
Pokemon: Alain Reborn

A man was reborn as Alain, the rival of Ash during the Kalos region. Watch as he rises above all others to become the greatest trainer of all time.

SovereignOfMany · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Santalune Forest And Zinnia

Here's the corrected version of the text:

Making my way into the Santalune Forest, I noticed an immediate difference.

There was no sunlight entering the forest. All of the sunlight was blocked by the towering trees. It certainly was a contrast to Route 2, where the morning sun cooked me all day due to it being summer.

I told my Charmander and Gible to stay close, as this place was crawling with Pokémon, some more powerful than others.

I didn't let Magikarp out of its ball as its way of moving was kind of inefficient, especially in the forest. I'll call it out, though, if need be.

I turned on my Pokescanner, ready to detect some Pokémon. Santalune Forest was teeming with Pokémon, and I decided I wanted to catch some.

The Pokescanner was already buzzing with notifications about Grass, Flying, Poison, and, most of all, Bug types. They were all 1 star, so I just kept on trucking through the forest. That was until a Pokémon decided to attack me.

It was Kricketune, the Cricket Pokémon. It was around the same height as Charmander, which was crazy.

My Pokescanner scanned the Pokémon before me. It read:

[ Energy Signature detected! Type: Bug

Star Level: ⭐]

1 star, huh? So it was either level 10 or lower, and that would mean this Kricketune had just evolved recently. Perhaps trying to test its newfound power?

Kricketune began its attempted assault on me. Its pointed arms turned light green as it rushed over to attack me. The attack might be Fury Cutter, no way to know though.

"Charmander, use Slash, and after that, Gible, use Dragon Breath," I commanded my Pokémon, to which they instantly followed the plan. My current Pokémon were synchronizing well in battle. I might not have to bring in Magikarp to take this bug down.

Charmander ran over to the Cricket Pokémon, and its claws grew bright white as they enlarged with the embodiment of Normal energy.

Kricketune and Charmander exchanged blows for a moment. It seemed like Kricketune was almost about to overwhelm Charmander until Charmander decided to do its own thing.

Charmander fired off Flame Burst, hitting Kricketune with super effective damage with its streams of fire.

Gible followed up with its part of the plan immediately, spewing up the purple blast of Dragon energy. It connected, leaving no room for Kricketune to recover.

Now the Kricketune was on its last leg with little to no chance of winning the battle. I decided not to let up on my attacks, though.

"Charmander, use Slash, and Gible, scratch," I told both of my Pokémon.

Both of the reptilian Pokémon decided to get up close and personal with the bug, moving in on it.

Both of their claws shone with white energy, but only Charmander's claws enlarged due to Slash being a more advanced move.

They started slashing the bug, and the bug took all the hits with no chance to dodge.

That's when its body started to glow red. My eyes widened in horror, finally realizing what the Cricket Pokémon had been doing.

The move it had been using this whole time was Bide. Bide was a Normal-type move, but it was never ordinary. Bide belonged to the club of moves that required taking damage to deal big damage, with some notable ones being Counter and Mirror Coat.

"Charmander, Gible, take cover now!" I shouted out to them.

Kricketune shot out a large beam of white energy. Charmander and Gible heard the command right before this and dodged, resulting in them only getting grazed by the attack.

I dived down to the ground as Bide hit the tree behind me. As the dust cleared, I looked over at the tree and saw a large, crisp hole right through it.

Kricketune, seeing us distracted, made a run for it and disappeared into the trees, probably never to be seen again. I picked myself up and walked over to my Pokémon.

"Sorry for the misplay right there, guys. You didn't even need to get hurt there," I said to them, healing their injuries with the rest of my 1st Hyper Potion.

Soon, Charmander and Gible were back to normal, and we continued our walk. For the next 20 minutes, I was kind of bummed out because of what happened with Kricketune. I considered it a loss, as Kricketune had the last laugh.

That was until my PokéScanner buzzed for another notification. I thought it would just be a random scrap bug, but I was surprised. It read:

[Energy Signature detected! Type: Bug

Star Level: ⭐⭐]

Two stars? I guess that would be worth checking out. Moving my hand, trying to know where the energy read was. Once that was figured out, I made my way through the trees, off the main track, and deeper into the forest.

After a few minutes, I finally made it to where the energy signature was being read. I was cautious, as I didn't want to run into a death sentence.

That's when I heard it. The sound of multiple Pokémon and a girl's voice. I ducked and told my Pokémon to stay quiet, which they did. Peeking from behind a tree, I saw the scene right in front of me.

It was two Pokémon battling, with one of them being commanded by what I think is a trainer. It was a Bagon and a large Pinsir, battling it out while all around them were a dozen knocked-out smaller Pinsir. Did she really take them all out?

The girl in question sported a torn white cloak with black shoulder pads, grey short shorts, and chin-length black hair with a fringe and crimson eyes.

