémon were among the most dangerous to come across; they had the potential to contort your body in grotesque ways that it wasn't designed to contort, and they could even induce migraines or something even worse. However, the possibility that even cooperating with one could result in one's death was not something I had ever considered. I gradually started to wonder, from a distance, how many people had attempted something comparable on their individual quests for power.

Jennifer instructed me to never abuse the powers of a psychic Pokémon as she quickly erected the walls of her hastily constructed happy-go-lucky facade. She said this to me as she quickly erected the walls of her happy-go-lucky facade. "So unless the situation leaves you with no other alternative, never abuse the powers of a psychic Pokémon," Jennifer said. "Since you will be embarking on your trip the following day, it is imperative that you get an early night." "I'll go over a few more details with you tomorrow," the speaker said.

I continued to remain seated for a little while longer, pondering exactly what it was that I ought to do. I told her, "I don't need to sleep." She didn't believe me. If you'd like the company, I'd be happy to stay up past my bedtime and accompany you wherever you go the following day.

She smiled, but it was a smile that was borne of both joy and sorrow. "I'm sorry, sweetheart, but that's not required." It is sufficient for me that I have had the opportunity to get to know a young man of such exceptional honour as yourself, and I am grateful for this. Believe me, when you leave, you'll be thankful that you had a good night's sleep in advance of your departure, and I have a few more things to do before I also retire for the night.

After giving her a nod of acknowledgement, I stood up and picked up Xander, continuing to hold the creature while he slept in my arms. His slimy body moved ever so slightly under my grasp, forcing me to readjust my grip until I could finally keep hold of him. Before I left the room, I made sure to put my hand on Jennifer's shoulder, and as I climbed the many stairs that suddenly seemed to contain so much melancholy within them, I couldn't help but feel sad.

Surprisingly, in spite of everything I had been told, I was asleep the moment I laid my head down that night.

Waking up before dawn was something that was ingrained in me from a young age, and it became something that I did as a matter of course. My clothes from the previous day were still folded neatly at the foot of the bed, where I had left them, and Xander was still tucked away securely in his Poké Ball, which was itself placed on top of the small pile of clothes that I had.

After taking one final look out the window, I gave my shoulders and back a good stretch and pop while also taking in the scenery outside. After I had finished taking a shower, it appeared that Jennifer had taken the clothes I had worn the day before and replaced them with a fresh set that I could use on my trip. After quickly drying myself off, I changed into the new clothes that she had left for me and took a moment to assess my appearance in the mirror. I realised that I hadn't had much of an opportunity to see how I looked since I had arrived in the strange times and places of the past.

My dark brown hair hung in soft waves just below the beginning of my neck, framing my face and stopping a hair's breadth away from my left eyebrow. My reflection was met with a pair of brown eyes that stared back at me, their gaze moving over my tanned skin with suspicion. My face had managed to hang on to some of its baby fat, which prevented my cheeks from appearing as sunken in as they otherwise would have.

My travel attire consisted of a t-shirt in a beige colour, and I wore a sleeveless jacket in a dark green colour over it. My lower legs were covered from the top down by pants of the same dark green hue, and I had a pair of beige boots with toe caps made of steel on my feet. My Poké Balls were supposed to be held in a bandolier that I wore across my chest from right to left, but at that moment it only contained Xander's ball. I reached into the pocket of my beige tee and pulled out my dog tags, allowing them to rest on top of the shirt. Observing the glimmer of their silver made me experience a sense of serenity and composure. They were mine, and they served as documentation of my advancement through the guard corps. Despite the fact that I detested the era in which I was raised, the fact that I was able to accomplish something in my life was a sign that the time was significant. Simply being aware of that gave me a sense of self-assurance.

Jennifer was already waiting for me when I got to the basement level of the building. She carried a rucksack with a beige camouflage pattern on it, and the expression on her face was a bittersweet mix of pride and sadness.

"Here," she said as she gently placed it in my hands and then uttered the word "here." "I've already put your pants in there, as well as a few small provisions like potions and other items like that," she said. "I've put them in there."

I expressed my gratitude and then looked at the backpack, perplexed as to how everything could possibly fit into something that was so much smaller. I was aware that Poké Balls made use of some strange technology to reduce the size of the creatures inside so that they could be contained within the ball, but I never once considered that this technology could be applied to bags or anything similar.

