
Pewter City Gym

Graveler is a living, bipedal boulder. It has a rocky crest about its small eyes. It has four arms, each with a three-fingered hand.

[Graveler the rock pokemon. Graveler grows by feeding on rocks. Apparently, it prefers to eat rocks that are covered in moss. This Pokémon eats its way through a ton of rocks on a daily basis.]

"Don't let it get a hold of you Eevee." Daikon warned as he saw the large boulder flexing his arms.


Eevee gave a quick agreement as she sized her opponent up.

"This battle between Daikon of Pallet Town and advance trainee Yolanda will be set at 3 pokemon each. Battle starts now!" Forrest said, as he refereed the match.

Eevee quickly sent a Shadow Ball at Graveler. Graveler used Defense Curl immediately, curling into a ball. The Shadow Ball crashed into Graveler causing dust to kick up. Graveler unfurled and gave a loud roar, showing that it took hardly any damage.

Daikon's eyes narrowed. He knew this wasn't going to be an easy battle but didn't think her Graveler was this strong.

"You will have to get close Eevee. Be careful." Daikon said.

Eevee gave a quick nod before dashed towards Graveler. She sent Swift towards Graveler's eyes to blind him temporarily.

It was one of the many things Daikon and his pokemon worked on during their 3 month stay in the forest.

It worked, Graveler raised its arms to protect its eyes from the attack, allowing Eevee to get close. She used Iron Tail and hit it in the chest, knocking him back a couple steps. She continued to attack using double kick.

Graveler sent a punch her way, barely missing her. Eevee ducked under the punch but Graveler sent another one and sent Eevee flying. Eevee let out a cry of pain but still managed to send a Shadow Ball at Graveler.

Graveler let out a painful grunt as it took a couple steps back. Eevee landed on the dirt ground and rolled a couple times before stopping. She quickly stood up and glared at the Graveler.

Daikon gave a small smile knowing Eevee was mad at about her dirty fur.

"Rock Throw!" Yolanda yelled.

Graveler started to hurl rocks at Eevee. Eevee danced around avoiding the rocks, unable to get close again. Eevee sent out a Swift attack trying to destroy the rocks but it wasn't powerful enough to break them apart. She wasn't able to cast her Shadow Ball fast enough to destroy the rocks.

Finally Eevee was hit by a rock and sent flying. Daikon took a step to the left and caught Eevee. He looked down at his dirty furry companion and let out a smile.

"You did good. Take a rest." Daikon told her as he petted her head.

Eevee rubbed against his hand and let out a light sound. She then jumped down and started to glow.

"Evolving?" Daikon said surprised.

Forrest looked at the the Eevee. 'What will it involve into?' he thought.

Daikon stared at the glowing Eevee, shocked. He had mixed feelings about her evolving. He loved that cute needy Eevee who worked her ass off to impress him.

Would she be the same after evolving?

The white light slowly got brighter until fading away. Left standing there was a quadruped, mammalian Pokémon with slender legs and dainty paws. SHe was covered in fine, lilac fur. With large ears, and it has purple eyes with white pupils. There are tufts of fur near her eyes, and a small, red gem embedded in her forehead.


Daikon took out his pokedex. [Espeon the sun pokemon. Espeon is extremely loyal to any Trainer it considers to be worthy. It is said that this Pokémon developed its precognitive powers to protect its Trainer from harm.]

Reading this a wave of emotions overcame Daikon. Regarding his pokemon he was very protective and a little emotional about them.

Daikon had studied lots of pokemon in Professor Oak's lab. He read about everything the Professor had in his lab. He knew that Eevee's only evolved into Espeon if they had the highest trust for their trainer.

He knew that Eevee trusted him but according to the Professor the amount of trust had to be willing to give their lives for the trainer.

Holding back his emotions, Daikon walked up to Espeon and knelt down. He gently petted her head and scratched her very large ears.

Espeon leaned into his hand, enjoying the affection. Daikon looked into Espeon's eyes and whispered, "Thank you."


Daikon returned to the edge of the battlefield. "Sorry for my interruption. Shall we continue the battle?" he asked Yolanda.

