

In the previous chapter we see how Verity is victorious in her battle against Sabrina, making all our heroes already have their 6 gym badge, but just when they thought that the next day they were going to get on their way to their next destination, Looker calls them telling them to go to Hoenn, somewhat tired, accept this request and travel to Hoenn the next day where they also meet Lira, the protagonist of Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver.


With Ash.

"Alright, now that we've all introduced ourselves, let's talk about more serious matters" - Looker said seriously.

We all paid attention to what he was going to say next.

"As I already told you or so I think, several evil teams have been emerging in a few regions, two of them are currently in the Hoenn region, Team Magma and Team Aqua, at first they did not seem to have much activity, just some minor thefts, but lately they are appearing in many places in the region" – he began to explain.

"In other words, they are increasing their activity, but the question is, why now?" – said Verity.

"Very good question, you see, according to our infiltrated spies, apparently they are behind something, but they do not know what, they do not know if it is a weapon, a Pokémon or something even worse, we have only clear about one thing and that is that we must find out what it is because we do not know what they would be capable of if they obtained it, whatever it is " - he continued explaining.

In other words, the plot of the video games is developing and its objectives are clear, the Blue sphere and the Red sphere, which they need to control the Ancestral Pokémon Groudon and Kyogre, one Team wants to make the whole world covered by Land and the other by only sea, in other words, Aspirations of two mentally disturbed people who are dangerous and must be stopped, the problem is that I cannot reveal what I know or it would be too suspicious.

"I see, I guess since you've gathered us all here... It means you have a plan that involves us, am I right?" – I asked.

"You are very intelligent, that's right, your mission is simple, you will do the recruitment test for both teams that will take place tonight, you must pass the tests and infiltrate their organization, your goal there is not easy, I will not deceive you" – he answered.

"What goal do we have?" - asked Koharu.

"You must get as much information as possible about what they are looking for so desperately, anything is enough for us, I know you are trainers and you cannot be infiltrated all the time, that's why you have a week to discover something, if you fail ... We will take care of it, but you must discover something by all possible means,but without being discovered" - he replied.

"I understand what you're saying, but I can't understand how we're going to do the recruit test, I mean, it's not like it's public and everyone can do it if they want" - Lira said.

And the truth is it's a very smart question, I mean, it's an evil organization that the international police are trying to stop, I doubt very much that they will make it public, otherwise... They would be more stupid than they were at first later.

"You are absolutely right Miss Lira, you will see, this test can only be accessed by those people who are invited by high-ranking and higher members, coincidentally our infiltrator became a high-ranking just a week ago, so he recommended you, luckily he only said that a group of reliable friends would come, otherwise we would have a numbers problem" – explained Looker.

"Perfect, but don't you think one thing is missing?" - asked Nancy.

"If you talk about the place we already know that" - Looker said.

"No, I don't mean that, have you noticed our clothes? We clearly look like Pokémon trainers and I doubt very much that trainers will be welcome there" - Nancy said.

It makes sense, they probably won't accept people linked to the Pokémon League, and who is more linked to the Pokémon League than the gym leaders and the Elite Four? That's right, Pokémon trainers.

"Ah, it's just that, don't worry, we have a group of makeup experts who will make you looks like completely different people" - Looker said with a smile.

Then he snapped his fingers and numerous people, almost all women, entered the door with numerous briefcases.

"And since I can see that there is no doubt, let us proceed to transform you" - Looker said.


A few hours later.

Since the makeup we needed was more of the professional type, the time it took was enough, only with me it took more than two hours, yes, I was unrecognizable.

I still had the same color hair, however, my face was a little more profiled, I had red contact lenses and honestly I was a little more handsome than before, in terms of clothes, I wore the same, but they gave us a Team Magma uniform, at least to me.

Nancy on the other hand had the same hair color, but she let her hair down and if that did not make her unrecognizable and much more beautiful, now she had light blue eyes thanks to contact lenses and thanks to makeup she no longer looked the same, yes, I must admit that she was beautiful.

Verity on the other hand also retained her original hair color, but she had yellow eyes thanks to contact lenses, she had a somewhat more refined hairstyle than before and a beautiful face that made her look much more beautiful and beautiful than she was previously and believe me she was already beautiful before.

Koharu also retained her hair color, but this time she was tied up in a bun because she could not let her hair down with her uniform on, red contact lenses that made her look very sexy along with her beautiful face adorned with makeup.

Latias for his part did not change much, only his hairstyle and eye color, which were now yellow.

Finally, Lira, no longer had her hat on, nor did she have her hair tied in twintails, but had it loose and tied in a ponytail, amber eyes and a face that makeup improved, making her look beautiful.

"Well, how are we?" – Nancy asked when she saw that she was staring at them.

"Beautiful, so beautiful that I don't even think you can be my girlfriends" – I answered sincerely.

"Hehehe, thank you, but you are also beautiful, makeup really beautifies you" – Nancy replied.

Lira seemed a little embarrassed that I looked at her so much, so I tried to look away as she told the girls how beautiful they were.