Jennifer put her gentle hand on my arm and said to me, "I'm sorry if you don't like the whole army theme, but it's the only thing I thought you'd want to wear." As she did so, she apologised for the theme. "Everything else was either covered in logos and names you wouldn't understand or was endorsed by people you wouldn't be familiar with," the author said. Because clothing is frequently the topic of conversation when people meet for the first time, I thought you could fib and say you were an army cadet, which would explain your attire.

I gave her a brief squeeze while giving her a grateful smile and placing my hand on top of hers. "They are ideal in every way. It is very much appreciated by me. Even though it might sound strange, I enjoy having something that serves as a constant reminder of who I am. It provides me with a sense of stability by reminding me of my origins, the things I've been through, and the perilous state the world could be in if I were to fail. I want to express my gratitude to you from the depths of my being.

Her grin was the broadest I'd ever seen it get before she grabbed me in her arms and gave me a bear hug. Her face lit up with the happiest expression I'd ever seen on her. You are more than welcome, thank you. "Getting to know you has been nothing short of a pleasure as well as an honour," someone said. As she let go of me, she blew her nose and wiped a tear from her eye before continuing. She clarified for me that we were just south of Mauville at the moment as she pressed an open map into my hands and told me where we were. She explained everything to me as she pointed out the route on the map with her finger. "You'll need to head south-west, along Route One Hundred and Three, past Altering Cave, south through Oldale Town, and into Littleroot," she said while illustrating the route for me. "When you arrive in Littleroot, report to Professor Birch to sign up as a trainer at the Pokémon Center." You will gain access to the benefits that come with being a trainer, such as being able to store Pokémon with him, and he will also provide you with your very own Pokédex. I must have looked like I had no idea what she was talking about because she smiled politely and patted me on the arm as she laughed at my reaction to her words. "This thing is nothing less than a portable encyclopaedia on Pokémon," said the author. In addition to serving as a form of identification for the trainer, it provides copious amounts of data on the individual Pokémon. "He'll be able to explain it to you better," she conceded with a light laugh. "But," she emphasised, "I can explain it to you."

Suddenly, she said, "Here," as she thrust a small book into my hands and said, "Here." "In the meantime, put this to use." I took a look at the book and read the back cover with some curiosity. A walkthrough of Hoenn's indigenous Pokémon, compiled by E.G. Alerce.

She informed me, seeing as how I was focusing my attention on the name that was obscured on the book, that "He was one of the first Pokémon researchers based in the Hoenn region." "During the course of my own travels, I made use of this book; I didn't acquire a Pokédex until the third year of my adventures." "It may be out of date now; it only contains data on Pokémon from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh and nothing on legendaries or the likes of Porygon, but it should be more than enough for you until you obtain a Pokédex," the trainer said. "It only contains data on Pokémon from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh and nothing on the likes of Porygon." She let out a light chuckle after spotting me pull out a piece of paper that had a string of numbers written on it. "And that's my phone number," she said. You did mention that you wanted to get in touch with me, after all. She beamed with joy and winked.

The woman's boundless generosity left me speechless, and I found myself unable to adequately express my gratitude. "I am grateful." I was at a loss for anything else to say; there are no words that can adequately convey how grateful I am to her. She was able to sense this and immediately engulfed me in another hug, this time pressing me firmly up against her.

She mumbled, "One more question," as her eyes welled up with salty melancholy. "I'm sorry." Since I'd known her, I'd never seen her look so completely unsure of herself before. She sputtered and took a deep breath before speaking. "Will people remember me in the future?" she asked.

I stared at her for a blank moment. I told her a lie and said, "I've heard of you in my time." "Before the war, there was a sizable archaeology school that was named after you, but it was destroyed."

She gave me a moment of her undivided attention while tears welled up in her eyes. She gently struck me in the chest while accusing me of being a liar. Her accusation was correct. She uttered the words "thank you" in a hushed tone while gently rubbing the back of my shoulders. "Continue on, I hope you have a pleasant trip." "Even if you don't remember me in your future, I'm more than content to know that I contributed to making it a better place," she said.

I was completely at a loss for what to do. My confidence was low, but I couldn't resist giving her a bear hug and laying my head on hers as we cuddled together. "I solemnly swear to you that I will see to it that they construct a school of archaeology, even if it means that I have to construct it myself!" She laughed at the same time I did and expressed gratitude for my consideration.

At that very moment, I made a solemn oath to myself that I would keep that promise, regardless of whether or not my attempt was successful.