

"You need to purchase a pokedex and register with the League." Nancy continued to type at her computer.

"I actually have one." Daikon said, pulling his pokedex from his backpack.

Nancy turned away from her computer and looked at Daikon's pokedex, her eyes lit up. He had the newest model that hadn't even been released to the public yet.

'This kid must have some high up connections.' Nancy told herself.

She took the pokedex gently and plugged it in, registering it with the Kanto Pokemon League. She noticed that he already had two pokemon registered to his pokedex and said, "So I take it you won't be buying a starter pokemon?"

"No I won't be. I would still like to go look at the pokemon you are selling though." Daikon had quite a bit of money, thanks to Professor Oak paying for his pokedex and his mother giving him two starters. Even after paying for the registration he would have quite a bit left over.

"We have a good selection, including pokemon from Johto and Hoenn region." Nancy told him with excitement, trying to make a sale.

The Johto region was just to the west of Kanto, on the other side of the mountain range. Johto pokemon were becoming more and more common in the Kanto region. Hoenn on the other hand was an island to the south of Johto, Hoenn pokemon were still pretty rare in the Johto region.

"Registration cost 100 pokecoins, so that will be 100 pokecoins." Nancy said.

Daikon passed over a small plastic card which held all his money to Nancy. She gave it a quick swipe and Daikon provided his fingerprint to complete the transaction.

"Congratulations Mr. Daikon! You are officially a pokemon trainer!" Nancy gave him a large smile before handing his pokedex back.

Daikin thanked her and stood up to leave. He bought some food for his pokemon and headed over to see the different pokemon for sale.

He saw lots of common pokemon like Caterpies and Pidgeys for sale. What attracted everyone's attention was the Cyndaquil that was for sale.

Cyndaquil is a small, bipedal Pokémon with bluish fur on top of its body, and a milky color on the underside. Its eyes are often closed and it has a long, thin snout. It lacks claws on its forelimbs, but has a single claw on each hind foot.

Daikon tried to remember what he learn about Cyndaquil from the Professor.

Cyndaquil is usually timid by nature and often curls into a ball when intimidated. It has four red spots on its back from which its flames erupt. The fire grows more powerful as Cyndaquil becomes more angry or defensive.

Daikon knew that this tiny mouse pokemon could become a very powerful Typhlosion if trained correctly.

Daikon was about to buy it but was beat to the punch by a fat kid with rich clothes who waddled up and slammed his bright gold card down on the counter and said, "I want that Cyndaquil!"

This card was different from Daikons, it was a credit card that the didn't have a limit compared to his, which he had to load his own money onto the card.

The clerk looked down at the gold card and gave the fat kid a large smile and before answering, "Of course sir."

The fat kid, who was around the same age as Daikon, had a huge smile as the pokeball was handed to him.

The fat kid saw all eyes were on him at the moment and puffed out his chest with arrogance. "Bunch of commoners you are looking at a future pokemon master!"

Daikon rolled his eyes in derision. He had met lots of people like this at Professor Oak's lab, demanding that the Professor teach their kids or let them buy a starter pokemon from him. Of course the Professor told them to shove it, angering a lot of wealthy and powerful people but being a world renowned pokemon expert, there wasn't much they could do.

The fat kid saw Daikon's look and felt a flash of anger. "Hey you! A commoner like you dares look at me like that! You have pokemon! Let's battle!"

Daikon hesitated, he hadn't trained either of his pokemon and hadn't battled with them yet.

Seeing his hesitation, the fat kid had a vicious smile on his face. "Scared? What a pussy! Take your weak pokemon and scram!"

Rage filled Daikon as he looked at this fat fucks smug face, his eyes flashed between red and blue. "Fine let's battle." Daikon spat out.

The fat ass gave a smirk before heading outside to the battle, Daikon followed him out. A couple of curious trainers and shoppers followed to watch the battle.

Standing 10 m apart from one another, Daikon and the fat kid stared at each other.

The fat kid threw out a pokeball and the recently purchased Cyndaquil appeared in flash of red light.

Daikon thought about his two pokemon he had. Dratini had stronger moves but was literally born two hours ago while Eevee had weaker moves but was older.

The decision wasn't hard as Daikon threw out a pokeball, Eevee appeared.

"An Eevee? Better than I thought but still useless." The fat kid sneered.

"Cyndaquil use ember!"


Flames covered Cyndaquil's back as he shot out weak flames towards Eevee. Eevee stomped on the ground and a small line of dirt clashed with the embers.

"Now use quick attack!" Ben commanded.

Eevee dashed into action right away, as she sped towards the Cyndaquil with great speed.

The fat kid was flustered and yelled, "Dodge!"

Cyndaquil tried to evade but was to late and was sent flying. It landed hard and slowly got up.

