
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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129 Chs

S3E13: Safari Crisis

Foxx was the most skilled of them and thus the one pushing the farthest forward. It even got to the point that he was giving commands to all of the Pokémon into allowing the others to keep up and push forward. He eventually got so focused that he started issuing out combo attacks between all of the Pokémon turning them into an unstoppable force.

"Meowlth! Arbok! Poison Slash!" called Foxx which lead to Arbok launching a poison bite while Meowlth performed a slash attack.

Eevee! Joy! Weezing! Fire & Ice Takle!" ordered Foxx which lead to Eevee launching a powerful Icebeam while Joy fired off a powerful Flamethrower as Weezing started tackling the enemy Pokémon.

At this rate it wasn't long before Foxx had lead the team through the town and into the Safari Zone were they were met by more grunts and even an Admin. For once they reached the center of the Safari Zone they came face to face with a Lady long black hair and a black suit with a R on the pocket. In the background was Butch and Cassidy fighting a lady in a ninja outfit along with another guy type trading none of them recognized.

"Ah Jessie and James you once more wish to attempt to foil your former allies plans." chuckled the lady with a grin, "Too bad you wore yourselves out too much getting here thus won't be able to do anything."

"Then you wouldn't be opposed to a battle?" asked Foxx with a grin.

"And you are?" asked the lady with a rise eyebrow.

"Foxx Oak, and I challenge you to a one on one six Pokémon battle." replied Foxx as he approached the man before asking, "And who exactly are you? Team Rocket Grunt 1,123?"

"I'm Admin Ari and your challenge is excepted on one condition." replied the lady with a grin.

"And what's that?" asked Foxx taking up a battle position with his, Dawn's and his parent's Pokémon standing behind him ready to fight.

"Winner takes all." replied Admin Ari, "In other words whoever wins walks away with all of the Pokémon. Mine, Yours and even theirs."

"You're betting Pokémon that aren't even yours." replied Foxx when Ari gestured towards the second group of battling trainers and Team Rocket members. "And want me to wager one someone else's Pokémon? I will however agree to you getting my Pokémon if I loose."

"Fine I'll just take theirs once I'm through with you." huffed Admin Ari as she got in position for a Pokémon battle. Her first Pokémon was Nidoking.

"How about we raise the bar and asked it all six Pokémon on the field at one time. You see my six." replied Foxx with a smile and a gesture to Joy, Eevee, Arbok, Weezing, Meowlth, and Pinlup. It was a very bold move but Foxx was sure he could pull it off.

"Fine Just means I get to crush you sooner." laughed Admin Ari as she throw out a Rattacate, Tauros, Beedrill, Ryhorn and Mankey.

Now Foxx didn't hesitate before issuing orders in the form of combos and sneak attacks that confuse and as well as made it hard for Admin Ari to concentrate let alone focus on more then one or two of her Pokémon at a time. Foxx fist focused on removing the easy targets of Beedrill, and Rattacate before shift to Manky and Tauros with a bombardment of water and grass attacks while throwing in a few fire blasts.

This left Admin Ari with just Nitoking and Ryhorn, but she did manage to take out a few of his leaving a weak Eevee, a tired Meowlth and Joy who though tired and almost out of energy she wasn't going to give in. Foxx knew he really had end this now.

"Eevee! Meowlth! Leafy Slash! Springboard into Joy! Meowlth Firey Tackle!" risked Foxx and his order lead to Eevee bombarding Ryhorn with a razor leaf while Meowlth performed a slash attack on Ryhorn before leaping at Nitoking for a tackle while Joy unleashed a powerful fire blast. It was a risk but an effective one for both Nidoking and Ryhorn were greatly staggered when Foxx quickly added, "Eevee Aqua Shock! Meowlth! Joy! Quick Fire!"

This time Meowlth performed a quick attack on Nidoking while Joy lite him up with a flamethrower. At the same time Eevee blasted Ryhorn first with a water gun before quickly following it up with a thunder bolt. This was enough to cause both enemy Pokémon to faint while Meowlth, Eevee and Joy all panted. Foxx the recalled Eevee and had Meowlth return to his parents while Joy joined his side as he walked up to Admin Ari with a smile.

"A deal is a deal. Admin Ari hand over your Pokémon to the trainer and get out of here and take your Team Rocket scum with you." called the female ninja as her and the other trainer approached them.

"What Butch, Cassidy? How could you both fail me?" snapped Admin Ari as she looked around before finally sighing and handing over her six pokeball to Foxx in defeat before her and the defeated Team Rocket grunts all fled.

"That was a very talented and skillful battle kid and on behalf of the Johto league I'm willing to award you this Hive Badge as a reward. I know normally you'd supposed to beat the gym leader, which is me, but you just fought your way through a large group of grunts before taking on their admin in a six Pokémon battle using what looked like Pokémon that weren't even yours. That is something not even I could do and thus if we were to battle with fully healthy teams you'd for sure win." explained the second trainer, who seemed to a lavender haired young man in a green range's outfit and holding a bug net.

"Thanks but I'd rather earn it in battle against you." replied Foxx a bit confused.

"Well, I think that you've earned it and would even award you the Soul Badge since I'm the official gym leader of the Fuchsia City Gym but I think my father would love to see you fight so I'll let you battle him to earn the badge." explained the ninja girl. "As for Bugsy's badge take it. He doesn't give out offers like this all the time."

"Thanks, If you could then lead the way to your gym so I can challenge your father?" asked Foxx as he excepted the Hive badge from Bugsy.

"Yes, and we can stop at the Pokecenter to heal your Pokémon along the way." replied the ninja with a smile before adding, "My name is Janine by the way."

To Be Continued...