
Pokemon: Brock's Younger Brother?

David never thought he would be transmigrated after a tired day of work. Waking up to the feeling of nausea. But there he was... Now on his feet up in the middle of a dark room with his other siblings there. "I'm Forrest?" Looking around David was shaken as he assessed his situation. David was in for a surprise as the son of Flint and the second eldest of the family as Brock's little brother. ___________________ There will be no "Levels" or "Talents". The Story will be more realistic with add-ons by myself of course. But I won't make the story "dark" as I enjoy Pokemon for the brighter side of the series and catching Pokemon. Some cities, towns, or small pieces of information will be made up myself to fit the story.

Del123 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Maiden’s Peak

"Squirtle {Withdraw}!"

The tiny turtle Pokemon tensing up, starts to engulf itself with a blue hue as it spin in a single spot.

An incoming boulder that was gonna hit Squirtle, was swiftly swatted away as Squirtle stood back up preparing itself.

"Get in close and use {Fury Swipes} Sandslash!" Sandslash growling in agreement, dashes as quick as it could towards Squirtle.

"Spin dodge and use {Aura Sphere}!"

Squirtle hearing this launches it self upwards with a spinning motion that its practised. This ended up dodging the incoming Sandslash.

"Sand?" The confused mouse Pokemon cried out realising that Squirtle moved out to its range. As Sandslash turned around, a flying ball of aura was flying towards it and made impact.


'{Aqua Ring} is extremely clutch.' I thought to myself remembering Squirtle's earlier situation.

In the start of the match the tiny turtle was on a thin rope as it was hit hard by {Crush Claw}. But because of back and forth between {Aqua Ring} and {Withdraw} to deflect {Rock Tomb}, he could slowly heal himself up to full strength.

"Sandslash are you okay!" My opponent shouts realising his Pokemon got hit hard.

Sandslash who was crouched to the ground was on its last legs and could barely move. It's trainer seeing this forfeits the match not seeing a point on continuing the battle.

"Good battle man." I say walking up to him. The guy shaking my arms as it was customary to, said his farewells and took his leave.

[Pokedex: +1000₱]

Returning Squirtle to his Pokeball I grin at the money going into my account.

Because of my spending at Cerulean (Not including TMs), I spent 4500₱ of my 5000₱. The money was spent towards restocking my items, one day at a hotel/Pokecentre and food.

On route five though I've won 5 and lost 2 matches bumping my money up to 2500₱. So it's really is possible to hold out on your own when travelling without a sponsor.

Lairon and Scyther won their matches but Squirtle and Clefairy lost one separately. It's all good though as they're still gaining battle experience.

The pay for a room at the Pokemon centre is cheap if you're a trainer joining the indigo league, while other necessities were the real expensive stuff.

Just like 150₱ for a ten pack of tenderloins.

This is fvkced man.

"Get back in the basket." I comment holding Clefairy out. Getting out of my hold, Clefairy jumps into the basket which has a small blanket stuffed inside it.

This was to keep Clefairy comfortable and make it bearable to stay in a basket for hours at a time.

"Cle clefairy!" The cute Pokemon squealed out snuggling into her little private space. Smiling at the scene I get a move a long.

I planned to have a training session right before arriving to Saffron City, but because of the rookie tournament being held. I am forced to not let them do any harsh training.

Which would mainly be Lairon and Scyther. Squirtle and Clefairy can train as much as they need to progress.

Thankfully they aren't too physical of a Pokemon, so their training sessions are quite simple with just repeating move usage. But I have been implementing some tricks I've learned from the anime like a spin dodge.

Unfortunately only small and agile Pokemon could learn this. So I had to hold off on teaching it to Lairon even as an Aron and Scyther.

Scyther would dodge better just using its wings to launch itself sideways.

Training Squirtle and Clefairy's moveset will make their attacks more efficient, powerful and accurate.

"There should be a town in the middle of this journey. A famous area there is called Maiden's peak." I murmur remembering the anime episode.

Long story short of the episode. A Gastly haunts the peak by pretending to be a woman and baiting people to follow it. This ends up killing people to which it absorbs their corpses energy.

(A/N: Gastly absorbing energy from the dead its baited and killed is canon surprisingly.)

Considering the Pokemon can communicate and disguise itself as an elderly woman and talk proficiently, it's the perfect Pokemon for me.

'I'll just make no breaks besides Pokemon battles and head there immediately.' I thought to myself going full power on my bike.

The trip to Maiden's peak took a few hours but it wasn't too difficult. I came across a few trainers to which Squirtle got a win and loss.

Making his total win-rate 50% as he has two losses and two wins.

Thankfully though there weren't any problems on the way here like what happened to Ash and his friends. Considering how easily I'm sweeping by each route so far, the anime just made Ash's journey really prolonged for no reason other than bad directions.

I mean there's a public road going straight to each city for fvck sake.

Seeing the town up ahead, I locate a little fortune teller's hut.

'Alright it's time.'

Taking out three Pokeballs, I sent out the rest of my team.



"Squirtle squirt!"

Putting their Pokeballs in my pocket, I proceed to explain to them the plan.

"When I say "Nice", I want you to bombard the elderly woman with attacks. Just for you're guys'd clarification, it's not a human but a Pokemon." I say making them nod.

"Especially you Lairon, secure the knockout with {Head Smash}."

My strategy was to go in there with all my Pokemon and then attack with all of them. Of course I thought this out already.

People could accuse me of breaking property, killing a person or stealing.

But like who will actually sue me? Gastly? If anything it's him he kills people.

