
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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129 Chs

S3E25: New Beginnings - Part Two

For most of the day Foxx tinkered with his invention before setting it a side and building three of his custom balls before calling it a night. That night he slept with one arm around Joy dreaming of a future fighting along side his parents and Dawn stopping evil where ever it poked its ugly nose out at.

Unfortunately it was only a dream and Foxx realized this sad truth as he laid in his bed starring up at the roof with Joy resting her head peacefully on his chest. Did he really make the right choice in letting her go? Should he just forget his studies and go chasing after her? He really wasn't sure what to do now.

Thus with slow sigh Foxx slowly sat up thus shaking Joy awake who looked up at him concerned and half worried that he wasn't doing okay. No it did pain her some as she realized that it was mostly because he was thinking about Dawn. Yah she'd put her differences with Dawn aside but it still hurt that his mind was being tortured by thoughts of her.

Foxx then smiled and ruffled her fur a bit before standing and heading over to the closet looking for something to wear to which he just settled for his normal red lab coat and white t-shirt with blue jeans. As for Joy she just laid there on Foxx's bed watching him just happy to finish resting while he packed. It was sad that they'd be leaving soon but she also knew that he needed to get back on the road if he was ever going to feel like he's making any progress.

So once everything was packed Foxx scooped Joy up in his arms before carrying her down stairs, not that she needed the help but more just because he wanted to. Foxx then set her down at the table while he grabbed something to eat. Now just as he finished cooking a simple breakfast for the two of them Meowleth came wondering into the kitchen yawning.

"So is it that time already?" yawned Meowleth as he climbed up to the table right next to Joy were Foxx had set a plate for himself. "So what's for breakfast?"

"Vul Vul Vulpix!" snapped Joy shooting him a glare.

"Hay what do you mean this isn't my spot and to go get my own breakfast?" huffed Meowleth as he returned her glare with a puzzled look.

"No fighting at the table or neither one of you gets to eat!" rebuked Foxx as he dished out two plates of food and shot both of them a glare.

"Pix." sighed Joy as she looked at her plate with the slightest hint of shame.

"Yah, I'm sorry to." added Meowleth as he started to get up when Foxx spoke.

"Good now you two eat and try to be friendly and peaceful about it. I'll go make me something now." replied Foxx turning to return to cooking and knowing that Joy was still giving Meowleth a angry glare he handed, "Joy if you don't stop glaring at him I'll just take your food away."

This made her change her actions and started eating even though Foxx would never let either of them go without food he had to use it as a threat because well it works. Thus he went back to whipping up himself a quick portion except this time as he brought it to the table he sighed because Professor Oak was now sitting in his new spot. Thus he dished out the food for him before returning to cook yet again. Now in the end he did get to eat but that was okay he didn't mind cooking for everyone else, yet the same couldn't be said for his stomach who growled and complained the whole time.

So with breakfast finally behind them Foxx picked up his bag of tools, small invention parts, tablet, custom pokeballs and potions he started off south towards the shoreline with Joy on one side and Meowleth on the other. This was the start of a new chapter for him on his journey to becoming a pokeball expert.

He's learned all that he can from the Pokemon Storage System Creator Bill. He's learned all that he can from the Pokeball Master Craftsman Kurt. Thus now he really only had one real challenge left to face and beat and that was figuring out how exactly to open the G.S. Ball. With that would also come the discovery of whatever was inside.

Once more Foxx drew out the G.S. Ball and examined it as he walked towards the beach. It was made of great craftsmanship and skill yet not by any of the current or even recent ball craftsmen. Kurt doesn't even know its true origin. This intrigued him the most. The thrill of discovery mixed with the joy of a good mystery.

As for Meowleth well it was made of or at least plated with gold and silver thus all he saw was the potential dollar signs floating around him if the sold it. Now you cant blame him he is still a recovering Team Rocket member and has to be untaught a few things.

Then there was Joy who wasn't drawn to it because of it's potential financial gain if sold. Nor did the thrill of discovery, adventure or even the mystery around it draw her in. No it was something completely separate. Something strange and powerful that told her what was in side was of great importance and that it was going to be known of throughout all the lands. Then there was also a slight erie and darkness like aura that surrounded it that her psychic powers granted her to see.

Joy was really not sure what to think of it since part of her wanted Foxx to be happy, yet she also wanted him to be safe, and with the dark aura that surrounded this weird pokeball she knew that wasn't an option. She had to remain ever vigilant because whatever was inside of it was both powerful yet also dangerous.

To Be Continued...

Dear Loyal Fans,

Due to a tight writing schedual I will be taking a break after this season to focus on some of my contracted work in hopes of finishing off at least on of those stories as soon as possible. With that said i do plan on starting season four in July of 2021 for release that is. Which means if my other works get finished up faster then good news season four will come out sooner as long as I am a good amount of chapters in. In addition all seasons going forward will only have one episode released a week unless I feel generous or have added time. Thanks again for all of your support and care. In the meantime do be afraid to read one of my other books. Have a wonderful day.

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