
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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129 Chs

S2E25:Calling Ivy

So after looking through all of the care package Foxx found the number for Professor Ivy and gave her a call. The phone seemed to ring for sometime before Ivy picked up and pantingly asked, "Professor Ivy speaking how may I help you?"

"Professor my name if Foxx Oak and Professor Oak gave me your number. He's notes said that you're the one who found the GS Ball." replied Foxx, "I'm trying to help Kurt figure out how it opens and what it contains."

"Little Foxx I haven't see or heard from you in ages. How are you and that little Pikachu doing?" asked Ivy.

"Professor, Pikachu is with Ash and has been for three and a half years now. My starter is a vulpix that we rescued shortly after Pikachu and Ash left on their Pokémon journey." replied Foxx with a sigh thinking of those wonderful days of him and Pikachu.

"I'm sorry Foxx I didn't know so what was it you wanted to know?" asked Ivy.

"Professor Ivy what can you tell me about the GS Ball? I have all of Kurt's notes, and Professor Oak's notes but I was wondering if you might know something they don't." replied Foxx.

"I can try but I really don't know much more then them." confessed Ivy, "I'm really sorry Foxx."

"Do you have any notes on it?" asked Foxx, "And its not your fault it seems to be a huge mystery for everyone. Maybe with your notes I might be able to find something almost as if all three of you were looking at it at the same time."

"Sure let me get them and I can send them to you at Kurt's place." replied Ivy.

"Actually Professor if you could send them to Professor Oak's lab I'll be leaving here within the next day or two to start an early trip home for the holidays. I want to stop off at the Silph Co Labs and see if I could get one of the techs to scan it or give me some notes on their blueprints of their poke balls." replied Foxx

"I can do that but good luck with the Silph Co thing they don't tend to give out their secrets too often." sighed Ivy before adding, "Also tell your dad that I wish him a happy holidays and that I hope he likes the gift I sent him."

"I will do Professor Ivy and I hope to see you around sometime soon." replied Foxx as h started to hang up the phone.

"Also Foxx please let me know what you find out about the GS Ball I think m and your father have long forgotten all about it." called Ivy

"Will do Professor." replied Foxx as he hung up the phone and turned to find himself face to face with Kurt which made him leap back startled. Painting he added to Kurt, "Do you have to sneak up on me like that Kurt?"

"Well this is my house so I can do whatever I want, besides it sounds like you're getting ready to move on and leave old Kurt behind like everyone else." snapped Kurt.

"I'm only going home for Christmas, after that I'll return and hopefully with more information on the GS Ball." replied Foxx.

"No!" snapped Kurt with his arms crossed.

"What do you mean No?" asked Foxx with his head tilted to one side.

"It really only has one meaning kid, but in this case I'm saying I want you to take the GS Ball with you when you leave for you trip home." replied Kurt as he pulled out the GS Ball and handed it to Foxx before adding, "After the holidays I think its best you move on with your journey. I've taught you all I can and really that wasn't much. I'd point you on a path but really kid I'm just a crazy old man and I don' even know what to do with my life anymore then you know what to do with yours."

"Oh I see." replied Foxx as he looked at the GS Ball. "I guess this is good bye then."

"Hay kid I'm kicking you out not dying!" snapped Kurt before calmly adding, "In other words you're always welcome to stop in and say hi from time to time. Besides you have to tell me what happens when you finally get that blasted thing open."

"I will Kurt I will." replied Foxx with a smile as he put the GS Ball in his bag.

"And when you do you will surely be the Pokeball expert." replied Kurt with a smile.

Foxx then shook Kurts hand and thanked him one last time before going and starting to pack up his things to leave. Now this also meant getting his parents to pack their things too as they seemed a bit puzzled why they needed to take everything on their trip to Pallet Town even though Foxx had explained it to them tree or four times before him and Meowlth just gave up and walked away shaking their heads.

To Be Continued...

Just a heads up because of the unique circumstances behind season three I will be attempting to release two chapters a day (Monday-Friday) for the first sixteen chapters in hopes of everything lining up perfectly with the holidays. Now with that said at the end of season three I will be taking a break from this fan fic for a while and will list the release date of the new season at that point. It all depends on how much of my other books I have to delay and if I can get everything for this one written by December 23rd since I will be taking a brea from all projects from December 24th until January 4th. Thanks for all the support and I really hope to have this full season out to you this year.

ShadowFoxx89creators' thoughts