
Pokémon: Wait, where am I?

A boy named Finn gets sent into the world of Pokémon with no memory of who he is besides his name.

Hunter_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

Chapter 2

After the three of them left the Pokémon center, they went back to Andrew's house to talk about what they knew regarding Finn falling out of the sky. When they get home Andrew goes to the kitchen and makes tea while Emelia goes on to explain everything that happened and that they don't know why he was falling.

Finn "So you really don't know anything? That sucks."

Emelia "I've explained this story three times already and I won't be doing it again."

Finn "Fine I won't ask again, but do you mind if I stay here for the night and then tomorrow I'll figure out where to go?"

Emelia "Not that I'm opposed to the idea, but aren't you going to go home?"

Finn "You see. I would one hundred percent do that if I knew where home was."

Emelia "What do you mean you don't know where home is?"

Finn "Well....I don't have any memory of home so...."

Andrew "Well with that said, you can stay here as long as you like."

Finn looks at Eevee and thinks about weather or not to stay but when he finally opens his mouth to answer Emelia cuts him off.

Emelia "Hey dad. What if he comes with me? He might jog his memory as to where he lives. What do you think?

Andrew "Well I'm not opposed to it but it's not my decision to make. Why don't you ask him yourself?

Emelia looks at Finn with big puppy dog eyes. "so will you come with me?"

Finn "I can't really say no when you like at me like that. Fine.

Emelia "Yay! Now Cyndaquil and I will have some friends with us.

As Emelia says that, her father walks into the other room smiling. "Oh about that, you won't just have Cyndaquil. Since you are leaving tomorrow I got you a present. I was going to give it to you today before you left but I think it would be best if I gave it to you right now."

Andrew pulls out a yellowish brown box with a red ribbon on the top. He then hands it to his daughter and tells her to open it. Emelia jumps up and down excited just to get a gift. Finn interjects while she is excited "Are you going to jump around all day or are you going to open it?"

Emelia "OK ok, I'll open the box." She opens the box and sees a lot of tissue paper. and sees a small box with a crescent moon on it. She then opens that box and inside it there is a necklace with a crescent moon and in the middle there is a jewel. After looking at it for a long while her dad says "You know something kiddo, Your mother picked that out....."

Emelia cuts him off and runs towards the door shouting "Is mom home, where is she?"

Andrew walks over and hugs his daughter and says "No she is not home but when she is I will let you know. Ok kiddo?"

Emelia "Ok, but you better not forget to tell me."

Andrew "I won't. Now, did you look through the whole box because I think You actually forgot about My part of the present. You should look through the rest of the box."

Emelia walks back into the room and looks at Finn, who is making a face as if he is disappointed or sad.

Emelia "What's that face for?"

Finn stands up and turns around to show her his hood. When she looks inside his hood she sees that his Eevee is sleeping in there. She looks at his face and just starts laughing.

Finn "Are you going to laugh or open your present." Emelia giggles and then walks back to her present and starts tossing tissue paper on the floor. She finally gets to the bottom of the box and finds a Pokeball. After looking at the Pokeball inside, she turns toward her dad sincerely and opens the Pokeball.

Out of the Pokeball comes a small orange/brown bear with a crescent moon on its forehead. The Pokémon that came out is Teddiursa. Teddiursa is looking around confused and shy and tries to run away but Eevee jumps out of Finn's hood knocking him over and stops Teddiursa before he can get outside. Eevee talks to Teddiursa and calms him down. he then turns around and walks towards Andrew. Andrew nudges Teddiursa to go over and say hello to Emelia.

Emelia gets on her knees and extends a hand out to him. "I'm not gonna hurt you. My name is Emelia and I just want to be your friend." He slowly walks over and grabs her hand hesitantly. She smiles at him comfortably. After a few hours of play between the three Pokémon Finn grabs Eevee and places her into his hood and lays down on the couch and falls asleep. Andrew heads off to his room to sleep for the night and so does Emelia with both of her Pokémon excited for what is going to happen on their journey when she wakes up tomorrow.

This is my first work so I don't expect anything but if you have read this then I appreciate you for spending your time on this

Thank you!

Hunter_creators' thoughts