
Pokemon: Dark Giant

An ordinary person who has never played the game is transported to the world of Pokémon. Without a distinguished background, cheats, or a mysterious old grandpa, what path will he take?

BlackVail · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Chapter 17: Protagonist and Pokémon Data (Update 2)Noah Ryuzaki's Current Status

Trainer: Noah Ryuzaki

Trainer Level: 32

Strength: Elite

Skills: Basic Martial Arts

Treasures: Toxic Orb

Pokémon: 4

Pokémon 1: Koffing (Mutated)

Ability: Levitate

Type: Poison + Minor Fire

Level: 36 (Evolution Completion: 62%)

Strength: Mid-level Elite

Potential: Peak Champion

Held Item: Black Sludge (Defective)

Known Moves: Sludge Bomb (Mutated), Rapid Spin, Taunt, Smokescreen, Toxic Gas, Ember (Poison Fire), Haze, Self-Destruct.

Pokémon 2: Eknas

Ability: Intimidate

Type: Poison

Level: 31 (Evolution Completion: 100%, Evolution Halted: 9 times)

Strength: Low-level Elite

Potential: Low-level Champion

Held Item: None

Known Moves: Glare, Acid, Bite, Wrap, Poison Tail (Inherited), Coil, Poison Fang, Swagger.

Pokémon 3: Tentacruel

Ability: Clear Body

Type: Water + Poison

Level: 30

Strength: Low-level Elite

Potential: Peak Elite

Held Item: None

Known Moves: Wrap, Supersonic, Water Pulse, Dive, Surf, Muddy Water (Inherited), Acid, Barrier.

Pokémon 4: Muk (Shiny)

Abilities: Sticky Hold + Poison Touch

Shiny Ability: Fission (Can split into several clones with the same consciousness. As long as the clones are within 100 meters of the main body, they share its vision. Clones beyond 100 meters die quickly. If the main body dies, a clone can become the new main body. Clones inherit all abilities of the main body, but their attributes depend on the size allocated by the main body. Successful splits or deaths cause the main body to temporarily lose allocated attributes.)

Type: Poison

Level: 25 (Originally 35, temporarily lost 10 levels)

Held Item: None

Strength: Quasi-Elite

Potential: Low-level Champion

Known Moves: Harden, Petrify, Minimize, Mud Bomb, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Toxic, Protect (Inherited).

Note: The limit of 4 moves per official battle has been removed for a more realistic and engaging combat experience.

(End of Chapter)