I could tell she was losing the battle against the Pinsir, and she needed some help, so I decided to help her out. I also wanted to catch the Pinsir, and I could test out my new Pokémon.


???'s Pov

I was getting more frustrated by the second. Ever since I ran into this Pinsir Pack, I had been one failure away from ripping my hair out.

Two of my Pokémon were already knocked out, and that only left me with my trusty ace, Bagon. I was winning the battle, being the fact I knocked out so many Pinsirs, but I would lose the War, losing to the Pack Leader Pinsir.

How will I save the world if I'm going to die against some Pinsir? No, I can't lose, and I won't lose.

"Bagon, use Dragon Claw," I shouted out to Bagon.

Both of Bagon's hands were surrounded by a light green, claw-shaped aura. It then unleashed the assault on the Pinsir.

Pinsir's body glowed red right after that, and it punched Bagon. The bug was using Counter, a strong move that was the biggest of my problems. Bagon was sent flying, and now it was growing tired. I would soon lose.

That's when something hit Pinsir. A fish shrouded by water connected with Pinsir, launching it into a tree.

The water dissipated, and all that was there was a Magikarp. Both me and Bagon were bewild

ered by the stunning development.

That's when a boy walked out from behind the tree and into the clearing as well. He was a black-haired boy whose hair was messy. Along with him were two very rare Pokémon, Charmander and Gible. I guess he was Magikarp's trainer?

"That's good, Magikarp! Use Bounce on the Pinsir," The unknown boy commanded to the fish.

Magikarp was surrounded by Flying-type energy and bounced off the ground towards Pinsir. I had to say, the fish was pretty fast. Wait, what am I doing? I can't be on the sideline.

Magikarp connected the hit, and Pinsir was stunned by the super effective hit. Pinsir tried retaliating with a Counter again, but this time, Magikarp dodged effortlessly.

"Bagon, use Dragon Claw," I ordered my Bagon.

Bagon's hands were again covered by the light green, claw-shaped aura before running over to Pinsir and hitting it many times.

Pinsir, after many attacks, fell down, knocked out. The unknown trainer grabbed a Luxury Ball and threw it at the bug. The ball shook once, twice before the bug was finally caught.


Alain's Pov

Seeing Pinsir caught in the Luxury Ball, I ran up and grabbed my new Pokémon in its Ball. I got out my Pokédex and scanned the Pokémon. It read:


Species: Pinsir(M-A)

Level: 15

Type: Bug

Ability: Hyper Cutter, (Hidden Ability: Locked)

Gender: Male

Height: 5'5

Moves: Vice Grip, Harden, Leech Life, Counter


It was a strong bug with huge potential. I'll make sure he reaches his potential. That's when the girl I helped out decided to talk.

"Who are you? Why did you help me?" the girl questioned me, looking confused.

"Just saw a person who needed help, that's all. I'm Alain," I said to the girl, offering her a handshake.

The girl saw me offer a handshake and spoke again. "Oh, my bad. My name is Zinnia," she said, shaking my hand.

My eyes widened after hearing the name. I played Oras, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire, and I knew the name.

Was the person in front of me the Dracanoid Tribe's very own, Zinnia? What was she doing in Kalos, though?

I guess she was surprised by something too. "How do you have a Key Stone? Tell me where!"

I was kind of shocked by her outburst. "That's none of your business! And why would you want to know?"

Zinnia's eyes softened hearing my response. "No reason, sorry. I have a favor to ask you. Do you have any healing items, and if you do, can you lend me some? I have more than 1 Pokémon hurt, and all my Oran Berries ran out."

Leaving your Pokémon knocked out in the Poké Ball without any medical attention is pretty risky. At best, your Pokémon would barely live, and at worst, it would die.

I wasn't cruel, so I brought out a Hyper Potion from my bag and handed it to Zinnia. She grabbed two Poké Balls before releasing the contents.

The first Pokémon I saw was Aron. It was a Quadrupedal Pokémon with stubby legs. Its green body was covered with plates of metal, and it had red eyes. It was a shiny Aron.

It was even better than that. This Aron was much bigger than usual, with its metal plates seeming thicker and more durable than normal.

The other Pokémon she had was Feebas, and this one was shiny too! Two shinies? What kind of sorcery was Zinnia pulling?

It was a shabby-looking, purple Feebas. This Feebas was also bigger than average, being the same size as Magikarp.

Zinnia healed all three of her Pokémon, the third being Bagon, before standing up and looking at me.

"Thank you so much. I'll repay you back, I promise. Right now, I was heading out of this forest. Can I ask again, though, where did you get the Key Stone, and do you have any Mega Stones?" Zinnia said to me.

Professor Sycamore told me not to tell anyone about the sponsorship I had with him, but I knew a way to still answer it. "I just got it from my mentor, and no, I don't have any Mega Stones."

Zinnia became kind of disappointed by my answer, but she didn't press any further. We both decided to go together to the exit of Santalune Forest, en route to Route 3.