
Pokemon: A champions journey

Ashley_Ketchum44 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter 3

After we shook hands on our deal, he started to show me around the property. On the way we also saw my three pokemon playing with some of the pokemon that the professor took care of. Seeing us, they came running and joined us on the tour. We soon entered his home. It was a pretty large wooden house next to the lab. It had two floors.

As we walked inside, we could hear the voices of two people, a girl and a boy. We walked into the kitchen where the voices originated from. Inside was a girl around the age of twelve and boy around eight talking. The girl had brown hair and green eyes while the boy had brown hair and black eyes.

As we walked inside, they noticed us and looked at me questioningly as if to ask who I was, however the boy soon forgot all about me as he noticed the pokemon with me and nearly disappeared, and before we knew it he was next to me looking at them with stars in his eyes.

"WOW. What kind of pokemon are these? I have never seen them before." He asked with stars in his eyes.

"Well, the blue one is Riolu, The brown one is Swinub and the last one is Victini." I calmly told the boy.

"Soooo coool. Hey are you a trainer?"

"Yes I am a trainer, though I havent trained many pokemon since I was focused on travelling and researching."

"Cool. Can I play with them? Please?"

"You have to ask them if they want to play."

The three looked at him before nodding.

"Awesome, come on." He said as he led them outside.

"Sigh. Sorry about him, he is a pokemon fanatic. That was my grandson Gary Oak, and this young lady here is my granddaughter Daisy Oak."

"Its a pleasure to meet you Daisy, I am Rimuru Tempest."

"Nice to meet you too. So not to be rude, but what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Well, Im going to stay in town for a while, so the professor offered me to stay with you guys."

"So cool. Its nice to finally have another girl in the house." She said with glee.

"Eh? Sorry, but could you say that again?"

"I said it was gonna be nice to have another girl around?" She said while tilting her head in confusion.

"Ah, sorry to burst your bubble, but... Im a guy." I said.

It was as if time froze in the room. Both Oaks stood still with their smiles frozen on their faces, and I could almost feel the awkwardness in the air.

"So, youre telling me that.... youre a guy?" Daisy asked.

"Uhm, yeah?"

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Later that night, after they got over their initial shock, we ate some dinner. Having eaten dinner, I went outside on the terrace that looket out over the town and sat down on a chair with my three pokemon laying around me. I decided to bring out my guitar and started strumming away.

(Rodney Atkins- Watching you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkLq1zwWmec)

"Driving through town just my boy and me. With a happy meal in his booster seat. Knowing that he couldn't have the toy 'till his nuggets were gone"

Without me noticing, All three of the Oak family exited the house and stood there while listening with smiles on their faces.

"Green traffic light turned straight to red. I hit my brakes and mumbled under my breath. His fries went a flying and his orange drink covered his lap. Well then my four year old said a four letter word, that started with "s" and I was concerned, so I said son, now where did you learn to talk like that?"

As I kept singing, I felt like it was only me and my guitar, no one else. Almost as if I never entered this world that once was fiction, so I never noticed as the Oaks joined me in their own chairs while watching the town from above.

"He said I've been watching you dad, ain't that cool. I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you, and eat all my food and grow as tall as you are. We got cowboy boots and camo pants, yeah we're just alike, hey ain't we dad? I wanna do everything you do, so I've been watching you."

I just kept singing. The song soon came to an end and I finally noticed that I had gotten a little audience. Oak was the first to speak.

"That song has a nice message. A son who wants to be like his father." He subtly looked at Gary, but I noticed it.

"What kind of instrument is that?" Daisy asked. I almost forgot that there were very few instruments in this world, so I calmly answered.

"This is a guitar. Its one of my favorites."

"Favorites? So you can play more instruments?" She asked, now with shining eyes.

"Yeah, I can play a few."

"Can you show us?2 Asked Gary.

"Maybe another day. Its getting late and I plan to start training these three tomorrow." I said causing my pokemon to look at me with determined eyes.

"I see..... In that case I`ll look forward to it." Said Gary dejectedly. I just ruffled his hair as I walked past him and entered the house followed by my three pokemon, getting ready for our first day of training.

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The next morning I woke up a bit disoriented and almost started to think that the day before had been some kind of fever dream or something, but waking up under that unfamiliar ceiling brought it all back to me and I just started to think about what to do from then on.

I slowly got up from the soft bed causing the other three occupants in the room to wake up as well.

"You three better get ready as well, cause from today onwards its going to be tough." I told them straight up. All three looked determined to get stronger so I just smiled and went to complete my morning routine.

Having finished my morning routine, I went downstairs to make breakfast for the Oak family before eating my self, and heading out to the field behind the lab. My pokemon quickly followed and lined up in front of me.

"Okay, first off I need you to show me the moves you currently know, and after that we will start your training."

Swinub started showing his moves. His moves were: Tackle, Powder snow, body slam, bite, ancient power and mud slap. His moves were nearly perfect, especially since he knew ancient power since he needed that move to evolve.

Next was Riolu. He knew the moves: Endure, quick attack, metal claw, agility, counter, cross chop and bullet punch. A good moveset.

Finally was Victini. He knew: Confusion, Incinerate, focus energy, quick attack, searing shot, headbutt, v-create and blue flare. Thats a good moveset for a Victini, but could use more variety.

