
Pokémon: The Ultimate Adventure of Ash (Remake)

Our protagonist has failed in life, his wife denounced him, he spent years in prison and when he got out, he discovered that his ex-wife had been having sex with his best friend. Alone, without family and friends, our protagonist decides to commit suicide, when suddenly he meets a strange man with whom he exchanges words. This man gives him a strange ring and then he’s gone. After his departure, our protagonist commits suicide and reincarnates in the Pokémon world as Ash Ketchum before starting his journey, what adventures will our protagonist have? How many Pokémon will he catch? How many women will be in his harem? Discover it in this exciting new adventure full of action, romance and lots of sex! *Note: This is a remake of my previous Pokémon fic. This fic is rewritten from 0, it is much better written, the conversations are much more fluid and with more sense and the relationships are much more elaborate, in addition, each girl will have a background. Important things to know about this fic: - Sex will start from chapter 15 more or less since I do not want to rush into relationships. - The girls will quickly fall in love with the protagonist but it will not be instantly. - The protagonist has a very original system never before seen, if you want to know its functions, you will have to read the fic. -The protagonist will catch all Mythical Pokémon and maybe some legendary. - All characters from my previous fic will appear in this without exception. - I’ll do two or four films. - Only certain events will be the same as the canon, but 90% of the entire fic will be made by me. - All the most important pokegirls will be in the harem of the protagonist, if you want some other girl either invented or belonging to the anime or video games, you can suggest it, because probably I will not reject any proposal. - There will be no Pokephilia. - There will be no Netorare. - There will be a little yuri, but only during sex with the protagonist, the girls will not have sex with each other without the protagonist, in addition, there will be little yuri, so it will be fun to read it and not frustrating, believe me. - There will be chapters every two or three days due to lack of time, I would like to upload one daily, but unfortunately the translation takes a long time, also, I have another fic to upload. My patreon: patreon.com/Bloodnight79 There, for a small price of 1$, 2$ and 3$, you can enjoy 5, 10 and 15 chapters of this fic and another one and in the future even more things will be added.

Bloodnight · Anime et Bandes dessinées
Pas assez d’évaluations
80 Chs


*Note: I'm still recovering, so be patient, please :)

Have a good day and don't forget to susscribe to my Patreon if you want to read until 15 chapters in advance for inly 3$, but if it's too expensive for you, don't worry because for only 1$, you will be able to read 5 cahpters in advance, please, give it a try at least for one month, is a way to support me.

My Patreon: patreon.com/Bloodnight79


"Ahhh... I can't believe it, it was all true, the legends, the sightings... everything true and on top of that there are two, Hahahaha!" – Mateo laughed.

At last, after months of searching and research, he had finally discovered the famous Crystal Onyx, he had finally found them!

"It's incredible... how beautiful they are" – Celeste said in amazement.

Mateo was right, because despite having the appearance of Onix, both Onyx were completely different from the Onyx you could normally see in Kanto because apparently, both could swim in water, something that a Kanto Onix would never be able to do.

"Wow... incredible" – Roxanne said.

Roxanne was amazed, the sight of these two impressive Pokémon was such, that even without knowing whether or not they possessed the rock-type, she already wanted to catch at least one of them.

"This world is amazing, don't you think, Pikachu?" – I said with a smile.

In the anime the Onix were quite cute, but in reality it was much better appreciated, they were beautiful, beautiful and pure Pokémon, something that cannot be commonly seen.

"Pika pi" – Pikachu nodded.

Her best friend was right, this world was full of mysteries still unsolved.

"Come on, let's hurry, I have to catch the image of those two Onyxes in my head!" – exclaimed Mateo.

Now came the difficult part, observing the Onyx in order to sculpt them, but for that, he would have to observe them carefully and from close.

However, Mateo's cry did not go unnoticed by both Pokémon, which, alarmed, turned their heads.

"NIXXXX!" – they both exclaimed.

They didn't seem very happy to see us there, most likely they didn't like humans.

"Damn, i was so close!" – Mateo said cursing his mouth.

Why had he screamed?

"Nix!" - exclaimed the Shiny.

"Oni!" - the other exclaimed.

They both seemed quite angry and ready to attack us, in fact, they had all taken out their Pokéball to face the threat, but I didn't, I knew that these Onyx didn't want to attack us.

"Stop!" – I said suddenly.

They all looked at me confused and nervous because without saying a word I stood in front of both Onix, who looked at me curiously.

"Be careful, Ash!" - the girls exclaimed.

"They don't want to hurt us, they are just confused and somewhat scared to see us here, after all, this is their resting place" – I said calmly.

"You're right" - Roxanne nodded.

