

When Daikon saw the little girl he immediately felt guilty. He was happy she was alive but it looked like she was paralyzed now and her quality of life would be affected.

Daikon swung his feet over his bed and attempted to stand up. He winced at the pain but managed to stand.

"Big brother what are you doing! You need to lay down and get better!" she cried seeing Daikon's actions.

Daikon smiled at her before looking at the mother, he took a deep breath and gave a deep bow to her. "I'm sorry I broke my promise and let your little girl get hurt."

"You saved her and that is all that matters." the mother said, helping Daikon up and back into bed.

'Idiot master.' Espeon chided in his head.

The mother saw Espeon and gave bow to her, "Thank you for saving my girl. We own our lives to you and Daikon."

Espeon responded by jumping off the bed and licking the girls hand causing her to giggle in delight.

"I'm Daikon by the way." he said, a little embarrassed that he didn't know their names after all that has happened.

"I'm Jane and this is Joelle." Jane said as she patted Joelle's head.

"Call me Jo!" Joelle said petting Espeon.

"How's your back Jo?" Daikon asked, a little worried about the answer.

"A little sore but the nice doctors said I can start walking again in a week so I'm am stuck in this chair." she said as she played with the wheelchair's wheels.

"You can start walking?" Daikon asked, shocked.

"Yes. Thanks to you she was able to get an expensive surgery that allowed her back to be fixed." Jane said as she rubbed Jo's head.

"Thanks to me? What did I do?"

"Professor Oak said that the Pokemon League will be paying for the surgery that Jo had. I heard they paid for your pokemon's injuries as well." Janet said throwing a grateful look at Daikon.

"The professor did that?" Daikon muttered.

They conversed for a little longer before Janet told Jo that Daikon needed his rest to heal. Jo looked sad but didn't argue, she hugged Espeon's neck before leaving.

Shortly after they left, Professor Oak walked in the room with an older lady with a large wooden walking stick.

"Daikon I'd like you to meet Agatha, former Elite 4 member and leader of Kanto intelligence." Professor Oak introduced Daikon.

"It's an honor Miss Agatha." Daikon dipped his head, his voice filled with respect. As a former member of the Elite 4, her strength was no laughing matter.

Agatha nodded her head in approval. "Such a nice child. I should introduce him to my granddaughter, she only a couple years older than him but the boy looks old for his age." she said, eyeing Daikon up and down.

"Leave him be Agatha." Professor Oak stopped her.

"Professor I heard you got the Pokemon League to pay for the medical bills for my pokemon and Joelle… thank you." Daikon's voice was thick with emotion.

"The League should be held accountable for this as the police department is part of the Pokemon League." the professor said as an ugly expression came over his face.

"Actually there is something we need you do to boy." Agatha said.

"Anything." Daikon responded instantly.

"We need you to testify against Jared." Professor Oak said.

"He's still alive!?" Daikon asked, shocked that the bastard was still allowed to live.

"Unfortunately, yes. His uncle is high ranking official in the Pokemon League so he was able to pull some strings but we plan to bring his to trial." Professor Oak explained.

"I'll do it. When is it?" Daikon asked.




Daikon took a deep breath, his body was still injured and hard to move.

"We made it so the trial was in Cerulean City though, so you wouldn't have to travel far." Professor Oak said.

Daikon nodded his head. "I'll do it."


The next day the nurses changed Daikon's bandages and helped him get dressed in formal attire. Wincing as they dressed him, they apologized profusely. They were horrified at the amount of injuries he had accumulated on his body.

He wore a black suit with a dark blue dress shirt and a black tie. The female nurses all had red faces as they finished dressing him. Looking in the mirror, Daikon was shocked at his reflection.

His messy dark hair was styled and neat while the blue dress shirt really made his clear blue eyes stand out. A small bandage was poking out from the dress shirts collar from his neck wound.

Professor Oak walked in with a dress shirt on but his white lab coat still hung over top.

"I must say you clean up well boy." the professor said as he looked over Daikon.

The two of them walked out of the hospital and were swarmed with reporters. Daikon was shocked as he didn't know this was such a big deal. As they slowly waded through the reporters and jumped into a car.

"What was that about?" Daikon asked Professor Oak.

"A police captain tried to kill a trainer and a defenceless girl. It would be big news anywhere, plus other of Jared's dirty deeds are coming to surface. It had been a huge embarrassment to the League and that's why the trial was so quick so they can finish with this media nightmare." Professor Oak explained.

They soon arrived at the courthouse and were swarmed by reporters again.

"Daikon is it true that you almost died protecting Joelle Fontaine?"

"What can you tell us about the health of your pokemon?"

"Did you kill Doug, younger brother of Jared?"

Hearing the last question, Daikon turned and looked at the young male reporter, his eyes fierce.