"Alright, now that you're ready, pay attention to me please" - Looker said suddenly.

Listening to Looker, we all looked at him intently waiting for his next words.

"Perfect, as I told you before, the tests will be done tonight, but they will be for both Team Magma and Team Aqua, that's why each of you have different uniforms, that's because I have divided you into groups, namely Ash will go with Koharu, Lira and Bianca while Nancy and Verity will go together, the first group I just mentioned, will carry out the Team Magma tests, while Nancy and Verity will carry out the Team Aqua tests, any questions?" – explained Looker.

"Yes, I have one, why didn't you put me with Ash?" – Verity immediately asked.

"All the groups are chosen based on a judgment, Ash and Lira are trainers while Koharu is Ash's partner, but not a trainer like Bianca, so I had to put you both together because you are trainers, do you have any other questions?" – Looker replied.

Both girls didn't seem to be too happy with Looker's decision, however, they had no choice but to accept it.

Don't get them wrong, all my girlfriends get along so well with each other that they look like sisters, only they naturally want to be with me, but obviously it's not because they don't like each other.

*Note: the author also has to clarify that all girls get along great, for me, all girls who are part of a harem, must get along as sisters, I hope you like that.

After seeing that no one seemed to have another question, he continued with his explanation.

"As I mentioned, the tests will be done tonight, the location will be told tonight, once you arrive at the designated location, our infiltrated agent will be waiting for you there, we do not know what the tests will consist of, but as extremely talented trainers I am completely sure that you will pass them and remember, the most important thing is do not arouse suspicion, act as if you truly believe in their cause, whatever it may be" - Looker said.

After this and telling us that we would see each other at night in this same room, we left.

To tell the truth, there was not much to see because the night came in just over 5 hours, which we took advantage of to rest and take a walk around the City.

As for Lira, I don't know what he did, but we met again at the agreed time.

When we entered the room, there were 3 people waiting, one of them was Looker and the other two were two middle-aged men, nothing to highlight about them.

"You are here, perfect, change of plans, our infiltrators will take you to your respective tests, do not worry about being seen with me since we came at completely different times and those of Team Magma are allowed to go out a few hours a day, but always with normal clothes, so there will be no suspicion of anything" – explained Looker.

I don't think anyone did ask that question...

After this, each one went to the places where the test was going to be performed, for our part it was MT. Chinmey, specifically to the north while for Nancy and Verity was the MT. Hidden, a small mountain north of Lilycove City.

Since we use transportation, it did not take more than 1 hour to get to that place and I must say that it was very similar to the video game only much larger and now you could notice the enormous heat that ravaged the place thanks to the volcanic magma not far from there.

That said, when we arrived there were already people there and they were all wearing the uniform of Team Magma, but among them there was a woman who stood out and obviously knew who she was, she was the second in command of Team Magma only below Maxie, their leader, her name was Courtney.

"You're late Troy, we almost started without you" - Courtney said.

"Excuse me Miss Courtney, I have no excuse for this disrespect" - Troy apologized.

"Anyway, are these your recommendations?" - She asked.

"Yes" – he nodded.

"Very well, they seem strong, let them stand next to the others, I will explain what the recruitment exam consists of " - Courtney said.

We all nodded and stood next to the others who were anxiously awaiting Courtney's words, many looking nervous while others looked excited.

"Now that we are all I will proceed to explain the recruitment test, since everyone here has been recommended by high-ranking recruits, you can all enter Team Magma" – she began to explain.

Everyone seemed happy before this statement, to be honest I expected something more, it was too easy, I even expected a fight.

"However, not everyone here will possess the same rank, they will be divided into groups of two and you will perform a battle with a single Pokémon, the victorious will be considered as a Semi-High Rank Recruit, which have less authority than the boss, me, the other and the High Ranks, but with more authority than normal recruits, you can start, I will not answer any questions" - Courtney said.

The truth is that she is quite direct and did not even let anyone ask, however, that is not the important thing now, the question that everyone asks is, What about Latias? And it's a very good question, but as you remember, Courtney said we were late, this is because we assumed that this could happen and therefore, we taught Latias how to use a Pokémon in combat even if she didn't use a verbal command, but since she didn't have Pokémon I lent my Charizard, one of my most powerful Pokémon, which we explain the situation.

Now that you know what happened, let's get back to the subject, since we all needed to be Semi-High Rank Recruits, we could not get together, so each one chose another person to fight, I was touched with a random that I will not describe.

"I wish you luck, but in no way will I lose, Mightyena I choose you!" – said the random.

"I won't lose either, Pikachu let's prove who is the strongest!" – I said.

Pikachu jumped onto the battlefield ready to fight.

"A Pikachu? I'm going to win easily" - said the random.

"We'll see, you'd better not underestimate us" - I said seriously.

"It's a miserable Pikachu, Mightyena destroy it using Crunch!"

"Wait until the last moment and dodge it!"

Pikachu waited for Mightyena to be in front and dodged the blow.