
Pokemon - A real story

There is a huge gap between the story of anime and the realistic story of Pokemon. This light novel closes that gap and gives the viewers a believable and exciting story with lots of adventure. Follow our protagonist Axel Blaze, a reincarnated person. With his knowledge of the previous Pokemon world, he hopes to dominate the world. But after he realizes how very wrong he was. This novel has a system, just to make things fun, the story is not focused on it though. "Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations but nobody knows how many times you were fucked" So this novel tells the story of Axel blaze but all points of hidden difficulty he has to face to get it to there. -------- If you want to read advanced chapters earlier or just want to support me, you can do that at https://www.patreon.com/TheSilverPrince1 You can also visit my website and read 3 advanced chapters for free at: https://silver-prince.com/ (The story has a similar start as 'Pokemon - a mystical journey' so some people are probably confused. I wanted to say that only the beginning of the story is similar, not the later chapters and this story is not a copy.) Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokemon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

TheSilverPrince · Anime et bandes dessinées
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707 Chs



"Thank you for telling me this information.", said Axel. 

He knew that Clefable was only doing it due to the fear of the system. He had 3 days to find a Nidoking hoping that they still exist. It had been many years since their fight and Axel was confident that only Clefable controlled the supply of moon stone. 

So, the odds were not in his favor but he was still going to try it. 

"My other condition is a simple one. When the man who controls master-rank Pokemon comes here, I want to meet him."

"I have no problem with that. Is that all your conditions?"

"Yes, it is."

"Thank you. Can you tell me the places that you usually monitor? I only have 3 days to find a Nidoking."

"Sure, come here. I have a map."

Clefable started to circle the area that it controlled and monitored. More than half of the cave was controlled by this tribe. It was very astounding. The cave was very big and they controlled so much of it.

After ticking out all the places, Clefable gave the map to Axel and both of them went outside to search for Nidorino.



"Axel, you don't have to say anything. I saw how the entity handled Clefable and others including me. I want no part in this and you don't have to feel uncomfortable around me. I just don't want to discuss this topic further."

Axel could tell that Angela was scared and there was nothing he could do. Calming her down and saying that everything was okay would make it even worse. So, he just nodded his head and they started to look for a Nidoking.


It had been 3 days since they met Clefable and the tribe. Angela had started to act normal. She just didn't talk about what had happened 2 days before. She was acting as if the thing didn't even happen. Axel was cool with it. 

"Axel, I don't want to make you sad, but we might not find the Nidoking.", said Angela.

"Yes, but I still don't want to give up.", said Axel.

The place  unmonitored by Clefable tribe was not very big. They had already searched all these places and now they were re-searching again. The next was going to be the last place they were going to re-search again. 

After the first search, Axel had called out Nidorino thinking that the Nidoking may be hiding and it would reveal itself after seeing Nidorino. 

"Axel, this is the last place we are going to re-search. If we don't find Nidoking again, we must return for the ceremony.", said Angela. She felt that it was a waste of time to search again but after Axel's continuous request, she had agreed. She was not going to do it for the third time. 

They finally entered the last place. Axel and Angela activated their aura sense to search every nook of the place but they found nothing. 

Disheartened, Axel and Angela were going to return. Nidorino was also unhappy. It wanted to be the most powerful and hearing that the evolution would not be complete, it wanted to find that Nidoking. 

It had trained a lot and waited a lot for this movement but the result....

"Hello, trespassers.", came a voice from behind. 

Axel and Nidorino immediately turned back to see who it was. 50 meters away from them was a large, bipedal, purple mammalian Pokemon with distinct reptilian features. It had narrow eyes, large, spiny ears, fur-like tufts on its cheeks, and a short snout filled with pointed teeth. There was a long, venomous horn on its forehead and a ridge of spines down its back. Gray plates covered its chest and belly, and there was a gray, rounded spine on each elbow. Each hand had three claws, while each foot had only a single hoof-like nail. It had a long, powerful tail. 

It was Nidoking.

Nidorino starred at this Pokemon. It instantly knew that this Pokemon was part of its species. Its instinct was telling that this Pokemon was very powerful. It was a champion-rank Pokemon.

"Greetings, Nidoking. We were actually searching for you.", said Axel with respect. This Pokemon was a ticket for Nidorino's perfect evolution. Axel didn't want to disrespect it. 

Angela was also looking at this Pokemon. This was the first time it had seen such a Pokemon. It was around 5-6 feet tall and it looked very old. It was difficult to know the age of a Pokemon but even a normal person could see that this was an old Pokemon. It might be on the verge of dying. 