After seeing their moves I started to instruct them. I told Swinub to work on controlling his ice and ground energy for more power and control behind his moves. Victini was set to attempt to learn Bolt strike and fusion bolt. Meanwhile Riolu and me were training in martial arts. Seeing as I was pretty famous back in my previous life, I needed to be able to fight for myself so I learned a few different types which I started to teach Riolu.

A couple hours later I was called by the professor so I told Riolu to keep training while I spoke with professor Oak. As I entered the lab, I quickly found him near his computer typing away. Once he noticed me I spoke.

"You called professor?"

"Yes my boy. I have very good news for you." I raised my eyebrow at that.

"I have called around for the last few hours and have managed to get you registered as a member of the researcher society, so welcome Rimuru, or should I say welcome professor Tempest." He said with a big grin on his face.

I was shocked at that, after all it should take longer than a couple of hours to get membership, right?

"Wait what? I thought it would take longer than that."

"Normally it would, but i managed to pull a few strings, on top of that, all of your research material is a huge contribution so that was definetly a deciding factor." I just smiled and thanked him as he handed me a lab coat.

After talking for a bit I headed back outside only to see Gary looking at my pokemon as they were training.

"See something interesting kid?" I asked him making him nearly jump three meters into the air.

After he managed to calm himself he started pouting at me.

"Dont do that again big brother Rimuru." I raised my eyebrow `Big brother Rimuru huh?´ I thought to myself.

"Sorry sorry, I just saw you looking at their training so intently so I couldnt help myself. So, interested in pokemon training?" I asked him.

"Yeah! I wanna become a great trainer too." Hearing this I ruffled his hair while smiling at him.

"Im sure you will be a great trainer Gary. But make sure you have good friends too. A rival would be good too so that you can push eachother beyond your limits. I once knew a man who was something like a hero to me. He always used the words PLUS ULTRA as a motto to motivate himself to go beyond his limits." I told Gary about a certain number one hero causing his eyes to shine with that child-like innocence.

"He sounds so cool. I got it big brother, I will make sure to have lots of friends during my journey."

"Good Gary." I said while once again ruffling his hair. `At least I had a bit of an impact on his personality´ I thought to myself as we went back to watching my pokemon training.

- Timeskip three weeks later.

Three weeks passed by in the blink of an eye. After my little talk with Gary, he immediatly went to Ash` house and talked with him and even brought him over on day to watch my training which he also took a liking to watching. Since that day Ash often came over with Gary. This also lead to me meeting Ash` mom, Deliah Ketchum a couple of times.

During these weeks I had also unofficially joined the Oak family, this was mostly because of the relationship I had gotten with Gary as well as the fact that I often spent time with Oak in his lab causing him to take quite the liking to me.

The professor also asked me if he could study my pokemon which I agreed to. This gave him a lot of data as I also told him all I knew about them. As for my pokemon themselves, they had gotten much stronger than they were when we arrived. On top of that, they also grew bigger and bigger in height. Swinub was three times as big as the normal swinub. Riolu was twice as big. However Victini for some reason didnt get much bigger.

The time had however now come to me having decided to leave for my journey.

- Outside Oaks lab.

You could see a group of people standing around outside of the lab. This group consisted of Gary, Daisy, Oak, Ash, Deliah and Rimuru. Rimuru stood clad in his usual black outfit with both bags over his left shoulder and Victini hanging on his right shoulder. Riolu and Swinub stood next to him as they were all saying goodbye.

"Well, I enjoyed my time here. Thanks for everything but its about time that we take on the league challenge, right guys?" I said as I looked at my partners. They all answered back enthusiasticaly.

"Rimuru, before you go I have a couple of gifts."

"You didnt have to professor."

"No, but I wanted to. The first is this." He handed over a red device.

"This is the pokedex. I spent many years making it so I hope that you use it well." He said as I recieved it.

"Thank you professor. I`ll make sure to take care of it."

"Good. Now the second gift is a bit different. I know you already have multiple pokemon, but I wanted you to have one from me as well." He said, causing my eyes to widen a bit.

"Professor, are you sure? I mean, there are probably quite a few that is going to start their journey soon."

"Its fine my boy. This one is a bit special, and since he was special, he wasnt recieved well among the others of his species. Come on out." Oak said as he threw a pokeball. The pokeball emitted the usual bright light before forming into a small creature. The creature was a golden colored lizard with the tip of his tail on fire.

"A shiny charmander....." I said in a low voice causing Oak to nod and the two younger boys eyes to shine as they saw a special pokemon.

"As you can see, he is a shiny. They are known to be stronger than those that are considered normal among their species, however since they look different, they are more often than not removed from their group. I hope that he can have a better time while traveling with you and your pokemon."

I knelt down to be at eye level with charmander and spoke softly.

"Hey charmander. Im Rimuru. I want to ask if you want to travel with me and my group. Do you want to become strong? So strong that those who wronged you will regret it?" I spoke to the little lizard and I could slowly see the flames of determination in his eyes before he jumped into my arms and I lifted him up.

"I will take that as a yes." I said as I chuckled at the pokemon. Oak gave me his pokeball.

"And remember that you are always welcome here." He smiled at me as the kids started to hug me leading to me also getting hugged by the two adults.

"I will remember that. I guess I will come back here to rest before the league starts." I told them. They smiled and nodded at that. I put charmander and swinub into their balls and started to walk away from the group while waving over my shoulder.

"This is the start guys..." I said to the two pokemon at my side.