
Chapter 83 - Indigo League; Group A Division

Similar things kept happening right after the round started. The trainers who had 4th order Pokémon easily defeated the trainers who had 3rd order Pokémon with just single or two attacks.

More and more trainers kept getting eliminated. In just first 5 minutes, the number of trainers drastically decreased to 250. All the 250 images of the trainers were also removed from the screen as the battle continued.


Ash after winning his first battle, quickly found another trainer. This trainer had defeated a level 25 Pokémon.

"Pikachu Iron tail" Pikachu's tail changed its appearance to mirror like silvery-gray color. Pikachu rotated its body which generated more force, thus increasing the power of the iron tail. The iron tail directly smashed on the level 28 Beedrill.


Ash again won another match with just a single strike. As long as Ash defeated the trainer, he moved on to the next trainer. As Ash winning streak continued to grow the arrogance and disdain he had also continued to grow with him.

The members of Joy clan came forward to help all the injured Pokémon. This made sure no Pokémon died due to serious injury.


On the other side of the battlefield, a tall, thin young man with light skin, brown eyes, and tall, brown spiky hair was also constantly defeating trainers with just one move. A few trainers even quit even before the match began. This is because of a 5' 03" height Pokémon that had the power to defeat any Pokémon under level 35.

This young man with Blastoise was Gary who was just like Ash quickly defeating trainers as his winning streak continued to grow.


"Goodbye loser." Gary said looking at the 11 years old male he just defeated with a single attack. "The Kanto Association should just eliminate all the trainers who have 3rd Order Pokémon. This is such a waste of time." Gary at the beginning was little excited but after knowing the strength of most of the trainers he quickly lost his interest in this round.


On the other part of the battlefield, Paul could be seen fighting with his Electivire.

"Electivire use thunder punch and end this meaningless fight" Paul said as he closed his eyes. Paul also felt the same as Ash and Gary. He also felt that this elimination round is a waste of his time.

In front of his Electivire even a beginning stage 4th order Pokémon is nothing but an weak child.


After 5 minutes, only 250 trainers remained. The battlefield became even more heated as most of the trainers now had 4th order Pokémon. But in the 4th order rank there was three different phases. The beginning phase, the intermediate phase and the peak phase. Most trainers had beginning phase Pokémon while Ash, Gary and Paul had intermediate or even above rank Pokémon. So defeating a Pokémon who just has entered the 4th order was very easy for them.


In the backstage, all the remaining 500 trainers were sitting in a huge room. There was a big screen which showed the ongoing battle. Itsuki, Cynthia, and other trainers kept looking at the screen.

Everyone had different thoughts and worries. Itsuki, Cynthia and some other trainers wanted to learn more about the strong opponent Pokémon and prepare for the upcoming battles.


While other trainers who had 3rd order or 4th order beginning phase Pokémon looked very worried. They were trying to think of a way to safely survive till the elimination round ended. There were even some trainers who made plan of fighting each other and till only 50 trainers remained. Because when a trainer is fighting, another trainer cannot forcefully interrupt the match.


Itsuki sitting at the middle of the room, he looked at the screen with no emotion on his face. Itsuki was trying his best to hold back his killing intent from going loose and affecting the trainers sitting around him.

The reason for this angry is Professor Oak and Giovanni, Gary, and Ash. Since Ash and Gary was Oak's grandson and Oak was very popular in Kanto, all the cameras from time to time would focus on Gary and Ash. Itsuki knew that those TV channel people were trying to please Oak by doing that.


Whenever Itsuki sees Oak's gentle smiling face, Itsuki feels like he is seeing the most cunning human. Itsuki feels only he could see Oak's true cunning and sly face under beneath that gentle mask he puts every time he goes out.

Itsuki really wanted to go out there and rip that gentle face and show everyone the true nature of Oak. 'I need to have patience. Patience is everything.' Itsuki couldn't find anything in the internet that he could use to reveal Oak's true face to the public.


There was times when Itsuki wanted to go to Pallet town and attack Oak and kill him. But Itsuki remembered about Oak's two sons, red and blue. Itsuki Red and Blue wasn't Oak's son Itsuki would have already given Oak the cruelest and terrifying death that humanity has ever seen.


Itsuki as if sensing something looked at back and saw the beautiful yet cold faced Cynthia looking at him. Both Itsuki and Cynthia could sense each other location by sensing each other's Aura.

Itsuki gave Cynthia a nod and then continued to look at the screen. Itsuki was really surprised to see Paul taking out his trump card right at the beginning.


After another 10 minutes, more and more trainers were eliminated. The number of trainers eliminated kept increasing as time passed.

At the beginning there was 500 trainers of Group A division trainers but now there was only 50 images of the trainers along with their numbers.

[Elimination round part A ends here. Congratulation to all the trainers of Group A division for passing the elimination round. Trainers now can go back to backstage and let Joy clan take care of their Pokémon.]


Rui and Kagami noticed the images of Ash and Gary. Both Rui and Kagami had complicated feelings towards Ash and Gary especially after knowing that Ash was the real reason why they had to leave Pallet town.

Ash, Gary, Paul and other 47 trainers left the battle field. The workers quickly repaired the battlefield back to how it was at the beginning.


[Now Please welcome the trainers of Group B division.] Lance and Lorelei applauded along with the rest of the crowd.



Serena, Luna, Sabrina, all the girls became very happy since the person they were waiting for was coming to came now.


From the north entrance, all the Group B trainers walked to the battlefield. Loud cheers shook the entire stadium and the area surrounding the Stadium. Even all the gum leaders were applauding with a smile on their face. Most of the gym leaders here know all the face of the trainers here.

The screen now showed all the images of 500 Division B trainers. Kagami and Rui looked at the crowd of trainers walking at the battlefield. Their eyes quickly searched for their son.


Itsuki also walked out among the crowd of trainers. But there was something about Itsuki which made him stand out from the crowd. Itsuki's otherworldly handsomeness made him stand out from the rest of the crowd.

"There he is." Rui excitedly stood up and pointed at a certain direction. Following the direction, Kagami's eyes landed on a boy that was several times more handsome than him. Kagami couldn't control himself from smiling from seeing this own Son at the grandest stage of Kanto.


"There he is. Mom look" Serena excitedly shook her mom's hand and pointed towards Itsuki's direction.

"Mom, give me the camera. I want to take pictures." Serena eyes were locked at Itsuki and didn't stop looking at him even when she asked her mom to give the camera. Grace sighed and felt that her daughter has fallen too deeply for this boy.

After getting the Camera, Serena began to use the Camera to take Itsuki's pictures and only look at him.


Luna and Cooper were having hard time seeing the figure because of the height. But Luna still managed to spot a figure who was wearing the same clothes as someone she knew. "Dad, Dad I have found Itsuki. There is he is." Luna pointed at a certain direction.

Cooper immediately ordered the cameraman who has working for his TV channel to point the camera at the direction. Cooper had especially hired an extra Cameraman so that he and his daughter he can keep looking at Itsuki without any distraction.


The cameraman eyes found Itsuki was standing out from the crowd of trainers like a shining Diamond among masses of gold. Following that Cameraman all the cameraman focused their cameras on Itsuki. For a few seconds, Itsuki's face appeared all over the live broadcast and screens.

"Wow, who is he."

"He is hot."

"I never thought a Pokémon trainer face could look this handsome."

"I want to know his name."



written by Azure_warrior

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