"Can you tell me why were you looking for me?", asked Nidoking. It was a champion-rank Pokemon. Of course, it could talk. 

"I want to evolve my Nidorino. Nidorino is my first partner and It wants to evolve. I had talked with Clefable tribe and they had agreed. But it seems like I would need your help.", said Axel.

"So that degenerate of a tribe agreed to help you. I could hardly believe you. I don't want to help you but I also want to see one of my species reach their final evolution. Follow me inside. I want to have a deep talk with you.", said Nidoking. 

They started to follow the old Pokemon and it completely disappeared as it went through a wall of the cave. 

"So, this is why we can't find them.", said Angela.

"Yes, this Nidoking is a master at hiding.", said Axel and followed Nidoking and they too went through the wall.


Axel and the team arrived at a completely different place. There was a lake on their right side and some vegetation on their left side. There were also small caves at their front. They could see many Nidorans jumping and playing with each other. There were also some Nidorino and Nidorina.

It was a completely new environment. This settlement was even more vibrant than Clefable's tribe settlement.

Axel could guess how it might have happened. Nidoking was a ground type. This Nidoking must be extremely good at manipulating its infinity energy. It must have used its ground-type core to achieve all of this.


Nidorans started to come towards them to greet them. They were interested in Axel's Nidorino. Nidorino also started to talk and play with them. It had been a long time since it had seen its species. 

Axel, Angela, Alakazam, and Shedinja followed Nidoking and sat to have a talk. 

Axel explained Nidoking in more detail.

"Listen here, kid. I want to help your Nidorino but I also have a condition. The power of moon stone is very high and even though your Nidorino seems to have an excellent foundation, it would not be able to take all the power of a moonstone. So, I want 2 of my Nidorino and 2 of my Nidorina to evolve with your Nidorino. You and Clefable tribe would not lose out anything and it would help you instead.", said Nidoking.

Every agreement and proposal had a condition to be fulfilled. Axel was now getting tired of it. Dracorock had different conditions, Clefable had different conditions and Nidoking had different conditions. 

Axel felt pity after hearing about Nidoking's situation. It turned out that it was the only Nidoking that had survived after the fight. It went into hiding and saved some Nidorino.

They were perfectly able to grow here but they didn't have access to moon stone and it was the only Nidoking alive. It was also on the verge of dying and it wanted some of them to become Nidoking and Nidoqueen before it passed away.

"I accept your conditions but it don't think that Clefable tribe will.", said Axel.

"You don't have to worry about that. I would take care of it.", said Nidoking.

"If you are so sure about it then I am okay with it.", said Axel.

The agreement had been made and now they were going to Cleefable tribe.

Nidoking went to its tribe members and started to talk. After talking with them for over an hour, it selected 2 Nidorino and 2 Nidorina.

They were now going to evolve.


Axel was happy with this development. He thanked Arceus for not taking all of his luck away. The group started to move and they reached the tribe of Clefable within a few hours.


"I didn't know that you were still alive.", said the leader of Clefable to Nidoking.

"Your tribe was not powerful enough to kill all of us.", replied Nidoking.

"You dare to say anything ABOUT MY TRIBE!!!!", shouted Clefable. 

This was not turning out to be good.

"Calm down kid. I am not here to fight but to negotiate.", said Nidoking.

"And what is that?"

"I want 2 Nidorino and 2 Nidorina to evolve along with his kid's Nidorino. I want to have an equal share of the moon stone from now on. I also want my previous land back and finally, I want you to kneel down in front of me and apologize."

'This Nidoking is all out crazy!!!", thought Axel's Nidorino. Axel was also thinking the same. 

Axel could see that Clefable was trying its best to hold its anger. It now had to give back all that it had won and also kneel down to apologize. 

Axel knew that it was not going to do it even if it was on its deathbed. 

"You are stepping out of your bounds, old one", said Clefable greeting its teeth.

"You know that you can't beat me. I know that I am old but I can still kill you comfortably. I had not interfered before thinking that your mother was still alive but I guess old age got her. I was wrong.", said Nidoking with a smile.

'So, that is what it was? Nidoking was stronger than this Clefable. So that was why this Clefable was not taking any actions.', thought Axel.

Axel was not powerful enough to know the difference between the 2 of them. He had not identified them with his system cause he was afraid. Axel was far weaker than them and if they were able to notice that he had identified them, he might die a horrible death.

"Alright, you don't have to kneel down and apologize but you have to give me equal share of moonstone and my tribe's land. That is non-negotiable.", said Nidoking.

