
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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129 Chs

S4E3: Battle At Seas - Part Two

Just then in a blinding flash Joy turned to face the gastly and hit it with a psybeam at almost point blank range, but it was no ordinary psybeam. No she mixed in a bit a flamethrower thus increasing the damage factor. This in turn became a one hit ko. Gastly was down and Joy was panting as she was getting really tired and low on energy. Foxx could tell she was trying her hardest but short of a miracle there was no way she was going to beat two more Pokémon. One possible as long as it wasn't water type but two was just impossible.

Then both his and Joy's fears were made true as the Ace Trainer tossed out into the battle field a Gyarados. The Ace Trainer even began to chuckle as he too could see the battle was beat. Even the captain and Lance couldn't see a way Foxx could still win, but Fantina was smiling as she knelt down to look at Joy from the sidelines and mentally said, "Little one I know you can hear me or at least feel my thoughts and I know there is something inside you that you've never showed that can help you in this battle. Don't give up."

Now even though Joy was a psychic Pokémon doesn't mean she can understand humans. No she only understands Foxx because of the device he invented and Fantina doesn't have psychic abilities like Sabrina did, yet she could tell Fantina was trying to tell her something and that's when she began to feel cold once more. She wondered what this could be just as the Gyarados hit her with a water gun. Instinctively Joy went to evaporate it with a flamethrower only to freeze it instead. This shocked everyone there as Joy shook her head and curled her toes which have started to turn white along with the tips of each of her tails.

She then rushed to avoid a second attack from the Gyarados before trying to hit it with both psychic and ice attacks not really sure if it was doing anything that is until the fifth or maybe sixth set of attacks that Joy stood in her place tired and drained and just waited for the final blow only for Gyarados to stagger before fainting. It was a miracle, she's somehow lasted long enough to win but unfortunately there was still one more pokemon left to go.

So with a grin the Ace Trainer recalled Gyarados and sent out his final Pokémon, a Galarian ponyta. Once it popped out of it's pokeball, Joy tried to stand strong for Foxx yet her legs trembled and Foxx saw his mistake. He let his pride get in the way and now he was going to loose his best friend. Yet that's when something happened that surprised everyone there.

The ponyta just yawned and laid down refusing to fight. This angered the Ace Trainer who went to kick it in the side only to be psychically lifted into the air upside down. Then all six of his pokeballs, yes even the ponyta's was removed from his belt with a psychic glow before being set at Foxx's feet. The ponyta then slowly set the Ace Trainer back down but used her abilities to hold him there.

"It seems ponyta has decided the battle for us." chuckled Lance as he approached the battle arena to motion for Foxx to see to Joy while he gathered the prize pokemon to be healed at the near by Pokecenter. Yes there is a Pokecenter on a cruise ship, how else would battling trainers heal their Pokémon in between battles.

"That's not fare I almost had you. If you wouldn't have used some kind of trick on my ponyta I would have wiped this arena with that pathetic vulpix of yours." snapped the Ace Trainer.

"I didn't have to do anything you see the moment your ponyta entered the battle it could sense the importance of this battle and the bond between me and Joy here. Ponyta could see that not all trainers were mean and rough like you." explained Foxx as he recalled Joy into her Pokeball before walking over to ponyta and petting it. "Friendship goes farther then an iron fist. Joy was ready to fight your ponyta not for glory, or fame but for me and because she wanted to stay with me. Ponyta saw into Joy's mind and saw how you used half of your team as punching bags to get a feel for Joy's full potential. How you could careless what happened to them for they were just tools to you. Your own mind even gave away your opinion of them and ponyta refused to fight for such a trainer."

"I think what young Master Oak is trying to tell you lad is that if you're going to use psychic Pokémon try to keep an open mind about what they are to you." chuckled the captain as he approached the two of them and declare, "The winner of this one and only all or nothing match is Foxx Oak."

"Thanks, Captain Namor, but if this Ace Trainer is willing to change his ways I can give him a second chance. That is if his Pokémon will except him." replied Foxx with a smile.

"No I wont let you coddle me like you do your weak pokemon. You just got lucky this time. So keep these weak and pathetic Pokémon." snapped the Ace Trainer before storming off only because Foxx had held out a hand to stop ponyta from throwing him into a wall or something along those lines.

Foxx then with a smile recalled ponyta and went with Lance to heal the Pokémon, at which point Lance glared at him and said, "Kid you're a fool and an idiot."

"I know, I jumped into the battle and almost lost my best friend." sighed Foxx as he looked at the pokeballs that Lance was about to hand him.

"I will need your Trainer ID to have bill register these to you within the system." explained Lance as he held the pokeballs.

"Well about that, I'm not actually in the system. I have a Trainer ID but I don't have a pokemon storage box, it's just that I don't plan to take on the poke league challenge and have only collected badges from gym leaders I've come across in my travels. My goal is to be a pokeball expert and Professor as well as fight criminals and take their pokemon and give them a new home with trainers who will treat them right." explained Foxx as he released Joy back to his feet, "Hence the reason I needed to fight this trainer in an all or nothing battle to teach him that he needed to treat his pokemon better."

"Well, these will still need to be registered to you so he can catch and use other pokemon." replied Lance.

"Let me just hook my tablet up to them real quick like so and with a few clicks. There done." replied Foxx with a smile as he reprogrammed the balls to be registered to his Trainer ID now instead of the Ace Trainer's.