
Pokemon: Aichi Sendou

Aichi Sendou a guy chosen by the gods not because of his circumstances but because of him meeting the gods so called “requirements". Has now been to the world of Pokemon in the humble area known to him as Twinleaf town. A new adventure for a person given another a chance in life, how will he grasp his fate? Let’s find out! ()()() No harem! Sinnoh Region! Dawn Supremacy! This will have no Update schedule as this is a fanfic I will be typing when I’m bored or when I can’t use my pc to make a Naruto chapter. I can’t write on my other fanfic without using a pc to search stuff up as I don’t want to get stuff wrong. But for a Pokemon fanfic I should be fine as I’ve been playing Pokemon since I was five. ()()()

Ruos · Anime et bandes dessinées
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52 Chs

Auction Items (40)

Walking out of the store and going to a little hidden corner. I pulled out some more high quality food and fed it to Flomantis.

"Fo fo~" Flomantis squeals in joy. Its body is still weak so I need to care for the guy. Hopefully he can make a full recovery, but for now I should make my way to the auction house.

Dawn can hopefully give the Pokemon some love and care.

'I should make a post on Pokebook that I'm buying these types of looking stones.' I'll probably get a lot of backlash when it's released what mega stones do, but I don't care. If they sell it then it's my pleasure to buy it.

Two out of the four stones I bought, look like a keystone. While the other two have different colours. The first has green, pink and black. While the second one has blue, pink, gold.

Some unique colours but I'm not sure what Pokemon these mega stones belong to. My guess for the first one is grass and the second is a water type.

I'm not sure how I'll tell which Pokemon these are for but I'll confirm if they are real at Kalos.

-Master, you only have seven minutes to get to the auction- I hear Aegislash say. Not wanting to waste more time, I ask for some directions and make my way towards the auction house.

"Here's the VIP room sir." A waiter says. Being guided into a luxurious room, I start to look around. There were a few couches, tables with a screen on top with loads of decoration everywhere. In front of the room, was tinted glass where I could view the auction from above.

'Now this will be interesting.' I thought to myself. Sitting down, I let Flomantis out of my grasp next to me. I payed a pretty penny for a VIP card for future use, I'll probably visit a place like this again.

Apparently places like this are quite wide spread which is a good thing for me.

Theres no point having money if you don't spend it. So I'm about to buy everything I desire. I mean, I got millions of bucks.

"Flo!" Flomantis squeals out. After a few more minutes, the auction finally started with a person walking to the middle of the stage.

A woman with light blue hair and a fit figure walked onto the stage with a smirk. The woman looking around with an alluring black dress, picks up a microphone.

"Everyone knows where we are I presume~." With this, the crowd started to leer at her. "Today we will be presenting over 20 items and 10 Pokemon. This will also include the full restores and max revives we bring every auction!" She says making every look in wonder.

"The first item tonight will be…"

The first few items weren't that interesting with them having minimal value to me. Items like a deep sea scale and Pokemon drugs were being sold.

'Only a retard would drug their Pokemon to get a temporary boost. It would cripple or weaken their Pokemon.' I though to myself. These things weren't useful so I just waited for a little bit more, but after a few more items passed. An item I didn't expect but welcome appeared.

"For the seventh item tonight, it is the Golden Macho Brace!" The woman shouts. "This item can be used as weight for your Pokemon, it's like increasing your Pokemon's whole body weight." She explains. After hearing the amount of weight it could go up to, I finally made up my mind.

'Normal macho braces can't get as heavy as this one and don't fit on every Pokemon. Instead of getting a custom one, I can just use this one.' I thought to myself. This item could potentially be very useful and be an item I use all the time.

Originally the macho brace was a hated item because it looked similar to collars that enslaved people/Pokemon. So it wasn't as popular for training, but I couldn't care less about that.

"The starting bid will be 250,000 pokedollars!" The woman shouts. After this some people started to bid on the item but it wasn't as much as the other stuff. Just amount of people who bid could be counted on one hand. This item may be expensive but is made of the materials that auto repairs itself like the Pokemon stadiums.

Not sure what the material is called but it's being restricted by the league.

"I should bid now." I mumbled out as it seems like the people bellow were starting to slow down. Typing 610,000 pokedollars on the screen on the table, it shortly announced that I bid on the golden macho brace.

"VIP from room seven has bid 610,000 pokedollars!" A speaker announces across the whole area. With the place going silent, the item was shortly after won by me.

A few more items passed like some rare Pokemon parts like fur were sold. I also ended up bidding for a fighting manual for fighting types which I won.

We were now up to the last item before we would start to see the Pokemon.

"For the last item tonight, it will be a Dragon Tooth!" The lady announces. People down on the seats started to gossip seeing the rare item.

"Holy shit it's a dragon tooth."

"Those can cost up to 85 million."

"Dragon types can get way stronger with that."

Multiple voices we murmuring as they stared at the item. The woman seeing a lot of skeptical looks, brought out a paper confirming its legitimacy. This doesn't really "confirm" it, but later on when you pay you can see if it's real.