
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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129 Chs

S3E19: Home For Christmas - Part Two

After leaving the lab Foxx returned home and gathered together his things as if getting ready to leave when his mother poked her head in on him and asked, "Where you going son?"

"Well if it's just going to be the three of us for Christmas we might as well try and start our journey to Professor Ivy and the Orange Islands." replied Foxx as he packed the last of his things.

"What about your gifts?" asked Jessie in a slightly concerned way.

"We can grab them on are way back through after we see Professor Ivy. Besides I think it would be best at that point you stayed in one place here with Professor Oak and started to build a better reputation for yourselves." replied Foxx with a sigh he added, "Unless you want to just stay here for now."

"No we'll go with you but shouldn't you at least tell Professor Oak?" asked Jessie.

"I guess that also will give you and dad time to pack." replied Foxx as he set down his bag and gave Joy a quick pet before turning to leave.

Meanwhile back in the lab Ash had spotted the two letter addressed to Foxx laying on top of one of the piles of presents. Now he wouldn't normally open anyone else's mail but he was curious as to why Foxx had received a letter from both Brock and Misty but they never sent him one.

So he carefully opened the first ones, which was from Misty and began to read it;

Dear Foxx,

I hope everything has been going well and I do hope it works out between your parents and Ash. Sorry but I wont be able to join you this year but if Ash does give you any problems then have his mother slap him for me.

Your Friend,


He then opened the second letter, which was from Brock and began to read it;

Dear Foxx,

Sorry but I wont be able to make it this year but I do hope things go over smoothly with your parents. I know Ash can be a hot headed and tends to overreact sometimes but give him a chance to try and understand. Who knows it is the holiday time he might even open right up to them.

Your Friend,


With that Ash froze as he was socked that two of his friends both called Foxx a friend but would've sided with Foxx, Jessie and James had they been able to make it here. Could they be telling the truth? Was it possible that they could really change? What should he do?

Now as all of these thoughts bombarded his mind the door of the lab opened once more and before Foxx could even get his words out Ash just shouted, "Foxx I'm sorry if you'll give me a second chance we can try and have Christmas together, with your real parents."

"Wait what? Also is that my mail?" asked Foxx as he walked over and took the letters from Ash.

"Sorry I was going to bring them to you but when I saw that they were from Brock and Misty I just had to read them." replied Ash, "I didn't know you were friends with them, nor that they knew about your parents."

"They helped me save their Pokémon from Team Rocket, but we can discuss that all later let's get these gifts under the tree." replied Foxx with a smile before asking, "Dawn can you go tell my parents that we're staying after all."

Thus things started to look up for everyone and that night as they sat around the Christmas tree passing out gifts and laughing at each other's funny pranks. Now Mrs. Katchum went a little crazy like always with the gifts. Thus everyone had a good amount of gifts to share.

James got; a poketrainer bag, about twenty potions, a total of fifty pokeballs and beginner's guide to being a Pokémon Trainer. As for Jessie she got; a fashion designer's sketch book, about eight outfit patterns, two travel sowing kits, and ten pokeballs. Meowlth got some treats and a ball of yarn.

Then there was Professor Oak who got all kinds of books and research magazines. As for Garry he got; a new travel badge display case, fifteen pokeballs, some note books, and a new pokeball holster. Next was Mrs. Katchum; she got a Pikachu picture frame that resembled Pickachu almost exactly, a Pikachu tea set, a stack of pictures of Ash and all of his companions, a red rose and some napkins.

Now when Ash opened his gifts he got; a Pokeball alarm clock (thus causing everyone but Dawn, Jessie, James and Meowlth to break out laughing), he got about ten pokeballs, some new clothes and a new bag. Pikachu got a good selection of treats. As for Foxx he received the mini-tool kit from Dawn, a good amount of note books and a new tablet style computer.

This left Dawn who really wasn't expected except for by Foxx, Jessie and James so she only got a few gifts. First was a ribbon case for her to store her ribbons in, and a new poke block case. Or that's all she though she'd gotten when she was handed a card from Foxx. She slowly opened it up and read it;

Dear Dawn,

I figured you'd try and get something cheap or that you could use but not what you really wanted so if you meet me and Joy on the roof after dinner to look at the stars I have an other gift for you other then the custom pokeballs that I'm still working on for you.

Your Friend

~Foxx Oak~

This made her smile and after dinner she did meet him and Joy on the roof of the lab where they were looking up at the stars. She nervously approached them and laid down next to Foxx and asked, "So what's this other gift of yours?"

"Put this on." replied Foxx as he handed her a simple red headband.

"Okay." Sighed Dawn a little disappointed that all he wanted to give her was a simple headband. She'd hoped for maybe something a bit more romantic or even a kiss.

"You two really think about kissing way too much." came a soft voice in her head that startled her to the point she almost fell of the roof. Dawn looked around only to see Foxx smiling "Easy we cant have you falling off the roof on Christmas night."

"Who? What? How?" asked Dawn still looking around.

"It's a nurolink to Joy's collar. You can now communicate with each other with just your thoughts. I figure this way you two could have a little chat with each other." explained Foxx with a smile.

"So you can't hear our conversation?" asked Dawn before looking down at Joy with a smile.

"Not this time I have my nurolink off and it will stay off until you two want me to be apart of the conversation." replied Foxx as he laid back with his hands behind his head and looked up at the stars.

To Be Continued...