Nidoking and Clefable started to argue and negotiate but after some time Clefable agreed. It had no choice. Its mother had passed recently and it was not strong enough to beat this Nidoking. 

Clefable was now cursing its luck. If it had not told Axel about the possibility of Nidoking, it would not have faced this situation. It had dug its own grave and cuts its legs with its own Axe. 


It was already night time and it was a perfect time for the evolution ceremony. All of them followed Clefable to an unknown place. The place had a big hole in the roof and Axel could perfectly see the moon from the roof. It was a necessary ingredient for their evolution. 

2 moon stone were brought out. One was for the group of Clefairy and another one was for the group of Nidorino and Nidorina.

Nidoking then called out Axel's Nidorino.

"Listen, kid, to perform the ceremony, you would have to do certain steps and be at a certain position. This is to get optimum utilization of moon stone. We have an hour before the ceremony starts. Others know about it so you have to learn these steps in 1 hour."

Nidoking started to show the steps to Nidorino. Those were some weird steps. It looked like a type of dance but it was incredibly un-coordinated. Axel didn't believe in these steps. He felt that this was just a tradition and superstition but he didn't want to argue with that Nidoking.

After an hour, Nidorino had learned all the steps to perfection. It was not very hard to learn it. It was now ready to evolve. It was very excited. 


Clefable came and gave the moon stone to Nidoking. The stone was placed in the middle and Nidorinos and Nidorinas surrounded it by forming a circle. Axel looked at Clefable tribe and they also had done the same thing. 

"OK, START!!!", shouted Nidoking. 

The group of Nidorino and Nidorina started to do those weird steps while forming the circle. Clefable were also doing their steps. The steps of Clefable's tribe were different from Nidoking's instructions. These steps looked elegant and beautiful. 

They started to do those steps for 5 minutes and suddenly the moon that was in the sky sent 2 beams of white light to the 2 moon stone. The moon stone started to glow in purple color after the light touched it. 

Axel and Angela were surprised by this phenomenon.

'So, these weird steps were not a hoax?', thought Axel.

The game had never mentioned this process for moon stone evolution so Axel had no clue about it. He only knew that Nidorino would evolve to Nidoking with a moon stone. 

When the moon stone started to shine in purple light, the light spread to Nidorinos and Nidorinas. The steps were finished and now all of them were basking under that purple light. 

For a minute, the moon stone only sent out the light to the group and nothing happened and after a minute, the glimmer of the stone started to dim and it now looked like a normal crystal stone. The stone had stopped giving those light to the group. 

Axel was totally concentrated on his Nidorino. Nidorino started to glow in purple and brownish light and it started to get bigger. The glow started to get bigger. Its structure started to rapidly change and its position was starting to change too. 

The same thing was happening to Clefairys, Nidorinas, and other Nidorinos.

Nidorino's height started to get bigger to 5 feet, 6 feet and it was not stopping. It finally stopped when its height increased to almost 7 feet. The height of others also increased but not so much as Axel's Nidorino.

The glow didn't get any bigger than this. Axel could see a structure of Nidoking from the glow of purple and brownish light. 


One of the Nidorino had perfectly evolved into Nidoking.

After a few seconds…


One of the Nidorina had perfectly evolved into Nidoqueen. 

One after another Nidorinos and Nidorinas completed their evolution. Only Axel's Nidorino had not completed their evolution. 

Those Nidoking and Nidoqueen who were making trouble after evolution were put to sleep by the old Nidoking. 

Axel was patiently waiting for his Pokemon's evolution and after 30 more seconds…


It had completed its evolution. 

It was around 1 foot taller than normal Nidoking. Its tails looked very strong as if it was made of steel. Its horn was dripping with poison and its big ears were very noticeable. Both of its legs were wide and looked sturdy. It looked like the ground would shake after its every moment. Its sharp teeth and jaws looked shiny and deadly. 

It was Nidoking.

It was Axel's Nidoking.

And it had finally evolved!!!


It led out a huge roar and the cave literally started to shake. Axel could tell that his Nidoking was definitely more powerful than other Nidoking that had just evolved. 

Axel realized something at this movement. He realized why Nidoking was called a NidoKING.

The aura and the presence of this Pokemon spoke of royalty. Something that should be respected. Something that would be bowed down to. Axel had not felt such a thing from the old Nidoking cause it was very old but his Nidoking was something special. 

Nidoking looked at Axel after roaring. Axel was ready to call out all of his Pokemons at any time. He had already called out Mamoswine and Charizard. 

He was ready to calm Nidoking down.


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