

"Looks like we will need to hunt to feed you every night." Daikon said as he rubbed Dratini's head.

Dratini responded with a light pur as he continued to sleep around Daikon's arm.

Daikon returned to camp and crawled into his sleeping bag, Eevee and Cyndaquil cuddled up to him.

As the sun rose, so did Daikon. Grabbing his sword he started practicing his swordsmanship. This had been his routine everyday since he could remember. He had to remove Dratini from his arm, waking him up and setting him down on the sleeping bag. Eevee and Cyndaquil both woke up to and watched as Daikon practiced.

Seeing their trainer practice gave them ambition, Eevee practiced her moves on a tree. Quick Attack, Tackle, Double Kick and Sand-Attack, she repeated these moves over and over again against a large tree. It was easy to tell that it was hurting her but she continued with her training.

Cyndaquil practiced his Smoke Screen and Ember. He didn't dare use Ember against a tree in case he lit it on fire but he did use a large rock for practice.

Dratini watched these two practiced, he then yawned and headed off somewhere.

Daikon watched his pokemon practice, it filled him with energy and happiness. If his pokemon were trying this hard to get strong then he should put in twice the effort.

After an hour of training, Daikon called it quits. He then brought out a potion and treated Eevee's injuries.

Daikon looked at the tree and saw several small indents on the trunk. He smiled and stroked Eevee's head. "Good girl Eevee. You to Cyndaquil, keep up the good work you guys." Daikon made sure to praise his pokemon, letting them know how well they did.

Dratini came back carrying a dead Rattata, he dumped it in front of Cyndaquil and Eevee and urged them to eat it. Eevee sniffed it and shook her head, she then went over to Daikon and started eating the food he had set out for them. Cyndaquil tried to eat the Rattata but quickly spit it out and joined Eevee.

Dratini seemed upset and started complaining to them.

"Dra! Dratini dra!"

Daikon let out a laugh and petted Dratini's head. "It's okay boy. They don't like to eat pokemon. More for you right?" Daikon calmed him down. Dratini started eating the Rattata, ignoring Eevee and Cyndaquil.

Daikon also had a quick breakfast. He then packed up all his stuff and headed out. He put all 3 pokemon into their pokeballs because he would be entering Viridian City soon.

He didn't meet any more wild pokemon as he approached the city. A guard was at the gate of the city, Daikon had to show him his trainer ID before he was allowed to enter the city.

"What's with the security?" Daikon asked curious.

"Someone tried to rob the pokemon center. He didn't take anything but was able to get away. We are still looking for him." the guard told Daikon.

Daikon was shocked, someone actually tried to rob the pokemon center? What's more is that the robber even got away. The League must be embarrassed about his and even more so the Viridian Gym.

Gym leaders are in control of a certain area and they report to the League about their areas. Since this happened in Viridian City, the Viridian gym leader has to take responsibility.

Daikon didn't know who the gym leader was but felt sorry them.

Entering the town, Daikon was greeted by tall buildings and lots of people. All the streets were busy with people and pokemon going in and out of stores and restaurants.

The large red roofed pokemon center was easy to spot and Daikon made a beeline for it. Entering the pokemon center he went to the counter with a beautiful blonde nurse.

"Hi, I'd like to heal my pokemon please." Daikon spoke politely as he handed ever his three pokeballs.

"Of course sir. May I see your trainer ID?" the blonde nurse asked.

Daikon quickly took out his ID and presented to the nurse. The nurse gave it a quick look over and then took his pokemon. "They should be ready soon. Please have a look around and our higher floors as well." she said as she left with his pokeballs.

Quickly went to the second floor and purchased some more pokefood for his pokemon. He then looked at the pokemon for sale.

There was the usual, Pidgey, Rattata, Bellsprout and so on but a rare Abra also appeared which was gaining a lot of attention. Daikon thought about it for a second before shaking his head.

Abra wouldn't be a good fit for his team.

He watched as the Abra sold for a high price and continued to check out the rest of the pokemon for sale. Nothing caught his eye so he went back downstairs to pick up his pokemon. The blonde nurse seemed to be waiting for him and handed him his three pokeballs.

"All of them are in excellent health. You must treat your pokemon very well." the nurse gave Daikon a bright white smile.

Daikon flushed and clipped to pokeballs on his waist before walking away quickly.

The nurse let out a light laugh as she watched the young man run away from her.

Once outside, Daikon roamed the streets looking at weird food and trinkets. He bought a pair of training clothes and weights for himself to improve his training. He also bought some flavoured pokefood for his pokemon, except Dratini who seems to like blood flavour.

Seeing the pokemon gym, Daikon was unable to help himself and entered it.

"We have a challenger today?" a soft female voice called out.

Looking at the speaker, Daikon saw a beautiful brown haired girl with rosy cheeks.

"Daisy Oak?" Daikon blurted out in surprise.