Then, she walked and stood next to me.

"Rock-type Pokémon can seem very aggressive most of the time, but... the truth is that they have a good heart and are not usually aggressive" – Roxanne agreed.

She knew it better than anyone.

As she said that, either by instinct or by something else that we will never be able to understand, they both raised their hands to make the Onix see that they were only coming to observe and not to hurt them.

Both Onix looked at each other and nodded, not that they were against being catched or anything like that, in fact, that was the reason why there were only two, basically they were both adventurers who separated from their pack to go in search of adventures, unfortunately, every time a human saw them (which were rare), they were trying to catch them without even trying to establish a connection with them.

They both wanted that, if they were catched, their trainer would have to be someone with whom they shared a connection, a special bond and not a random who saw them by chance and tried to catch them, so they were a little suspicious of humans.

However, when they both looked at Ash and Roxanne, they felt something strange, they were not like the other humans who tried to catch them, they just tried to see them and did not try to catch them as soon as they saw them, would they both be the ones with whom they would feel a special connection? Would this be their only chance to go on adventures, to see the world? They were both tired of wandering through caves in search of food, they wanted to see the outside world, they wanted to live unforgettable adventures!

Both Onyx wanted to check if they were the chosen ones, so they bowed their heads and let themselves be touched by them.

The Shiny Crystal Onyx let Ash touch him while Roxanne touched the normal one.

"Did you see? We just want to be your friends and observe you a little, can you let us do that?" – I asked curiously.

"We promise you that we will not try to do anything strange, just observe you" – Roxanne said.

Both Onyx raised their heads and nodded, being watched would not hurt anyone and so they could judge both of them.

"Yes, I will finally be able to observe them up close, thank you very much!" – Mateo said.

He had made the right decision to tell all this to Ash and his companions because now he could observe the Onix without them running away, it was like a dream for him!

"It will be good to observe them, I would also like to observe their physiology, how two Pokémon, originally of the Rock type, adapted to be able to swim in the water, amazing" – Celeste said.

As the future best nurse Joy in the world, researching these two Pokémon was going to be the most exciting thing that had happened to her so far and perhaps decisive in figuring out how Pokémon adapt to other environments.

A few hours later.

During these hours we had been so entertained, that we did not feel sleepy at all, we simply continued to watch the Onix while we talked.

Roxanne, I, and Pikachu played for a while with the Onix, who had become very friendly with us, while Mateo wrote and drew things in his notebook and sometimes just stared at the Onix for a while.

On the other hand, Celeste had taken out a notebook and started researching the physiology of the Onix, which was quite curious, by the way.

After hours of research, Celeste discovered something super interesting, apparently she discovered what type the crystal Onyx were.

Apparently, they were Water and Ice type, completely discarding the Rock type, because to swim, it was necessary to get rid of that type, becoming the Water and Ice types, a very interesting combination.

*Note: I searched the internet and there is no information about these Onix, only those mentioned in the anime chapter, so, after a lot of research, I have opted for those guys, but they are not made randomly, believe me, later you will understand.

As for his ability... as they were Pokémon never before seen and researched by humans, Celeste still had no idea what ability both Onix could possess, it was very difficult to find out the ability of a newly discovered Pokémon, however, Celeste could deduce that it probably had something to do with water, but nothing more.

"This is being super interesting, thank you very much for everything" – said Mateo.

Pikachu was now playing with the Onix, jumping between their heads and climbing up their crystal bodies, unfortunately, she never managed to keep her balance and would fall, all that because the "skin" of those Onix was extremely slippery, something that Celeste aimed at the speed of light, it is incredible how fast she writes when it comes to this type of subjects.

"It was nothing" - I said.

"We've done what anyone would do in this situation, and even if they're not rock-type Pokémon, I love them!" – Roxanne said.

They may not have been rock-type Pokémon, but Roxanne was thrilled with them and wouldn't mind having one of them on her team.

Mateo was going to say something, he was going to thank them for everything, but suddenly, a kind of net came out of nowhere and caught both Onix.

"Nix!" – they both said trying to get away.

"Pika, pi!" – Pikachu exclaimed, trying to break the net.

But suddenly, another net came out of nowhere catching Pikachu.

"Pikachu, Onix!" – I exclaimed.

Damn, it's them, I said they were taking a long time to appear!

"What's going on here?!" – Mateo said angrily.

"What's going on here? Do you want to know?" – asked a male voice.

Suddenly, three figures could be seen, one of them was James, another Jessie and behind them was a kind of giant Meowth-like robot whose arms were raised, indicating that this is where both nets had come from.

"Team Rocket!" – the three of us shouted at the same time.