Professor Oak pushed him forward and whispered in his ear. "Ignore them, keep moving."

Soon they entered the large courthouse and took their seats on the prosecution side.

"All rise for Elite 4 Bruno Siba." someone said and every stood up.

Daikon looked incredulous as he watched a huge man with black hair and brown skin walk slowly to the front of the courthouse and sit in the judges spot.

"An Elite 4 member is prosiding over this case?" Daikon whispered to Professor Oak.

Professor Oak chuckled a little, "This case had spread over the Kanto region and it is about a corrupt cop. The Pokemon League had to give it its full attention so they sent Bruno to judge." he explained, making Daikon's eye wide.

Looking at Bruno, Daikon felt an incredible pressure from his body. Thick battle intent burned in his eyes.

'One day I will defeat you.' he swore in his heart.

Bruno felt the intent and gave a quick glance at him, a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

The court doors suddenly swung open and Jared walked in dressed in a blue suit followed by an older gentleman wearing a tang suit. He shot a glare at Professor Oak before sneering at Daikon.

"Prosecution opening statements." Bruno said with his deep voice, closing his eyes.

An older man stood up and buttoned up his suit and walked to the front and turned to face the audience.

"The police department is the backbone on every community in Kanto, they provide protection and a sense of safety for all residents in this great region. So when a police CAPTAIN is accused of kidnapping a 9 year old girl and attempted murder of a young promising pokemon trainer you can guess how the region would react. This is not a trial on if he did it but a trial of how long it has been going on and if the people of Kanto can trust their police anymore." the man said before taking a seat.

"Defendant." Bruno said, not opening his eyes.

A skinny man adjusted his glasses before taking the floor.

"Mr. Hyet has been a police officer for 10 years and has looked after and protected the great people of Cerulean City in that time. The allegations he faces are false and slanderous." the skinny man sat down.

"False? How is there any chance of him proving they are false?" Daikon asked but the professor just gave a sly smile.

"Prove your case defendant." Bruno said with his eyes still closed.

Jared's lawyer went on to tell a tale that Daikon had ambushed him and his brother in that warehouse using the girl as bait and when they showed up he tried to kill her and attacked them, killing Doug while Jared had no control over his emotions and attacked Daikon, resulting in his injuries.

"Motherf-" Daikon started to say while trying to stand up. Professor Oak grabbed him and pulled him back down, shaking his head.

The lawyer went on to say that Janet and Joelle went along with this ploy because of their finances and needed money.

"Prosecution." Bruno said in a bored voice.

Standing up, the lawyer had a calm smile on his face.

"Mr. Hyet, what pokemon do you have?"

"A Scyther, Pinsir and a Magmar." he answered, not sure where this was going.

"Impressive. Those are strong pokemon. Do they listen to you?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Has any of them every disobeyed you?" he asked calmly.


"Has anyone of them attacked a person before?"

"Yes. I am a police officer so sometimes the situation calls for it." Jared answered.

"I see. Have they attacked a person without your command before?" the lawyer asked.

"No. Never."

"Interesting. So if your Scyther did attack a little girl it would be on your order then? Hypothetical of course."

"Hypothetically yes." he said through his teeth.

"I see. I would like the court to turn to the screen and watch a video I have." the lawyer said with a smirk.

Jared and his uncle both paled.

The video started off with an empty warehouse but soon Daikon entered and then Jared and Doug.

"Where is she?" everyone heard Daikon say.

Bruno opened his eyes for the first time and focused on the video.

"Big brother!" he could hear Jo called as she ran towards him.

A Scyther ran out and sliced her back open causing blood to spray. The crowd all gasped in shock and horror. Some started to cry as they watched Daikon holding Jo, pleading with her to keep her eyes open.

"Objection this evidence is obviously fabricated!" the skinny lawyer said in panic.

"Shut up." Bruno simply said, watching the video.

The video went on to show Daikon and his pokemon fighting against Jared while Espeon tried to keep Jo alive.

People looked at Daikon with a respect as the video continued. Finally it ended with Daikon killing Doug and falling unconscious and Misty storming in and saving him.

With that the screen went blank and silence enveloped the room.

Bruno stood up and looked at Daikon directly. "On behalf of the Elite 4 and the Pokemon League I would like to thank you for your bravery. I don't know how you are sitting in this courtroom or still alive even but we thank you and your pokemon for saving this girls life." Bruno said in a deep voice, giving a small bow.

A strange thing happened, the rest of the court room stood up, including Professor Oak and gave a bow towards Daikon. No knowing what to do Daikon simply nodded back.

A cold look flashed across Bruno's face. "As for the defendant, Jared Hyet you will be serving 15 years in prison without parole. I will also be doing an investigation of Cerulean Police Department and Bart Hyet, your office will also be under investigation. You are relieved of duty until the investigation is over. Dismissed."