Eevee was ruthless though, she continued to attack using tackle, sending Cyndaquil flying again and again. Finally Cyndaquil didn't get up and couldn't battle.

Daikon let out a sigh of relief and called Eevee back. "Good girl Eevee, you did great." Daikon rubbed her head and praised her for her performance.

"Eeeeee." Eevee cooed, happy with herself and the attention she was getting.

The fat kids face was red with anger as he gritted his teeth, glaring at his Cyndaquil.

Walking up to the Cyndaquil, a vicious look flashed across his face. He viciously started stomping on the Cyndaquil. "Stupid useless thing."

Cyndaquil let out a yelped in pain as his trainer continued to stomp on him.

"Stup-!" the fat man was interrupted and sent flying by Daikon's fist. Blood flowed from his nose and covered his face. He let out a small scream as he saw blood cover his hands, and quickly ran away without Cyndaquil.

The spectators looked at him in disgust, to abuse your own pokemon was greatly frowned upon and if it was severe enough, the Pokemon League and police had the authority to take your pokemon away and throw you in jail.

Daikon quickly ran over to the Cyndaquil and gently picked him up, trying not to move him. He then carried him into the pokemon center and walked up to the red hair nurse and the Chansey.

"Can you please heal this Cyndaquil?" Daikon asked passing it over to the nurse.

"Yes of course." she answered and placed Cyndaquil on a gurney before wheeling it away.

Basic injuries were covered for pokemon trainers at pokemon centers but critical or severe injuries had to be paid for by the trainer. Daikon didn't know if Cyndaquil was that injured or not but he would pay even if he was.

Daikon sat in the waiting room playing with Eevee as he waited for the news on Cyndaquil.


Daikon laughed as Eevee buried her face under his chin, her ears tickled him.

A police officer entered the pokemon center and pulled someone aside. That person pointed at Daikon playing with Eevee.

The police officer walked over to Daikon and introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Officer Betas. Someone reported pokemon abuse earlier this afternoon and I heard you were the main witness. Is it okay if I ask you what happened?"

Eevee sat on Daikon's lap and looked at the officer with curiosity. Daikon smiled and rubbed her head lovingly and said, "Of course."

Daikon quickly went through the events that took place before, during and after the battle, telling the officer everything.

"That kids name is Henry Walsh. His father is a business man that owns property Saffron City and is buying some in Pallet town. He won't be arrested or stripped of his trainer status but he has been sent back to Saffron City." the officer told Daikon with an angered expression. Obviously he didn't agree with the outcome of this but was powerless to change it.

"Doesn't matter." Daikon said, not caring about the fat kid, "What happens to Cyndaquil?"

"Well usually in this situation it would be taken from the trainer and either released into the wild or placed into the care the League. My captain has different plans, he says if you want, you can be the new owner of Cyndaquil." the officer explained.

"You're giving me Cyndaquil?" Daikon asked shocked at the development.

"The witnesses reported you stopped Mr. Walsh from harming the pokemon further and after you even carried the injured pokemon to the pokemon center. Though it isn't your pokemon, you are in the waiting room waiting to see if Cyndaquil is alright. I would even bet you are willing to pay its medical bills if it needed." the officer raised an eyebrow as if daring Daikon to tell him he was wrong.

Daikon didn't tell him he was wrong, instead he said, "We will let Cyndaquil decide what it wants."

The officer nodded his head and handed Daikon a pokeball. "I have a feeling he will choose you." he said and left with a mysterious smile.

The pokeball was Cyndaquil's, apparently the fat kid had left that too.

Daikon clipped it onto his belt and continued to pet Eevee. He also released Dratini and fed it some food he bought earlier. Dratini gave a small cry before diving into the food. Eevee gave him an upset look, causing him to laugh and giving her some food as well.

10 minutes later a nurse walked out and told Daikon that Cyndaquil had some minor injuries and that Daikon would be able to take him home now. The nurse wheeled out Cyndaquil who was looking much better. He was standing up and looking around curiously.

Eevee and Dratini were both on Daikon's shoulders fighting for the best spot when they approached Cyndaquil. Daikon crouched down to eye level before speaking with Cyndaquil.

"Cyndaquil, I was wondering if you would like to come with me."


"Dray dratini!"

Eevee and Dratini both gave Cyndaquil encouragement. Cyndaquil looked up at the two pokemon before nodded. Daikon gave a smile and place a pokeball in front of him, Cyndaquil gave it a tap and disappeared into the pokeball.

Daikon took out his pokedex to register Cyndaquil into his party.

[Cyndaquil the fire mouse pokemon. Cyndaquil protects itself by flaring up the flames on its back. The flames are vigorous if the Pokémon is angry. However, if it is tired, the flames splutter fitfully with incomplete combustion.]

Known Moves:




Quick Attack




"Let's go back home." Daikon said to his pokemon as they left the pokemon center.