
Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

A man from an Earth gets the choice to start over in any Universe and chooses an Alternate Pokemon Universe. Let us see if his journey to the top is succesful and the impact he will have on his new world. Pokemon is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc. I just use their sandbox for the plot of my MC and my OCs. This will be a "slow" paced story, in fact it's "super slow paced", so please don't expect the MC to directly start his journey in 20 chapters or so, actually multiply that by like 15. A lot is going to happen before that happens. The first 10-20 chapters or so are information heavy, depending on what kind of reader you are. I try to keep my chapter length between 2000 and 3000 words per chapter. My release rate is 4 chapter/week for now. I have a patre*n for those that want to support me with access to some advance chapters as a thank you. patre*n.com/Azrail93 This is an alternate pokemon universe so there will be differences to the games, manga and anime. So if something in the story is different it is most likely on purpose. The original sources are seen as suggestions not laws. Differences can be: Type variants, evolution conditions, strength mechanics, world building and more. If I am at some point asking for reader input I will do so but otherwise I will ignore most suggestions. So please don't spam things like catch this pokemon or do that next. I have my plot planned and external input will be considered when asked for. If I see a suggestion that I believe fit my plot flow I will use it and will credit the commentor. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome. I will try to correct said mistakes with time. Constructive criticism will be read and considered. Insult and hate comments will be ignored or deleted depending on severity. Readers naturally can comment their dislike but one worders will be ignored. If the reason for the dislike is explained I will read it. Like previously mentioned pure insults and hate comments will be ignored or deleted. The same is true for simple hate reviews or insulting ones. Reviews complaining about something I warned about, such as the slow pace, will be deleted as well.

Azrail93 · Anime et Bandes dessinées
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859 Chs

CH149 (513), The Naming

At the end of my first day with the Porygon project team, I made my way back to my dorm room and directly moved inside Utopia. Everyone was already together and they welcomed me warmly. Eggy/Salandit was "helped" forward by Mothra/Butterfree, and I hugged him while praising his success.

I spent a few moments congratulating Eggy before I decided to stop since I still had to hand out dinner to everyone. Eggy's celebration got mixed in, and our dinner evolved into a dinner party, which was fine by me. I let them do wherever they wanted for close to two hours before I called Eggy and some of the others over to my side for some serious business.

Eggy, Bruce/Golbat, Gabite, Togetic, Charmeleon, Lopunny, and the Eevee quartet gathered around me. All of them had reached a point where it became high time that they got their own/official names.

Leaving Eggy aside, Bruce had already raised his first parameter to SS. Togetic, Gabite, and Charmeleon already had one of their parameter raised to S, and Lopunny was only one parameter short of starting her limit-breaking phase.

Finally, the Eevee quartet too was only one parameter short of starting their limit-breaking phase. Even if they were a bit slower, comparatively, since they had reached the (high) bronze stage nearly 9 months before Lopunny and the others.

Though, that was not really their fault since the difference came about due to the difference in potential as well as the racial value (BS) difference between their respective species. The latter would change once they evolved into their respective Eeveelutions.

Anyway, I told them that it was now time for them to choose their names, and none of them seemed surprised by that since we had only been waiting with this due to a prior agreement between the kids.

"Alright, who goes first?" I threw the ball into their court. The kids looked at one another before their focus began to move from Eggy to Togetic and back, though Eggy shook his head when he saw that they were focusing on him.

"All of you have already waited longer than you had to because of me, so I'll go last," he refused, before looking at Togetic. "Let Togetic go first, she's been waiting for the longest time," he suggested and the others agreed.

"I didn't mind waiting. We all agreed on doing that," Togetic assured Eggy while jokingly bumping his waist with hers, but still accepted the chance to go first. "So, shoot," she said after turning to me.

"Alright, I've got a couple of name ideas for you," I returned confidently before I began listing a lot of luck and happiness-related names.

Togetic and the others listened attentively as I threw out roughly 30 possible names from all kinds of sources such as movies, comics, anime, and mythology. Still, I only saw Togetic perking up at a few of the names I put forward, and once I was done listing them all, I along with the others looked at Togetic to see which one she would choose.

"Hmm, Tyche, Fortuna, Nike, and Aine were the ones I liked the most," Togetic shared before she began musing about which one she should choose.

"Let's test out which one you would like to be called the most," I suggested and we began calling out each name. The others did it in poke speech, with their respective dialects, and I did it in the human tongue. After a few rounds of sounding out the names, we stopped and gave Togetic a chance to think over it in peace.

"I think I like Tyche and Aine less than Fortuna and Nike," Togetic shared a few moments later. Those were all goddesses, so I guess she liked the mythological names more.

"Fortuna or Nike," she mused out loud while looking at us to see our reactions. "Don't mind us, choose the one you like the most. It's going to be your name after all," I urged her and she nodded. It took a few more moments before Togetic seemed to come to a decision.

"I think I'll go with Fortuna," she said with a nod. "It's easier on the ears," she clarified, and I did not dispute that. I could not help but think about shoes whenever I heard the name Nike, so I was kind of happy she went with Fortuna, even though Nike was in fact the name of a goddess as well.

The reason I added it to the list in the first place was because it was not a bad name. There was also the undeniable fact, that I would be the only one with that particular problem. Nonetheless, she ended up choosing Fortuna, so that was no longer a problem at all.

"Great," I said with a nod. "Fortuna is a great name," I doubled down, and the others congratulated Fortuna/Togetic on her new name as well. This did not only include Eggy and the other name hopefuls but also everyone else since they had stopped what they were doing and gathered around us after learning that we were going to be choosing names for the hopefuls.

