
Pokémon: The Ultimate Adventure of Ash (Remake)

Our protagonist has failed in life, his wife denounced him, he spent years in prison and when he got out, he discovered that his ex-wife had been having sex with his best friend. Alone, without family and friends, our protagonist decides to commit suicide, when suddenly he meets a strange man with whom he exchanges words. This man gives him a strange ring and then he’s gone. After his departure, our protagonist commits suicide and reincarnates in the Pokémon world as Ash Ketchum before starting his journey, what adventures will our protagonist have? How many Pokémon will he catch? How many women will be in his harem? Discover it in this exciting new adventure full of action, romance and lots of sex! *Note: This is a remake of my previous Pokémon fic. This fic is rewritten from 0, it is much better written, the conversations are much more fluid and with more sense and the relationships are much more elaborate, in addition, each girl will have a background. Important things to know about this fic: - Sex will start from chapter 15 more or less since I do not want to rush into relationships. - The girls will quickly fall in love with the protagonist but it will not be instantly. - The protagonist has a very original system never before seen, if you want to know its functions, you will have to read the fic. -The protagonist will catch all Mythical Pokémon and maybe some legendary. - All characters from my previous fic will appear in this without exception. - I’ll do two or four films. - Only certain events will be the same as the canon, but 90% of the entire fic will be made by me. - All the most important pokegirls will be in the harem of the protagonist, if you want some other girl either invented or belonging to the anime or video games, you can suggest it, because probably I will not reject any proposal. - There will be no Pokephilia. - There will be no Netorare. - There will be a little yuri, but only during sex with the protagonist, the girls will not have sex with each other without the protagonist, in addition, there will be little yuri, so it will be fun to read it and not frustrating, believe me. - There will be chapters every two or three days due to lack of time, I would like to upload one daily, but unfortunately the translation takes a long time, also, I have another fic to upload. My patreon: patreon.com/Bloodnight79 There, for a small price of 1$, 2$ and 3$, you can enjoy 5, 10 and 15 chapters of this fic and another one and in the future even more things will be added.

Bloodnight · Anime et Bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
80 Chs


*Note: I'm feeling better little by little, so I hope soon I will be full recover, but for now, please, be patient.

But if you don't want to wait... Yoy can always suscribe to My Patreon where you will be able to enjoy until 15 chapters in advance and it's practically free so... Give it a try and I'll assure you will like it.

My Patreon: patreon.com/Bloodnight79

Have a good day :)


"Ehh, you already have two girlfriends, who are they?!" - asked Giselle surprised.

"I'm Celeste, nice to meet you and I'm his GIRLFRIEND" – Celeste said.

"And I'm Roxanne and I'm his second GIRLFRIEND, it's a pleasure to meet you" – Roxanne said.

They both smiled, but that only made Giselle angry.

"Tch, well, okay, I've changed my mind, if I win, I want you to cut off your relationship with the two of them and become my boyfriend!" – Giselle said.

"You're daydreaming!" – both girls said angrily.

"Okay, I accept, but if you lose, you will have to change and apologize to everyone you hurt" – I said.

"But Ash..." - Celeste said surprised.

"You can't bet something like that..." – Roxanne said in the same way.

"Girls, do you trust me?" – I asked while looking at them both with a smile.

"Always!" – they both said.

Their trust in Ash was absolute and nothing was going to change that!

"Then, trust me, I know what I'm doing" – I said.

They both looked at Ash and seeing his serious expression, they sighed and nodded.

"It's okay, we fully trust you" – Celeste said.

"Yes, we'll be watching the battle" - Roxanne said.

"Thank you" – I said while kissing her cheeks.

"Hehehe" – they both said.

But seeing this, Giselle got angry, why were they flirting in front of her? She wanted to flirt with him too!

"Ehem, are you done flirting yet?" – Giselle asked angrily.

And she seemed to be very, very angry.

"Yes, tell me, do you accept or not?" – I asked.

"I do!" – Giselle nodded.

"Then I'll be the referee!" – Joe said suddenly.

"You? Don't even dream of it!" – Giselle said.

"Okay, Joe will be the referee" – I nodded.

"Hmm, if he says so, then I'll allow you to be the referee for once" – Giselle said.

Joe couldn't believe what he had just heard, had Giselle listened to Ash? It should be said that, since she met her, Giselle has never paid attention to anyone and every student who has tried has failed and has been humiliated by Giselle, but only with a few words from someone she had just met, Giselle gave in, what was happening? Had Giselle fallen in love with Ash? It couldn't be, being her boyfriend was surely to humiliate him right after, it couldn't be that the proud Giselle had fallen in love with Ash, it was totally impossible.

"I-it's okay" - Joe nodded.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself before, I'm Ash, from Pallet Town and this is my best friend, Pikachu, you can call me Ash if you want" – I said with a smile.

Seeing him again, Giselle blushed, her cheeks became hot and red and her heart began to beat strongly.

"M-My name is Giselle, but because it's you, you can call me Shelly, that's what my friends call me" – Giselle said.

"What friends? All the guys behind her were her henchmen, not her friends, who calls her Shelly?" – Joe wondered surprised in his mind.

