
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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129 Chs

S3E11: Route 13, 14, & 15

Just like the last two routes these ones weren't too exciting and Foxx was forced to slow it down a bit and even stop more just to relax and chat with the others so they could all keep from wanting to strangle each other. This is one of those points at which the group sat down to rest and talk around a small fire.

"You know what Jessie I think were getting really close to that place where all of those Tauros." replied James looking around.

"You mean the same place where we tried to capture all of those Kangaskhans only to be stopped by the twerp and his Pikachu?" asked Jessie.

"Not to mention that little kid who thought he was a Kangaskan and kept hitting us with his boomerang." added Meowlth as he rubbed his head out of the memories of the pain.

"Are you referring to the Safari Zone?" asked Foxx with a raised eyebrow. "Ash has told me all about that journey of his. I'm glade the little boy was able to safely be reunited to his parents."

"You think the rangers will notice us in the open like this or should we just get back to the walking and not stop until we reach Fuchsia City?" nervously asked James still looking around as if waiting for someone to pop out of the bushes.

"Wow first he wants me to slow down and rest more now he wants to just rush past all of this and just get to the city already. It's almost as if he was afraid something bad was going to happen." teased Foxx with a smile.

"It has been a while since something bad has happened to us that I too am a bit worried." sighed Jessie, "You see we have horrible luck and beside most everyone knows us for our crimes while not everyone knows of you just the man that raised you."

"She does have a point there and had you not told me nor I seen you talking with Professor Oak I would've and even at first did judge you based on their past." confessed Dawn as she looked away not wanting him to see the shame in her eyes.

"One, if I was afraid of people judging my for my parent's past I wouldn't e making this long journey to Pallet Town in the first place." replied Foxx looking at everyone before stopping at dawn and turning her chin so she had no choice to look at him before adding, "A second I don't care what they think. Everyone has their opinion and we're allowed to change said opinions over time. It's what makes us all unique, we screw up but if we get back on our feet then were one step closer to making a difference."

This made Dawn smile well that and he fact that Joy had slowly climbed up into her lap. This made Foxx also smile before adding, "I think she's starting to warm up to you a bit."

"I guess you're right. People can change and we shouldn't be ashamed of who were are or were." replied Dawn with a smile as she began to pet Joy softly.

"It's behind us hence the reason it's called the past. We can't get caught up looking backwards otherwise we'll miss what's happening around us and those that we're doing them with." replied Foxx with a smile, "For instance Joy here was abandoned by her owners at the Pokecenter that my parents had a part in blowing up. Had that not happened me and her would've never met. It took her a while to come around to me but now she is always at my side."

"When she first met my parents she didn't trust them but now will protect them if need be, and with you she felt her place at my side was being threatened but now she's willing to call you a friend." continued Foxx as he pulled out a ribbon before tying back Dawns hair.

"Did she tell you all of that or is this just a guess?" asked Dawn with a smile and a slight blush.

"She told me most of it but the last bit I'm not really sure. You see I haven't asked her about what her current feelings are concerning you." replied Foxx with a smile before slowly standing up and stepping away some before dusting himself off. He then returned to offer her a hand up while adding, "I guess it's about time we get moving if were going to hit our attended camp site by nightfall."

"I still vote we travel through the night and only stop once we're safe inside of the city." called James as he got to his feet.

"You do realize that the Safari Zone has an entrance within the City and most of the park rangers live in the city. Besides it would be a bit odd if four tired trainers showed up early in the morning about to fall asleep." explained Foxx, "Not to mention the danger that lurks in the woods at night. There is a higher chance of being ambushed by Pokémon and bandits alike."

"Fine I guess we can do it your way son." sighed James once more looking around for any traces of any park rangers.

The gang then continued along their way with no trouble whatsoever. They did however have to once more convince James to agree to set up camp for the night so they can get some rest and arrive at Fucshia City where they will come across a unexpected surprise that will both challenge them as well as put them behind schedule even more. How will Foxx take this surprise? How will he handle falling farther behind schedule?

To Be Continued...