After we settled Fortuna's name, Bruce spoke up before the others could and said that he was already used to being called Bruce, so he was bowing out and keeping "his" name. I had no problem with that, and no one else was really surprised by Bruce's decision either. I had to admit that I had kind of expected this to happen since his nickname was a proper name unlike with Eggy.

Gabite was given the next turn, and I listed quite a few options to him based on dragons, sand, and sharks from various sources of movies, comics, anime, and mythology. In the end, he chose Gaara since according to him Gaara's story resonated with him on some level, and considering his past, I could understand why he would think like that.

Everyone congratulated him on his new name as well, before we moved on to Charmeleon. Like with the others before him, I offered him various names as well, and he seemed interested in three of them.

"I like Igneel, Apollo, and Sol the best, but which one should I choose," he mused out loud, and any of those would fit him pretty well. Still, it seemed he wanted a second opinion on the matter, and the one he turned to was not me but Osiris/Marowak.

"Big bro, what do you think? Igneel, Apollo, or Sol?" Charmeleon asked Osiris, who threw me a look first before he said anything. He only spoke up when I gave him a nod to signal that he should go ahead and answer the question.

"I think either Igneel or Apollo would be fine," he shared and Charmeleon nodded thoughtfully before looking at me next. "What do you think, Big Brother?" he asked while tilting his head a bit.

"I agree with Osiris, either of those names is good. Go with the one that resonates with you the most. Do you want us to sound them off for you?" I asked and he thought about it for a moment before he shook his head in denial.

"It's fine, I've already decided which one I want," he declared. "From now on I'm Igneel," he proudly proclaimed before looking at me and Osiris for approval. Both of us gave him an encouraging nod, and we all congratulated Igneel on his new name.

That only left Lopunny and the Eevee quartet, and they let Lopunny go first, so I went through the list of names I had come up with for her as well. Lopunny seemed to show only a real interest in three of them while a fourth one managed to perk a slight interest, so I was not surprised about her next words.

"Lola, Artemis, Freyja, and Aphrodite seem interesting," she said, and increasingly enough three out of those were goddesses. "Though, I think I'll directly disqualify Aphrodite. I'm more of a fighter, so beauty and love while nice are not what I desire the most," she shared and I would say that her fighting type would agree with her if it could speak.

Artemis was a good match if we considered that one due to her connection to the hunt. Actually, taking everything into account, Freyja was probably the best match since she was a goddess of battle, beauty, and love.

As if she had read my mind, Lopunny seemed to have come to the same decision. "I think I'll go with Freyja. After going through each one a few more times inside my head, that one simply resonates the most with me," she said with a wink, and we all congratulated her on her new name.

"Thank you everyone, but we've still got a few more names to settle," she said with a bright smile, before directing everyone's attention to the Eevee quartet.

The quartet did the eye conversation thing siblings were famous for before the shiny male Eevee stepped forward. Nonetheless, before I began to list to him the options I came up with, I once more asked them if they were still sure about their evolution choices.

In the end, all four confirmed that they had not changed their minds. The shiny male still wanted to evolve to Glaceon, the regular male wanted to become a Ferreon, the female with Normalize wanted to evolve to Espeon, and the regular female wanted to become a Flareon.

With their future evolutions in mind, I began listing the names I felt fit a male Glaceon. There were quite a few names I had in mind, and if it had been a female Eevee that wanted to evolve to Glaceon, I would have recommended Elsa, but since he was a male, I went with the names of some ice-based heroes and villains, as well as a few ice and winter based gods.

In the end, he ended up feeling lukewarm toward all of the names I listed. Instead of choosing one of my names, he cut Boreas in half and went with just the first half since he said he liked how Borr sounded. The guy somehow ended up choosing the name of Odin's father, but I kept that to myself, and simply congratulated him on his new name, and the others followed suit as well.

Our Espeon candidate was much easier to handle. She chose one of the names I proposed, and the one she liked was Jean, based on Jean Grey the host of the Phoenix Force. A fitting name for a powerful psychic type considering that Jean was one of the most overpowered psychics in the Marvel Omniverse.

Our Ferreon prospect went next, and he ended up not wanting to go with any of my suggestions as well. Instead, he decided to come up with a name of his own, and the one he chose was Ferrus. A bit on the nose, but it sounded good enough, and he liked it so that's what we went with. All I and the others did was congratulate him on his choice/new name.

The final member of the Eevee Quartet decides to go with one of my suggestions. She seemed to like Hestia the most among the 25 names I presented, and considering that Hestia was Bestia, I was happy with her choice. Really, going by the original Greek mythology and most of the fictitious story based on that, Hestia was always the best/nicest Greek deity, so she deserved all the love she could get.

I congratulated Hestia on her new name, and the others followed suit as well. Still, with her done, only Eggy was left, so everyone's focus turned to him. He asked to hear my suggestions first but ended up not really finding one that he wanted to use.

In the end, Eggy decided to follow Ferrus' idea and come up with a name of his own. He chose to use the part of the word Venom, and the first part of the word dragon, since that was what he was aspiring to be, at least according to his words.

Anyway, the name that came out of that was Vendrag, but since Vendrak sounded better, he went with that one instead. I felt it sounded good enough, so I went with the flow and congratulated him on his choice along with everyone else.

Once Vendrak's name was settled as well, we resumed the celebration, but this time we also celebrated the naming of those who had waited for this moment for quite some time.


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At the end of today, I'll upload the first chapter of the new volume, and expert-class patrons will be able to read it as soon as it comes out. Those interest can move over to my patre'on.

Currently, the lowest number of advanced chapters available on patre'on is 6, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 10.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre'on. A patre'on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.

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Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 1/4 for this week.

Advanced chapters, sketches, drawings of the MC, variants, alternate evolutions, and maps can be found on my Patre’on. A patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


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