"Okay, then I'll call you Shelly, although Giselle already seems like a beautiful name in itself, so sometimes I'll call you Shelly and other times Giselle, what do you think?" – I asked.

"O-ok" – Giselle nodded embarrassedly.

"Then let's fight" – I said with a smile.

Giselle nodded and we both took our respective places.

"The battle will be simple, it will be a 1 vs 1, whoever weakens the opponent's Pokémon, loses and therefore, also loses the bet, in addition, at Ash's request, Giselle can take out her Pokémon first" – said Joe.

"Okay, Graveler, I choose you!" – Giselle exclaimed.

Then, a rather strong-looking Graveler came out to fight on the battlefield and seemed determined to destroy his opponent.

"Come on, Pikachu, let's show that the type is not everything in a fight" – I said.

Well, unless you're using a normal-type attack against a ghost-type Pokémon, among others, of course.

"Pikachu? I see, I guess you want to prove what I said before, am I wrong?" – Giselle said.

"Not at all, I will prove that it is true that types are not everything, but... remember the bet" – I said.

"I remember it and if you beat me, I will fulfill it, don't worry, I am a woman who always fulfill her promises" – said Giselle.

"Maybe that's the only good thing about Giselle, except for her looks" - Joe thought.

"I'll start if you don't mind, Graveler uses Rollout!" – Giselle exclaimed.

"Ler!" exclaimed Graveler.

It then began to roll at a high speed and headed towards Pikachu at a speed unbecoming of the rock type.

"Not bad, it's pretty fast, but... no more than us, Pikachu use Double Team!" – I exclaimed.

"Pika pi" – Pikachu nodded.

Suddenly, numerous Pikachu clones appeared on the battlefield causing Graveler to hit one of the clones and not the original Pikachu.

"Graveler, keep using Rollout, as long as you keep rolling, Pikachu won't be able to touch you!" – Giselle exclaimed.

Graveler kept rolling and crashing into all of Pikachu's clones.

He's right, Rollout is an attack that gets stronger with each turn, but when the attack failed, Graveler should have been helpless, how is it possible that he continues to roll relentlessly?

"I know what you're thinking, but I've trained my Graveler hard and now, even if the Rollout fails, we've managed to make sure that he doesn't stay defenseless, but can roll indefinitely!" – Giselle exclaimed.

Fuck, she's good, I don't understand why the anime didn't tap into this girl's talent and instead left her as a simple one-time character!

"I admit you're awesome, that's a fact!" – I said.

"T-thank you!" – Giselle exclaimed blushing.

Graveler finished with Pikachu's last clone, however, Pikachu was nowhere to be found on the battlefield.

"What, where has she gone?" – Giselle asked in amazement.

She believed that this was the end of Pikachu, after all, Rollout was at full power and hit Pikachu, this would be her end without a doubt.

"I'm incredible too, now Pikachu, Iron Tail!" – I exclaimed.

"Pika pi!" – Pikachu exclaimed.

Surprisingly to Giselle, Pikachu was falling towards the ground at a high speed as her tail lit up a beautiful metallic color.

"At what point did you position yourself there?! And it wasn't even ordered!" – Giselle said with her eyes open.

"Sometimes you don't need to order your Pokémon because she already knows what she should do, now, Pikachu!" – I exclaimed.

Pikachu slammed her powerful attack into the ground, making it tremble and destabilizing Graveler by causing him to fall to the ground helpless.

"It can't be, pull yourself together, Graveler!" – Giselle exclaimed.

"You won't be able to because this is over, Pikachu, Iron Tail and weaken that Graveler!" – I exclaimed.

In one swift move, Pikachu hit a strong Iron Tail that sent Graveler flying and crashing to the ground, weakening him on the spot.

"Graveler has fallen weakened, Pikachu wins and therefore, Ash wins the bet!" – Joe exclaimed.

"Graveler!" – Giselle exclaimed.

Quickly, Giselle ran to help her Graveler.

"It seems that despite her toughs and arrogant attitude, she loves her Pokémon after all" – I said with a smile.

After telling him that he had done very well, Giselle returned Graveler to his Pokéball and sighed, Ash had beaten her and won the bet and now she would have to apologize for her attitude, but... you know what? She didn't regret making the bet, for some reason, while fighting Ash, she understood that the words she said before were true and she had lost.

"Did you see? I have won, but that does not mean that I will treat you badly, you are strong and talented Giselle, but being so arrogant is your weakness, but you still have time to change, what do you say?" – I asked with a smile as I gave her my hand.

Giselle nodded and smiled and actually grabbed his hand as well, but when Ash wanted to move his hand, Giselle pushed him away and kissed him on the lips.

"Ah!" – both girls said.

"Even though it was for a bet, I meant it, go out with me, I like you" – Giselle said with a smile.

But before anyone could say anything else, something strange happened because suddenly, a huge net came out of nowhere and captured Pikachu.

"Not you again!" – I said angrily.

Fuck, not a day has passed!

"Who are you?" – Giselle exclaimed angrily.

"Who are we?" - asked a female voice.

"We'll tell you" – said a male voice.

Here we go again and not even a day later, at least they could have waited a few days!