
Pokemon: After killing the demon king

After being invoked in another world and killing their demon king, I got as a reward a nice retirement. I was reincarnated into an alternative pokemon world in a rich family. Now I tried to enjoy my life. Yes I said tried because some unforeseen circumstances might make it difficult. Warning 1: I do not own Pokemon. Warning 2: Their might be some references to sex but the scenes will not be described. Why? When I read, I usually skip those parts and I am sure I am not the only one... so let us develop the plot instead. Warning 3: I am thinking of writing each arc separately and post them each time I finish one. I do not want to promise publishing x chapters per week and have pressure... so the next arc will be published one day but I do not know when Warning 4: At the end of the first arc, the main character will not capture more pokemons! I think you will agree that he has more than enough already.

alex_carb · Jeux vidéo
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30 Chs


We took off from my family mansion and began flying towards our first destination, Pewter city.

"It is so great to be able to fly like this" I yelled as I was sitting on the back of Charizard.

I could feel the wind flowing on my skin as well as watching the landscapes pass below me. We sometimes glimpse some pidgey flocks as well as fearow ones.

"What do you think buddy? Flying is the best right?"

"Cha, Charizard!" he agreed.

We flew for another hour before landing nearby the hotel that I called in advance. This way we were sure to have a room there. I would hate to arrive there and not be able to sleep where I want. Of course there were other hotels or I could sleep at the pokemon center, but the comfort was not the same.

"First let us deposit our luggage" I said before taking the pouches out from my pokemons.

Sadly, we attracted a lot of attentions since numerous flying pokemons landed at the same place. I thought most people were traveling this way since you would meet less savage pokemons, so have less risk to die by their hands. Apparently it was not the case.

"Let us register you first" Mia said once we finished putting the luggage into our bedroom. In fact, the workers also helped a lot since we had too much of them. As long as they did not notice the firearms, I guess it is fine.

"Yes yes" I replied as we went to the pokemon center. On our way, people glanced at us. I did not pay attention since I guessed they were looking at my outstanding wife as well as the beautiful women accompanying us, Anna and Laura.

"How may I help you?" nurse Joelle asked. Yes, in that world every pokemon center as a nurse joel in charge of it. I was surprised at first but then I learned that every woman of that family is named Joelle. It was the same for the officer Jennies. As for why it was the case, I have no idea. I never asked them. It was not my business in the first place.

"I would like to register to the Kanto league" I answered.

"That is easy. You can give me your id card or your pokedex if you have one"

"Well, I have an id" I said before giving it to her.

"Y-you are the destroyer!" she exclaimed herself loudly. I was getting even more attention now.

'Please that is so embarrassing…' I thought.

"Could you please lower your voice" I said in a low voice.

"Ah yes sorry" she replied while lowering her voice, "I was too surprised. I will do the registration right now. Meanwhile could you please sign me an autograph. My little sister is a big fan of you and she will be mad at me if I missed that opportunity".

"Oh yes of course, no problem" I said before taking a picture she was put on the counter.

'Destroy the difficulties of life, like the destroyer that I am' I wrote on the picture.

It was so shameless but well I hope that it motivates her to confront the difficulties that one will meet during one's life.

"Thank you a lot" the nurse replied while she took the picture back.

"Well then we should go" Mia said before lacing her arms around mine.

"Yes indeed. Thank you a lot" I confirmed before taking back my id card.

We then exited the pokemon center and walked toward the hotel.

"Should I challenge the gym leader right now?" I asked Mia.

"I would prefer visiting the city first. You could do this tomorrow, right?" she suggested.

"Oh yes of course. I am not in a hurry"

"I am glad to hear this"

Thus we spend the rest of the day visiting Pewter city. It was a city near boulders, so it was not that much interesting. Still, it changes from the warehouse and the surrounding forest so I appreciated it. Moreover, with Mia next to me, no matter where I am, I enjoy it. I am a lovely man, am I not?

"Narcissist mainly" Mia replied as she just read my mind.

"Oh come on, I also had cute thoughts" I tried to defend myself.

"If you say so" she giggled.

We spend the night in the hotel. I also had to take care of my pokemons. I brought them all, so the hotel manager was quite surprised by the quantity of food I ordered on my parents name.

The next morning, as soon as the sun rose, I went to the pokemon gym.

"Is there anyone here?" I asked while entering.

"Are you a challenger?" a man with black hair replied.

'Damn, is not the Brock? What the hell? Do not tell me that the guys from the anime actually exist?'

"Y-yes I am" I said while trying to remain calm.

"You seem familiar. Did we meet before?" he frowned.

"I do not think so. Maybe you met someone that has a similar look" I grinned.

"Is that so? Sounds possible. Anyway, I accept your challenge. We will use two pokemons. Only the challenger will be able to switch pokemons. Is it alright with you?" he asked.

"Yeah no problem" I replied.

"Alright, then Geodude go" he said before a Geodude appears.

"Then go for it pidgeot" I said.

"PIDGEOT" it roared. Geodude unconsciously stepped back.

"You seem confident to put yourself in a disadvantageous situation" Brock smirked.

"Ultrabeam" I ignored him.

"Eh?" he was agape after seeing how quickly and powerful the beam came out of Pidgeot. He did not think that I will attack him as soon as possible. What a novice error. Did he think I came to his gym to drink tea?

Geodude got buried under the ground. A hole was formed as some part of the field scattered in every direction. Yes, I destroyed the battlefield.

"Geodude is unable to continue" he realized afar a few minutes. All that time his mind was blank.

"Then should we go to the second round?" I asked.

"J-just who are you?"

"Me? I am the destroyer" I smirked.

"You mean that destroyer?" his face paled.

"Do you know many of them? Hear I thought my reputation was not stained by some copycat" I grumbled.

"That is fine" Brock talked to himself before breathing loudly.

"Do not die on me" I said seriously.

"I am fine" he said before sending another pokeball. An Onix came out of it.

"Go back Pidgeot. It is now your turn" I said as I switched pokemons. It was time for Golem to shine.

"Slam" Brock ordered to his Onix.

"Catch him" I said as Golem did not budged and took Onix body with his little arms.

"Home run" I ordered as I throw it away to the closest wall. Yes, my Golem threw away an Onix. Crazy you think? You did not saw the amount of weights I trained him with.

"The fuck" Brock said. He was ready to have a heart attack.

Onix fainted after falling on the ground.

"Golem come back" I tell while taking his pokeball from one of my 5 belts. Yes I was wearing five belts. That is the problem with having 88 pokemons.

"Just take that badge and get out" Brock said angrily before lanching me the badge.

'Is he gonna cry too? I guess it was still too much' I sighed internally while catching the badge.

"You should take them to the pokemon center" I said before leaving the gym. Because of me, the ground and a wall was destroyed. I just hope he has a good insurance to cover the damages. Well the league should be able to cover for it, right? It should not have been the first time something like this happened. Yeah, definitely.

"Did everything go well?" Mia asked me as soon as I entered the hotel. She did not accompany me since she was still sleeping when I left. Anna and Laura preferred to stayed with Mia so that is why I went alone.

"Yes" I said before showing my badge.

"Should we go to the next city then?" she asked me.

"Oh yes why not… it was cerulean city, right?" I asked.

"Yes darling. You really are bad with geography" she teased before kissing my cheek.

"Should we go right now?"

"Not right now… there is something you need to do first" she giggled while guiding my hands between her legs.

"Oh boy"