"Yes lets. Graveler Rock Throw!"

Daikon didn't give Espeon an order. He wanted to watch her and get a hold of her new power.

Espeon stood still as she watched the rocks fly at her. Her eyes gave a slight purple glow and the rocks stopped in mid air and fell to the ground.

"Confusion." Daikon simply stated as he smiled at Espeon's new move.

It was a weak psychic attack that didn't have the power to send the boulders flying back to Graveler but it could stop them.

Espeon then took off towards Graveler, her speed was significantly faster than before. She appeared in front of Graveler, her tail was glowing with Iron Tail. She struck Graveler in face, sending him crashing into the ground.

Espeon continued to attack switching between Double Kick and Iron Tail.

'Well she hasn't lost her viciousness.' Daikon smiled in his heart.

"Graveler is unable to battle. Espeon is the winner." Forrest announced.

Espeon ran over and jumped into Daikon's arm, almost knocking him over.

"Girl you are a little bigger than before." Daikon laughed as he held Espeon in his arms.

Her ears drooped as she felt bad, she tried to jump down. Daikon laughed even louder and continued to hold her. "You are still small enough to be held don't worry."


Giving a cry of happiness, Espeon buried her head into Daikon's face. Her fur was soft to the touch and her large ears tickles his nose.

"Okay okay enough. There is still a battle you know." Daikon said placing Espeon down.

Yolanda smiled at the display of affection and released an Aggron.

Espeon went out to face Aggron but Daikon stopped her, instead he released Quilava. Espeon cocked her head in question at Daikon but he didn't answer her.

Quilava looked back and saw Espeon.


Espeon stuck her chin out arrogantly at Quilava, as though she was mocking him.


Quilava gave an angry cry as the flames on his body grew large. He then stare at Aggron, ready for battle.

"Aggron vs Quilava. Let's start the battle!" Forrest said.

"Show them your strength Quilava." Daikon's words were simple but pumped Quilava up even more.

Quilava used Smokescreen to impair Aggron's vision. He then used Flame Wheel and dove into the smoke. His attack connected, causing Aggron to cry in pain but Aggron grabbed Quilava with his hands, not letting him move.

Thinking quickly, Quilava used Ember on the close ranged Aggron.

Aggron gritted his teeth through the pain and used Headbutt. Quilava was dizzy from Aggron's hard head and started to stumbled. Attacking, Aggron used Iron Tail.

Quilava barely avoided the attack. He was no longer dizzy and sent another Ember attack but this time it was much more powerful.

'About time he learned Flamethrower.'

With his new attack, Quilava released Flamethrower again. Aggron was taking damaged so Yolanda stepped in to help.

"Iron Claw!" she yelled.

Aggron's three claws on each hand started to glow as it swiped at Quilava.

Quilava nimbly evaded the attack, showing off his speed.

Yolanda saw this and quickly changed tactics, "Metal Sound!"

A loud piercing sound came from Aggron's mouth, causing Quilava to cover his ears.

"Now Iron Head!" Yolanda yelled.

Aggron's head started to glow as he headbutted Quilava. While being hit, Quilava released a Flamethrower, engulfing Aggron in flames.

Quilava landed hard on the ground, covered in dirt and debris. He was unsteady to get to his feet but still managed to do it.

Though Aggron looked better, it was still on its last leg as well.

"Flame Charge Quilava." Daikon finally gave a command.

Quilava's entire body was covered in bright red flames. He started to charge at Aggron with great speed.

"Iron Head." Yolanda said as Aggron prepared for the attack.

The two clashed in the middle of the gym causing a weak shock wave throughout the gym.

Quilava and Aggron both collapsed to the ground.

"Both Aggron and Quilava are unable to battle." Forrest announced.

Daikon withdrew Quilava and clipped the pokeball back to his belt.

He then released Dratini. "This is my last pokemon." Daikon said.

Yolanda and Forrest both were in shock after seeing Daikon's black Dratini.

"What an unusual Dratini." Forrest muttered.

Yolanda released her last pokemon, Sudowoodo.

"Dratini vs Sudowoodo begins now!"


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