
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Jeux vidéo
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30 Chs

The beginning of my end

"It is time to meet some friends" my mother declared at lunch. i could not help shivering. i was doomed. i hoped i could escape my fate but apparently it was only a fantasy.

My brother looked at me with pitiful eyes. Yes brother, i will not be able to enjoy freedom too. Being from a rich family as its advantages as well as its disadvantages. It comes with a price.

"My pokemons are my friends" I replied while doing my best to stay calm. I was looking for a way to escape but that old butler was blocking my path to the door. That damn old man! He knew I was ready to run away. First rule of a warrior, if you cannot fight, run for your life.

However that old man forget that i could passed by the window. I looked on my left to check if it was opened. To my upmost surprise, father was standing next to it. How could he do that to me? I thought you were a great a father, but now I am starting to doubt it!

"Yes yes my baby but you need human friends too" she replied while smiling evilly. That is when I realized that my mother was the demon queen of that world! I have to defeat her!

"or perhaps I should forbid you from playing around in the warehouse?" she added as a deadly blow. That demon! What was I suppose to resist now? Take away a battlefield from a warrior and he become an ordinary man! She cannot do that to me!

"I should listen to you mom" I replied while doing my best to not cry.

"Fufufu what a good boy. See? Your brother did not make a fuss about it" she said happily while starring at my brother.

My brother looked at me as if I was a traitor. It is not my fault! How was I suppose to rebel when she can deprive me of my raison d'être?

"Traitor" he declared to me before standing up and leaving the room angrily.

"Fufufu you should not pay attention to him. Now my little boy, you should read those files. It contains information about the girls participating in the meeting. We selected a few that we will agree on. Now the choice is yours" she said while giving me different folders.

"Do you need to read all of them?"

"I remember a boy who loved reading all the book we had. Is that few pages too much for him now?" my father teased me.

"Alright, alright! I will read it!" I sighed. They both did not leave until I really finished reading them.

"Can I go now?" I said after closing the last folder.

"Yes we can go" my mother replied. It was not the answer I was expecting.

"What do you mean we?"

"We will accompany you to the meetings of course. Now put that suit" she said while the old butler took a suit from the chest of drawers. Why would a suit be there? Did they prepare it in advance?

"Y-yes" I managed to reply. I was really doomed! How did they know I was planning to run away at the first opportunity? Was it because my brother did that too? Damn you big brother! Could not you be a nice kid and suffer in silence?

"Do not make that face if you want the girls to come talking to you" my father teased me. I am going to take my revenge on you. Be prepared for it!

"Young master remember to be a gentleman! Else I will have to give you more lessons" the butler warned me while I was dressing. I am going to take my revenge on you too! You damn old man! Attacking me when I am down!

"Yes yes" I grumbled.

"Now let us go" mother declared as she took my hand. It was the same as saying "i hereby condemn you to a boring evening". So frustrating!

I did not speak during the route. Man I was not in the mood for useless chitchat. My mother tried at first to talk but she quickly abandoned that idea. I guess being ignored was disatisfying.

We then arrived at another mansion. I already regretted to not have run away when I could have.

"We cannot accompany you further away. Just follow the maid instruction. We wilk be chatting among adults" my father explained after we left the car. A maid was waiting to greet us.

"Good afternoon Madame, Sir. I will be guiding our young master. Another maid will greet you at this entry of the mansion" she explained while pointing the opposite direction that I will take.

"I will leave him in your care" my mother replied before telling me "and you, behave in a good manner. You represent our family". I got it, I have responsabilities. I will try my best to not make the kids cry.

"Yes, bye bye" I replied as I pushed her away.

Before I could watch her leave, the maid began talking.

"You can be accompanied of a pokemon of your choice. Please let him out before we enter" she explained.

'A pokemon of my choice? I should choose a strong one since I represent my family'

"Alright, come out" I said after choosing a pokeball.

