
Maze Wataru

Daikon smiled as the wind howled in his ears. Looking down at the pokeball in his hand he felt ecstatic that he had such a strong pokemon on his team.

He was flying back to Cerulean City on Togekiss, much to the disagreement of Flygon and Dragonair who both wanted Daikon to ride on them. He picked Togekiss because of her soft feathers.

Daikon looked over and saw his grandfather riding his powerful Aerodactyl. His face remained stoic and unchanging as the wind beat against his face. Daikon felt immense gratitude towards Gerald for training him and his pokemon for 7 months. He had broken through to the Dragon Core Realm and most of his pokemon had evolved and gained powerful bodies and battling experience. Daikon placed his pokemon's level at the high end gym leader level.

Togekiss let out a cheerful cry as she did a loop in the air, causing Daikon to yell out in shock and grab Togekiss' feathers tightly.

"Don't do that!" Daikon yelled at his pokemon.

Togekiss had a smug smile on her face as she cooed lightly. Gerald glanced over and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Aerodactyl gave Togekiss a glance only to look away.

Daikon shook his head at Togekiss, though this pokemon was mature and caring she had a playful side that loved to play pranks, mostly on Daikon himself. In one month he would be taking part in the U20 Pokemon Tournament. The tournament showcased the young talent of Kanto. This tournament was the opening for the Indigo Plateau Conference. All the regions watched this tournament to gauge their youngsters against Kanto's. The regions were always competing against each other and Kanto had been a powerhouse for a long time.

But because of their missing Champion for the last couple of years, Kanto's power was on the decline. Though no one was ready to make any big moves because of the old monsters like Professor Oak and Agatha, plots were beginning to form in the darkness.

Daikon knew that the competition would be tough. The young masters of powerful clans and the disciples of strong individuals. These people have had training since they could walk and were given strong and powerful pokemon. Compared to them, Daikon was at a large disadvantage but he wasn't worried. His training with his grandfather was best training he could ask for and his education with Professor Oak was second to none. He thought these two things would help balance the playing field.


Finally arriving in Cerulean City, Daikon and Gerald jumped off their pokemon and walked into the city.

"What are we doing here again?" Gerald asked slightly annoyed. He was suppose to take Daikon back to Pallet Town to see his mother and Professor Oak.

"I'm going to say hi to the Fontaine's and see how they are doing." Daikon rolled his eyes, telling him for the thousandth time.

Gerald scoffed but kept silent, not impressed with his grandson's decision. He has no obligation to this family but he continues to feel indebted to them.

"It is 5 minute detour, not need to get grumpy." Daikon shot at his grandfather.

Daikon shortly arrived at the Cerulean Gym and entered while his grandfather waited outside for him. Daikon walked in and saw Misty and a trainer battling. Misty's Starmie was fighting against a Kingdra. The Kingdra seemed to be slowly gaining the advantage against Starmie.

Misty seemed to be in a tough situation as she clenched her fist.

Daikon was intrigued as he looked at this powerful trainer who was able to push Misty to the limits, one of the most powerful Kanto gym leader. It was a female trainer wearing blue jeans and a black hoodie. Most of her face was hidden by a ball cap pulled down low. Her red hair was pulled into a ponytail.

Daikon got a strange feeling from her as he stared at her.

The battle soon reached its final stages as Kingdra sent Starmie flying out of the arena.

"Starmie is unable to battle, Maze is the winner." the referee stated.

Misty gave a defeated sign before shaking Maze's hand and handed over the Cascade Badge to her.

"Congratulations. This is your Cascade Badge, proof of your victory today."

Maze took the badge silently, turning towards the door. When she passed Daikon he saw a glimpse of her face and saw red eyes.

His eyes narrowed. "Wait."

Maze stopped and turned around, meeting Daikon's gaze. "What?" her voice was cold and detached.

"Where are you from?" Daikon asked coldly.

"What does it matter to you?"

Daikon started to use his draconic energy, his beautiful blue eyes turned blood red. "It matters a great deal."

Maze stared at him, her eyes widened in shock. Red eyes were a trait of the Draconids clan. Her shock soon turned to caution. "Are you from the main clan?" she asked, keeping her distance.

Daikon turned and saw Misty, Daisy and their sisters listening.

"Let's find somewhere else to talk." Daikon said, gesturing towards the door. Maze nodded and followed him outside.

When Gerald saw Daikon and Maze walking out of the gym, he raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. Maze's eyes darted between the two of them.

Clearing his throat, "What is your name?"

Maze didn't say anything for a moment, like she was decided whether or not to tell them. "Maze Wataru from Black Thorn City."

"Wataru? The Dragon Tamer clan and family of the Lance Wataru of the Elite 4?" Daikon asked in shock. He had heard of this powerful family from Johto and was shocked to find out that she was part of it.

"Dragon Tamer? Is that what that old bastard named his clan?" Gerald interjected.

Maze frostily glared at Gerald. "That's my grandfather you are talking about."

"Hahaha easy young one. I am friends with your grandfather and helped him when he was banished from the island." Gerald laughed at her cold defensive appearance.

"Banished?" Daikon looked at Maze in shock.

A frosty chill seemed to surround Maze as she glared at Daikon. "I wouldn't expect you, a main clan direct descendant to understand. Coddled your whole life with resources and the best training." she shot at Daikon.

Daikon eyes went wide before he laughed loudly. Maze thought he was mocking her. She cocked her fist and took a swing at Daikon, a thin film of purple energy covered her fist.

Daikon leaned back and avoided the fist. "Enough. You are half right."

Maze looked at him frosty, not believing him.

"Looks like Wataru got himself a talented granddaughter… well not as talented as my grandson." Gerald said with a smug smile.

"Grandpa." Daikon rolled his eyes at the smugness his grandfather showed.

Turning towards Maze, Daikon said. "I am a descendant of main clan, in fact my grandfather is the Patriarch of the Khoth clan." gesturing towards Gerald, causing Maze's jaw to drop. "But I grew up poor and worked hard for where I am today."

Maze rolled her eyes and didn't believe him at all.

"It's true, I learned about my grandson under a year ago." Gerald said quietly.

Maze looked back and forth between them, trying to tell if they were both lying.

"Which is more than I can say for you." Daikon smile mockingly. "The rich and powerful Wataru clan of Johto. Your older brother is Elite 4. Giving everything since birth, pokemon, training resources, etc."

"I have train harder than everyone else and catch my own pokemon!" Maze yelled in defence, getting in Daikon's face.

Not backing down, Daikon smiled, looking down on her. "Your brother help you catch them? Must have been so hard."

"Enough. Daikon almost all your pokemon have been given to you." Gerald said, causing Maze to smile in derision. "And you Maze, you came from money and power, the exact opposite of Daikon."

Daikon raised his eyebrows as in saying 'told you so'.

"Grandfather we both know the pokemon giving to me were weak. I trained them to where they are today."

"You trained them?" cocking an eyebrow towards Daikon.

"... you helped a little." Daikon muttered.

Might be able to tell but I am on a Lucifer binge at the moment.

Dawsoncreators' thoughts