"You know me?" she asked equally surprised.

Daikon blushed in embarrassment before answering, "Not officially no. I saw your picture in your grandfather's lab with your brother. I am Daikon, I worked for your grandpa." he explained.

"Oh! So you're the famous Daikon my grandpa can't stop talking about! He even told me to look out for you!" Daisy's eyes raked over Daikon's body, taking in every detail.

"Yes ma'am. I don't dare challenge you yet I only want to challenge the rookie trainee." he said.

Each gym has one gym leader and three trainees. The three trainees were taught by the gym leader and they all had different levels. Rookie, Intermediate and Advanced. Only after defeating the advanced trainee could you challenge the gym leader.

"Makes sense as you only started your journey yesterday." Daisy said. "Joel! Get out here you have a challenger!"

A boy around Daikon's age came running out and stood in front of him. "I'm Joel and I will be your opponent."

"Sounds good to me. Let's start!" Daikon said.

They stood 10 m apart and faced each other.

"Viridian rookie trainee Joel vs Daikon of Pallet Town, two pokemon will be used for each trainer. Battle commence!" Daisy said being the ref for the match.

"Raticate let's go!" Joel yelled as he threw a pokeball. A large rodent pokemon appeared, it was tawny coloured with a cream underside. It had large incisors and three whiskers on each side of its face.

'Better not send Dratini.' Daikon thought as he remembered his little bloodthirsty dragon.

"Eevee." Daikon said calmly as he released Eevee.


"Raticate use Quick Attack!" Joel yelled.

Raticate dashed towards Eevee with great speed. Eevee waited until Raticate was close and then used Sand-Attack, blinding Raticate. Eevee then attacked using Double Kick and sent Raticate flying.

"Raticate!" Joel yelled.

Before Raticate had landed, Eevee had already used Quick Attack and crashed into Raticate in mid air. Raticate let out a loud cry before fainting.

"Raticate is unable to battle. Eevee is the winner." Daisy said as her eyes narrowed looking at Eevee and her trainer.

'Already this strong? His Eevee isn't a high level but its battle instincts are incredible.' Daisy thought as she saw Daikon's calm expression.

"Good job Eevee." Daikon said as he bent down and brushed Eevee's head.

"Eeee." Eevee purred as Daikon petted her.

"Joel send out your second pokemon." Daisy said.

"Right! Let's go Machop!" Joel said as a humanoid pokemon appeared with grey skin.

"Cyndaquil!" Daikon said.

Cyndaquil appeared on the battlefield, he released a loud cry as his back burst into flames.

"Pumped up are you? Well let's start then." Daikon smiled at the once shy pokemon.

"Focus Energy Machop!" Joel said as Machop clenched and a shimmer of energy covered its body.

"Don't let it get close to you Cyndaquil." Daikon said not giving Cyndaquil exact commands but vague ones so he could learn on his own.

Giving a sound of agreement, Cyndaquil covered the field with Smoke Screen, restricting everyone's view.

Cyndaquil then spat out Ember towards Machop. It was a direct hit but Machop only flinched in pain.

"Follow the embers and use Karate Chop!" Joel told Machop.

Machop sprinted out of the smoke and appeared right before Cyndaquil, surprised he was unable to avoid the attack and the Karate Chop hit Cyndaquil.

"Cyndaa!" he cried as he crashed into the dirt, creating a slight hole.

"Move Cyndaquil, get out his range!" Daikon gave Cyndaquil a command.

"Too late! Low Kick now!" yelled Joel.

Cyndaquil tried to avoid it but couldn't , the Low Kick connected and sent Cyndaquil flying.

He landed near Daikon, covered in dust. "Can you continue Cyndaquil?" Daikon asked him, trusting his pokemon's judgement.

Cyndaquil slowly got up, "Cyndaaa… QUIL!" a loud cry filled the stadium. A red glow covered Cyndaquil.

"Blaze?" Daisy said in shock. It was an ability some fire pokemon had but it was rare for it to activate.

"That a boy! Now use Quick Attack!" Daikon said proud of Cyndaquil's spirit.

Cyndaquil dashed towards Machop, closing the gap quickly.

"Karate Chop!" Joel said.

"Ember now!" Daikon said.

In the midst of a Quick Attack, Cyndaquil sent an Ember and hit Machop, cancelling out his Karate Chop. Slamming into Machop and sending him flying, Cyndaquil was taking deep breaths, clearing exhausted.

"Machop is unable to battle. Cyndaquil is the winner. Daikon from Pallet Town is declared the winner." Daisy Oak announced.

Daikon wasn't listening to Daisy, he was watching Cyndaquil. A white glow covered Cyndaquil.

"Evolving?" Daikon said with happiness. He had watched videos of pokemon evolving but this was the first time he had witnessed it himself.

The white light continued to get brighter and brighter until it started to fade away and a new pokemon was standing there.
