
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Jeux vidéo
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30 Chs

Pokemon battle!

I woke up in the bed. That was strange since I did not remember going to sleep.

"So the sleeping beauty decided to wake up" Mia chuckled as I was waking up.

"Haha very funny" I said before pinching her cheeks.

"I thought you were waiting for me" she cried.

"Why did you took so long?" I yelled at her. Damn I was so worried. I have no idea how I fell asleep while I was so anxious.

"Things were a little more complicated than expected but I am fine"

"If you said so… I am ashamed that I fell asleep" I said honestly.

"It is fine, do not worry. I am sure you stayed up quite late" she smiled.

"Well I did"

"Rather I am interesting in what you are writing. I am sure it will be a nice story"

"I hope so… I guess you read the samples?"

She nodded before leaving the bed and dressing up.

"Looks like it is still raining" Mia said while looking outside.

"Yes it seems so... In the worst case we can stay here for tonight too"

"Yes of course. What should we do today then?"

"Are you tired? You could have a lazy day in bed while I am training. Apparently the hotel have some training ground.

"Is that so? I could train with you and then relax for the remaining time"

"That sounds like a plan" I agreed.

So we went to the training ground after taking breakfast. We agreed on a 3 versus 3 pokemon battle, with Anna being the referee while Laura will watched from a bench.

"You can begin" Anna announced.

"Go first, Volteon!" Mia declared.

'Before beginning, I should block her access to my thoughts' I grinned. Of course you could see on her face that she was unhappy about this.

"I choose you, Machamp"

Machamp and Volteon faced each other but none moved. They were both waiting for orders.

"Thunderbolt" Mia ordered.

Machamp began running towards Volteon without me saying anything. He dodged the thunderbolt while closing the distance with his opponent.

"Break brick" I said before Machamp reached Volteon.

"Dig" Mia said. Howver it was too late, Volteon did not have enough time for escaping.

"Focus point and close combat" I said while Volteon was send flying.

In less than a minute, Volteon was unable to battle.

"You are ruthless even towards your wife" Mia pouted.

"Said the woman who wanted to access my thoughts" I replied before calling back Machamp.

"It is a habit of mine. It is not my fault" she denied.

"Same here" I grinned.

"I am going to kick your ass this time! Come out leafeon" she declared before throwing her pokeball.

"Leafeon eh? Then Venusaur, it is your turn to shine" I added.

"To shine? You are funny today. Use quick attack" she ordered.


"Jump leafeon"

As leafon was in the air, I smirked. She fall for it! My following order was: "play with it"

Venusaur grabbed his body using his tentacles and smashed it against the ground, head first. It keeps smashing it until Leafon was unable to battle.

"Could be a little more gentle? You do not need to put them in such a state" she complained while thinking about how her pokemons ended.

"Eh? I did not injured them gravely… I stopped once they passed out"

"Shadeon, go" she said. Shadeon is an evolution of Eevee and is of ghost type.

"Gengar time to go out" I declared.

"Dark pulse" she ordered.

"Dark pulse" I replied.

Both dark pulse crashed against each other. It created black waves, that flew through the training ground.

"Shadow balls" I insisted on the -s. Over twenty shadow balls were created instantly around my Gengar.

"What the fuck! Escape in the ground!" Mia panicking as she saw that many shadow balls flyign towards her pokemons. However she did not notice that Gengar has disappeared too.

"Where the hell did your Gengar go?" she exclaimed once she finally noticed it.

"Where? I wonder…" I teased her, waiting for her pokemon to come out of the ground.

"Sucker punch" I suddenly said while smirking.

"Eh? Where? What? Shadeon come out of the ground" she yelled, believing that my Gengar find her pokemon hiding.

"Dark pulse" I ordered while Gengar came out from my shadow.

"Fuck it was a trap!"

However it was too late, her pokemon took the attack head on.

"Shadow balls"

"Go hide again shadeon"

"Sucker punch" I ordered to my Gengar who was hiding in the shadow of one of the shadow balls.

"SHADEON" it yelled while receiving the punch on the face. It flew before passing the wall. Well it was a ghost type so it could not crush against it.

"Gegegegege" Gengar laughed loudly.

"Good job Gengar" I said as it returns in my shadow. I wanted to talk to Mia but she disappeared from her spot and was looking for shadeon who land somewhere.

"Anna and Laura you should help too" I suggested to the two agape girls. As I look around, I noticed that many people were starring at me. Where they watching our sparring? Do not they have better things to do, such as training?

"Eh? Oh yes" they departed in a hurry. I then look at the crowd around me? None of them looked to be able to put a decent fight? None of them seems to have fight with their life in the line before. Well I should not judge their pokemons based on this. Anyway, seems like I will not be able to train in peace. So I wanted to leave until someone stopped me.

"I recognize you! You are the destroyer!" a boy yelled.

'Oh damn it'

"Eh? What is that?" one person in the crowd asked.

"What? You do not know him? Man he is undefeated! What is he doing here? There is not any battle club here"

"Battle club? Oh now that you say this, I think I remember of that guy"

"Man I have to publish the video of his fight!" one girl said.

Meanwhile I left those annoying people. I had to find Shadeon. Maybe I went overboard. I felt like Mia was going to be mad at me. I just thought that she would be able to fight longer since she is an assassin. Maybe she trained her pokemons only on sneak attacks. Damn I should have think of this sooner.

"Gengar" Gengar said while poiting towards a direction.

"Show me the path" I nodded.

Gengar leads me to the women bathroom and I found Shadeon floating around while having passed out.

"Gengar let us bring her to the Joy Nurse" I said before running while he carried Shadeon.

'Fuck I really messed this time' I panicked.

"NURSE JOY" I yelled before passing by the people waiting in line.

Her eyes popped out of their sockets when she saw the state Shadeon was in.

"Everyone waits" she yelled before taking care of Shadeon.

'Fuck Fuck Fuck… I did not want to kill it. Could a ghost pokemon die? Fuck that does not make sense. Damn it'

Even Gengar was not smiling at all. If something happens to Shadeon we are both screwed. As long as Mia did not find it, it would be fine right? I kept waiting that nurse Joy could give me good news but she never went out of the room.

"Ge-ge-ge" Gengar said while shivering.

"Gengar it is not the moment" I said without taking off my eyes from the operation room.

It was until someone appeared in front of me with crossed arms.

I looked up and man, I was screwed. Mia slapped me before I could even move. I saw her red eyes and I broke my heart. I never thought a single punch from Gengar would put it into this state. It is my fault for not judging correctly the difference in strength.

"I am so sorry" I said while my cheek was swelling.

"I know" she said before crying while hugging me. There was nothing much for me to say, so I just hugged her while hoping for the best. For a man who was supposed to make his woman happy, I was really far from it. We stayed in front of the room even once Joy exited the room and told us that we had to wait and see how things evolve. I did not sleep this night. I stayed like an idiot in front of the room while Mia was sleeping on the bench, with her head on my thighs. Anna and Laura did not leave too. Well they could not leave since Mia was here.

"Shadeon, I am so sorry" I hugged it once it finally wake up. Mia and the girls left for breakfast and that damn pokemon chose that moment for waking up.

For the sake of Mia's happiness, as well as for my own, I decided that I will refuse any spar with her in the future. I hurt her once. It will not happen twice.