He will be my Pokemon by the end of this so I'd like to see him try to sue me as a Pokemon. It would be a ridiculous sight but seeing that he fooled a whole town for decades and possibly centuries, I wouldn't doubt he could easily blend into human society.

Walking up to the little hut with my Pokemon in toe, I see an old woman with a cloak. She was swirling her hands over a crystal ball which made me raise an eyebrow.

"So what brings you here young man." A hoarse voice could be heard as the woman looked at my Pokemon with estranged eyes. I took a seat in front of her and got comfortable.

"I want to know who will be my future wife." I question pulling this straight out of my ass. I mean I may as well ask if I'll ever get one. Never went to a fortune teller before so I was curious.

"Hmmm… you're future wife is someone you will have a mutual respect for. She's closer to meeting you than you think…" She says trailing off at the end. As soon as she finished I realised its the perfect time.


This was where the plan started off. Squirtle would use {Water Gun} to make sure we aren't killing some random woman.

The worst case scenario she gets soaked and I apologise.


A "sudden" gush of water headed towards the elderly woman which ended up soaking her clothes.

Unsurpsingly though, the woman started to morph into a sort of miasma gas's.

"Attack it!" I command now confirming it was Pokemon and not a human. Right after these words, a torrent of attacks from my Pokemon occurred as the Gastly was overpowered.

*Crack* *Crash* *Gush*

After a few more seconds, on the ground was a knockout Gastly without being able to fight back.

"Alright I see why using multiple Pokemon to battle one is better, I may as well do this in the wild too." I murmur to myself. It's way more efficient to fight off an attacker with multiple Pokemon.

It's not cheating if it isn't an official Pokemon battle.

Taking a Pokeball from my bag, I walk over to the fainted Gastly and caught it.


"That was anticlimactic."

Storing the Pokeball, I ultimately decide to send Gastly back to the gym. Right now Gastly would be able to escape under my watch if I sent it out.

So keeping it locked away until I get stronger is my best option till then.


Opening up my Pokedex, I check what was currently on my PC.


[Pokemon Storage (Pewter City Gym)]

• Scyther_02

• Scyther_03

• Scyther_04

• Gastly_01


Seeing that Gastly was confirmed to be sent back, I sigh in relief knowing that a strong Pokemon would be joining me in the future.

I mean have we seen any feats similar in Pokemon not including transform?

Gastly disguised as a human for potentially centuries can do it at day time with no difficulties. In addition to its fluent speech is safe to say it's extremely intelligent.

"Alright we'll be doing our last training session today before we head out tommorow." I announce to my team. All of them obediently nodding at my words, start to line up to return to their Pokeballs.

Besides Clefairy of course.


With my goal in this town now finished, there was nothing much to do as I didn't want to stay.

'I'll just continue then train them before night fall.' I thought to myself. Exiting the little hut that will probably be gone soon, I pulled out my bike.

But first I needed directions.

"Alright let's stop here." I say making Clefairy hop out of her basket. Releasing my team real quick, I get ready to camp out for the night.

The plan was to do mild training for my main fighters/normal training for the two new members, then eat and sleep.

Tommorow morning will be when I arrive at Saffron City. Thankfully I could queue myself into the tournament online without needing to go there myself.

"Lairon make the biggest boulder you can and lift it up using {Rock Tomb}. Scyther you will be dodging Squirtle's attacks. Clefairy just work on how much power you can store and use."

My short and simple commands were understood by everyone as they got to an open space near the area I was setting up camp.

'Hopefully Lairon and Scyther keep their peak forms in the tournament.' I worried in my mind. This would be the first tournament I would join and it has some pretty good prizes.

First of all only the top three gets any prizes with the rest getting nothing but battle experience as their prize. In hindsight it isn't too bad to lose as you can help your Pokemon get stronger.

The tournament is a monthly thing can that occur in any city depending on the organisers.

For third place the trainer receives 100k, Pokemon food and a coupon that can be used infinitely for the Pokecentre rooms to stay at and some shops to restock supplies.

Which all things considered is amazing for any trainer that is participating in the tournament.

Second gets all the benefits from first but gets the addition of a 50k and three great balls which cost at least 10x the price of normal Pokeballs which is insane.

And finally for first place, they receive everything third gets but they get the addition of 150k and a Pokemon egg.

The Pokemon in the egg will contain a "random" Pokemon but I'm sure it's either a starter or it comes from a strong species. Of course these prizes are too good to be for every tournament so this is only a one time offer for the first tournament after the Indigo League started.


"Squirtle squirt squirtle!" I could hear Squirtle trying its best to hit Scyther with {Water Gun} and {Aura Sphere}. But unfortunately for it, Scyther has wings and a high speed stat.

So Scyther was able to go unscathed for almost all of the attacks besides for a few lucky ones.


While Clefairy was focusing on charging up energy, I looked around for Lairon. I couldn't see it at first but then I couldn't not see it afterwards.

"Holy sh-"

Over to my left, was a huge boulder behind some trees that I thought was a small rocky hill, the only indication that it was made by Lairon was it moving side to side.

Speechless about what I was witnessing, I just go back to setting up my stuff.

I had to make my little campfire to cook up some food, set up my camping bag and bring out food for the Pokemon.

In all, tonight was pretty relaxing without any stress for me and my Pokemon.


Scratch that.

Everybody besides Squirtle is having a stress free day.

The training lasted for another 30 minutes before I gathered every body to eat and finally rest up for tommorow.

"Tommorow we will win!" I cheer. My other Pokemon hearing this all do the same.