Once more Joy returned to her pokeball before Foxx sent out Gyarados and road him to the next island which was Kumquat Island. Now it didn't take them long to reach the island nor find the gym and it's leader seeing as it was also a hotel and thus the larges on all of the Orange Islands. Now unlike the other islands Joy walked along side Foxx and Silvia.
"Welcome my name is Luana, which of you is here to complete my gym challenge?" greetingly asked Luana with a motherly smile.
"In truth we both are here to attempt your challenge if that is possible." politely replied Foxx with a half bow.
"That it is which of you wishes to go first?" asked Luana turning to lead the way into the gym and to the battle arena. "The challenge is simple you just need to defeat me in a two on two doubles battle."
"Then I'll go first." replied Foxx with a nod towards Joy before selecting the one pokemon he had a bound with that was almost as strong as his and Joy's. He selected Eevee to join Joy on the battle field knowing of all the pokemon he had these two he knew would best be able to fight as a team.
"Then let's not delay any farther." replied Luana with a smile before she took her place and tossed into the battle field an Alakazam and Merrowak who both began to attack right on release as if they already knew their foe and how to defeat them.
Yet to their surprise both of their attacks missed as both Joy and Eevee dodged moved elegantly out of the way before focusing first their attacks on the one they both had an advantage over. Alakazam tried his best but was no match for the double assault of psychic attacks and was about to faint when Merrowak's bone club came flying in a hooked shot right in line to take both of them out. That is had in not been for Eevee using a fire blast knocking both of them out of the way as well as powering up Joy who turn mid-air so as to land facing the Merrowak and the two then hit it with a fire and ice beam which somehow both burned and froze the Merrowak in place thus taking him out of the fight especially when his returning bone club struck him right in the head.
This left the already weak and staggering Alakazam who taken the time to charge a powerful psybeam of which would defiantly take them both out since they were so close ranged that is had Eevee not sensed the attack coming and used her psychic abilities to push Joy out of the way just in time. Joy then turned on spot and hit the Alakazam with a ice beam taking out the last of his heart before rushing over to Eevee's side and looking up at Foxx who quickly recalled her.
"Well, done lets heal our pokemon." called Luana as a small platform with four pokeball slots raised from the center of the arena as she approached it, "Once the are healed you and the young lass will change places and we'll see if she can do just as good."
"Joy needs not healing at this time but Eevee does." replied Foxx as he placed Eevee's ball on the pedestal while Joy rested on his shoulders.
As they waited for the pokemon to heal, which wasn't long she awarded Foxx with the Jade Star Badge. Now once the pokemon were back to full health Foxx and Joy went to the sidelines while Silvia took her place on the battlefield. Thus Foxx gave her a smile and a nod before pulling out a notebook and focusing on his work when Joy nudged his side.
"Vul, Vul." huffed Joy shooting a puff of smoke in his face.
"Wow, she wants you to actually watch and be supportive." shockingly replied Meowleth from Foxx's other side.
With that Foxx put his note book away and watched as Silvia used her Leafeon and Espeon to counter each of their opponents attacks as well as to play on their weak points. It w at this point Foxx also realized that this was the first time Silvia wouldn't be using Vaporeon. It was odd since she's seemed fiord it with only just n using Lefeaon in just as many challenges.
Now the battle was balanced power wise but it seemed as if Silvia's team was still trying to get a handle on working together while Alakazam and Merrowak were flawless in their attacks. In a moment of panic Silvia glanced over at Foxx to notice him intently watching the battle only to pause and give her a smile. This gave her a though which she had Leafeon and blitz her foes with a whirlwind of razor sharp leaves while Espeon fired a psybeam right through the center of the the tornado of razor leaves striking first Alakazam.
One down and one to go. Yet this time Silvia had Espeon target the bone club that Merrowak was using to deflect and block Leafeon's razor leaves from reaching it. Thus after charging another psybeam Espeon took aim and fired just right to clip one of the ends of the bone club causing it to throw off the Merrowak's balance just enough to allow Leafeon's razor leaves to strike Merrowak all over sending him tumbling back in defeat.
Now this hadn't been an easy battle for both Leafeon and Espeon had been hit a few times not to mention had really worn themselves down dodging attacks while also attempting to defeat their more experienced and stronger foes. Thus once they knew the battle was over they panted and laid down at eachother's side.
With a smile Luana once more recalled her pokemon and once more approached the now raising pedestal to heal her pokemon along with Silvia's who had also recalled her pokemon. The two really didn't talk much as they waited for their pokemon to heal and Silvia only spoke when she thanked Luana for the Jade Star Badge as a token of her victory.