"Golisopod" it nodded at me while standing next to me.

"I never saw a pokemon like this" the maid muttered.

"Shall we go?" I asked her.

"Yes. Please follow me" she said, quickly returning back to normal, as expected of a professional.

As we entered, I noticed numerous kids with their pokemon. Some apparently recognized me since I heard them talking about my pokemons being "scary". Perhaps I fought them at one of the battle club. How was I suppose to remind every person that lose to me?

After waiting for what seems an eternity, what I guess was the main actor of the event began asking for silence.

"Please listen carefully everyone" the woman in a dress began. "As you can see, there are many tables placed in the room. Each boy should take one. Please do so" she explained.

I took the closest table to me and asked my golisopod to stand behind and to look impressive.

"Now girls, you are free to go chatting with any boy you wish. However after 5 minutes, the boy can ask you to let your place for another one. So be careful girls" she declared.

'So each time I will have to wait at least 5 minutes before kicking them out? That is going to be so tiring' I complained to myself.

As if Golisopod could understand my feelings, I heard him sighing behind me. I guess I was not the only one who was going to suffer.

"Now let us begin" the woman said before clapping her hands. I guess it was some kind of signal for the event to begin. Maids entered the room, providing the guests with different drinks. I saw some men who seemed popular since 3 or more girls went near their tables. As for me? Only one crazy girl was coming while smiling happily. I must had admit that her face was awesome and that clearly she will be a beauty in a few years. With her long blond hair and her blue eyes, she remind me of the swedish girls I flirted with, back on earth. She was followed by an Espeon.

She sat without a care of the glare Golisopod and I was giving her. Just how crazy was she to not care about Galisopod bloodlust?

"Enjoying your second life?" she dropped the bomb.

"What?" I said agape.

"Enjoying your second life?" she repeated as if it was something normal to know.

"W-what? H-How?" I panicked. Just how the hell could she tell that? I mean it is not written on my face that I am a reincarnated being.

"So now that I now your little secret, become my husband" she declared.


"Become my husband" she repeated.

Sweat appeared behind my neck. Just what was happening to me? No I must stay calm. Just how could she knows about me? Who the hell was she?

"So you can read memories. Are you a psychic? I was not given that information, Mia Malora" I replied.

"Fufufu to think my husband will deduce my secret that easily. I guess it is fine that you know since as a couple we should share everything" she winked.

"I never agreed on…"

"I do not think you get it, my dear husband. Do you wish to be studied in some underground laboratories? Do you think your illusion magic can protect your family forever?"

"Are you threaten me?" I said calmly while letting my blood-lust out. Golisopod was ready to attack at any moment.

"Me? I am not… it is just that if you meet another psychic that might happen. Since your mental defense is so weak, I am sure it would happen quite soon… unless another psychic is willing to defend your mind. Do you get it? You should be glad to have such a wife"

That damn woman! Here I thought my mother was the demon queen! But I was wrong, that one was true deal! Damn it! Damn it all! I should have ran away when I could!

"A demon queen? I guess that does not sounds this bad… Should I dress like one? I never thought you would be into that" she commented.

"So you can even read my thoughts?" I was at my limit. Desperation was getting my mind.

She tilted her head, acting cute.

"Of course I can, I am a psychic. Is not that a good thing?"

A good thing? Well at least it is better than some boring woman.

"What are your plans?" I asked.

"My plans?" she said surprised.

"Yeah. I mean you want me to be your husband but I know nothing about you while you know everything… is not that unfair?"

She giggled after hearing this.

"Are not you cute? Has life ever been fair?"

"Well no it has never been" I sighed.

"Well you read the file, did not you? I put most of the useful information there. Should not we go out husband?" she said loudly.

That crazy girl did it on purpose. I could feel the glare of everyone in the room. She clearly announced to them that she was going to marry me. I guess I was checkmated.

"Golispod, let us go" I signaled him.