
Three Months...

Morning came and Daikon opened his his eyes, feeling refreshed and energetic. Removing the pokemon off his head and lap, he quickly started doing his morning exercises.

Daikon quickly started the first stance of Dragon Form, smoothly going through the movements. He realized that his cultivation improves after practicing Dragon Form and that his Dragon Form got smoother as his cultivation improved. The two seemed connected and improved each other.

'No wonder cultivating was stagnant before.' Daikon thought as he continued

the first stance.

Daikon finished and continued his routine of bathing in the lake. Taking off his clothes, he dove into the lake but prepared himself. As he thought, Kingdra was staring at him underwater, Daikon smiled and waved at the Kingdra before returning to the surface.

Washing away the sweat, Daikon returned to the shore and put his clothes back on. His pokemon had woken up by the sound of water splashing and were sleepy eyed and yawning.

Espeon looked around and said to Daikon, 'Master the Milotic left without saying thank you.'

"She left during the night." Daikon said, not bothered that Milotic had left.

Soon Gerald showed up with his pokemon causing his pokemon to shudder. Daikon scratched Vibrava's head and tried to give his pokemon an encouraging smile. His pokemon sulked off as the older pokemon took them away to train.

Daikon faced Gerald and waited for his training to start. Gerald stared at him for awhile until he said, "When you reach 99 cycles tell me so I can teach you the second stance."

"I have a long way to go." Daikon said, he had just broken through 30 cycles not to long ago and had a lot of work to do before reaching 99 cycles.

Gerald nodded his head and told him to attack him. Daikon let out a deep breath and took an attack pose and pounced towards Gerald. As usual, Gerald beat him down effortlessly but Daikon continued to attack, not giving up.

"You are thinking to much! Let your body's instincts take over!" Gerald yelled as he slapped Daikon to the ground.

Getting up, he brushed his hands on his pants before attacking again. The day continued in this fashion, causing Daikon to accumulate lots of bruises.

At the end of the day when Daikon was about to leave Gerald said, "Sit down. Do you know why pokemon trainers usually stick with one type of pokemon?"

Daikon tried to remember Professor Oak's lessons before answering. "Because it is easier to train one type of pokemon than multiple types. For example fire type pokemon can train in a hot area like a volcano to strengthen themselves while a grass type could strengthen itself deep in a forest. Same with materials for training. When a trainer has different types of pokemon they have to travel to different locations and search for different materials." Daikon answered after a few moments of remembering what the professor told him.

Gerald nodded his head, "Looks like that nerd did teach you well. So what do you plan to do for materials?"

Daikon raised his eyebrow at his grandfather calling a world renowned pokemon professor a nerd but did pursue it. "There is nothing I can do. I will slowly find or buy materials on my own. There is no time limit in becoming a Pokemon Master."

"Good enough." Gerald said. He then took out three small stones, two were the same blood red colour while the other one was a light pink. "Give this to your Dratini and Vibrava and the pink one to your Espeon." Gerald handed over the three stones and took out another one that glowed bright red. "This is a lava stone, it strengthens fire type pokemon. Make sure your Quilava sleeps with it every night."

Holding the four stones, Daikon looked at his grandfather with a complicated look.

"What? I don't want you to embarrass me on national TV okay? So you and your pokemon need to become stronger." Gerald said, he then turned away and walked towards the forest.

Daikon tried to thank his grandfather but the words were stuck on his tongue. 'Looks like I will have to win that damn tournament now.'

That night Daikon gave the stones to his pokemon, which they accepted with excitement. Especially Quilava, who cuddled the Lava Stone like it was the most precious thing in the world. Dratini and Vibrava both gave off a light red glow after they swallowed the stones.

The next three months went by quickly, Daikon trained and got his ass kicked by Gerald everyday. His pokemon continued to train with his grandfather's dragons with his grandfather giving them rare and expensive materials. Their strength skyrocketed this last month causing Daikon to feel extremely thankful to his grandfather. He knew it would have took them years to reach this kind of strength with just him training them.

Daikon's cultivation had increased tremendously, reaching 75 cycles. His hand to hand also improved causing him not to get beaten so severely each day. He also made friends with the Milotic from the lake, he fed her snacks and also swam with her the odd time. She also watched when Daikon was training with his grandfather, showing an interest in their battle.

His grandfather had stopped his pokemon from training Daikon's, instead he made Daikon battle with wild pokemon from the forest or the surrounding mountains.

Today he was fighting against a powerful Breloom with his Quilava and even though he held a type advantage, Quilava wasn't able to keep up with Breloom's fast and powerful punches and kicks.

Sent crashing into the dirt, Quilava slowly stood up and let out a loud roar. A red glow surrounded his body and sent a powerful flamethrower towards the Breloom. Sensing the danger, Breloom jumped out of the way and used Seed Bomb. Daikon and Quilava both had to jump out of the way because the explosion was so large.

Quilava's Blaze ability grew stronger as he used Flame Wheel and slammed into Breloom's chest. Taking a couple steps, Breloom retaliated with a Mach Punch. Quilava once again crashed into the ground and slowly got up, but this time he was surrounded by a white glow.

'About time.' Daikon thought, even though he seemed calm on the surface, he was ecstatic that Quilava was evolving. Typhlosion would be his first final evolved pokemon that he raised himself. He was proud of that tiny Cyndaquil that he took from that asshole in Pallet Town.

Finally the evolution was over and a 1.8m tall Typhlosion replaced the tiny Quilava.

Typhlosion is a badger-like Pokémon is a bulky yet agile body. Typhlosion is classified as a quadruped, but it is capable of bipedal movement and is frequently depicted standing on its hind legs. When its mouth is open, it shows its thick tongue and sharp canines. It has a short snout and small eyes and ears. Typhlosion's face, underside, arms, and legs are a shade of cream, and its back is dark blue. On Typhlosion's rear, there is a spiky, coarse fringe of fur. Across the back of its neck, there are several red spots that produce fire in battle.

Typhlosion mane lit up with flames as it roared at the Breloom. Sensing the danger from Typhlosion, Breloom quickly darted off in the forest. Typhlosion stared at the retreating Breloom before collapsing to the ground.

"Good bluff there buddy." Daikon said as he helped Typhlosion up, smiling at his new pokemon.