
Chapter 1: A New Beginning

I opened my eyes, greeted by the warm rays of sunlight streaming through the curtains. Blinking away the sleep from my eyes, I sat up in my bed and looked around the room. Everything felt familiar, yet different, as if I had stepped into a new world overnight. And in a way, I had.

Memories flooded my mind, memories that didn't belong to this life. I remembered being someone else, somewhere else. I remembered Earth. I remembered being Marcus, other Marcus. At least I had the same name.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks—I had been reborn in what is clearly the Pokémon universe.

From what my memories were telling me I was seven years old, nearly eight and I was born in Pewter City. My father worked as a miner, tirelessly toiling away in the depths of the earth, while my mother was a devoted Pokémon breeder specializing in the Eevee line. Her passion and the help of my father's hard-earned savings had transformed her hobby into a small but respectable breeding business.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension coursing through me. The memories of my old life, my love for Pokémon, and all the knowledge I had amassed over the years flooded back. I had stopped playing the games around the time of Pokémon Black and White, but I had certainly kept up with the latest Pokémon news and updates like mega evolution, alolan pokemon, new evolutions… I´m also sure there was talk about giant pokemon in galar or something like that.

Today was the day that everything I knew about Pokémon would become useful. I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for all those hours I spent playing, reading, and discussing Pokémon. Little did I know that it was all preparation for this moment. Take that mom, I was right!

As I made my way downstairs, the enticing aroma of breakfast filled the air. The clinking of pans and the sound of my parents' voices blended together harmoniously. The scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the sweet fragrance of Pokémon food, creating a unique and comforting atmosphere.

"Good morning, sweetheart," my mother greeted me with a warm smile. "Did you sleep well?"

I nodded, still trying to wrap my head around everything. "Yeah, Mom. I had some weird dreams, though."

My father chuckled, his rugged face lined with deep creases. "Dreams can be strange sometimes. But remember, dreaming is what makes life so exciting and worth living."

As we sat around the table, enjoying our breakfast, I let my thoughts wander. The life I had left behind was a distant memory now. I was determined to embrace this new opportunity and make the most of it. I knew that when I turned thirteen, I would become eligible to start my journey as a Pokémon Trainer—an age that made a lot more sense to me than starting at ten, like Ash.

I finished my breakfast and excused myself from the table, eager to explore the town. Pewter City was a place I had only read about, but now I had the chance to experience it firsthand. The streets bustled with life as people went about their daily routines, and the distant sounds of Pokémon cries filled the air.

As I wandered through the town, absorbing the sights and sounds, a sense of belonging washed over me. This world, the Pokémon world, felt right. It felt like home. And in the back of my mind, the seed of a dream began to sprout. I wanted to be a Pokémon Trainer, to embark on a journey filled with adventure, challenges, and new friendships.

With each step I took, I felt my determination grow stronger. I knew that my knowledge of Pokémon and my passion for them would be my greatest assets. I had a head start, and I was ready to make the most of it.

As the day wore on, I returned home, feeling both mentally and physically exhausted. The excitement of my newfound life had taken its toll, and I knew I needed rest to prepare for the journey ahead.

Climbing back into bed, I closed my eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. I knew that this was just the beginning, the first chapter of a new and extraordinary adventure. And as sleep finally claimed me, I couldn't help but wonder what wonders awaited me in the world of Pokémon.


It had been a month since the flood of memories from my previous life had returned, and I had spent countless hours delving into the depths of the Pokémon world. My investigations had revealed some interesting information, confirming my suspicions.

The Pokémon world I found myself in was indeed the one I knew, albeit I wasnt in canon time. Ash and Brock were absent from the records, but Pewter City's gym leader was Flint, known for his expertise in Rock-type Pokémon just like Brock will be. Professor Oak resided in Pallet Town, and Lance, the esteemed Dragon-type Pokémon master, had recently challenged the reigning champion, Maximus. It was a battle that would probably be remembered for years to come, since no one has won against Agatha and her ghost pokemon in at least ten years.

After witnessing the epic battle between Lance and Agatha, the last member of the Elite Four, I felt a renewed determination to become a Pokémon Trainer. I eagerly shared my dreams and aspirations with my family, discussing my plans for the future once I turned thirteen. My mother, with her extensive knowledge of caring for Pokémon and her beloved Flareon, promised to support me in my journey. Meanwhile, my father, with his resilience and the aid of his trusty Machop, which helped him in the mines, would guide me in surviving the wilderness.

The road ahead wouldn't be easy. I knew that to become a successful Pokémon Trainer, I had to devote myself to rigorous training and preparation. I had six years until I could officially embark on my journey, and those years would be filled with arduous studying, honing my physical fitness, learning about camping, cooking, and nutrition. It was a daunting prospect, but I was up for the challenge.

I spent my days absorbed in learning and acquiring the necessary skills. I poured over books and online resources, seeking knowledge about various Pokémon species, battle strategies, and the art of raising and caring for them. I trained alongside my parents, eager to absorb their expertise and gain practical experience.

The journey ahead felt like an uphill climb, but it was a journey I was willing to take. Each day, I grew more excited, envisioning the adventures that awaited me, the bonds I would forge with my Pokémon, and the battles I would face. It was a future that filled me with anticipation, and I couldn't wait for the day when I would step onto the path of a Pokémon Trainer.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, my determination only grew stronger. I knew that my knowledge and preparation would set me apart from other trainers. I would be ready, armed with a deep understanding of Pokémon and the skills needed to succeed.

With each passing day, I felt my dreams inching closer to reality. I was ready to take on the challenges of this world, to prove my worth as a Pokémon Trainer. And as the sun set on another day, I closed my eyes, a smile of excitement and anticipation playing on my lips. Tomorrow was another step forward, bringing me closer to the day when my journey would begin.