
Pokémon : sizzling journey

Welcome to a hot journey in pokemon world with Our main characters kai . It gonna be long journey .Story progress slowly . To know about it go read and enjoy [ First try then decide]

universe_shade · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

5 - power and phenomenon

Professor oak - sizzlipede is healthy and there no sign of any abnormalities.

Boy you should cherish moment of sizzlipede lying at your shoulder. Only in less than 20 days when his newborn phase ends it big enough that you can't even carry him.

Kai - hmm i didn't even notice it because of all those Excitement . Thank god right now he's

only born that why he is small .

Professor oak - so, what did you think . You still have a year before your journey. If you don't have any initial plan how about working in my lab and also you can train to be professor while working here and When you become eligible for it you can apply for assistance professor even professor position itself.

Kai - " i didn't think about it what to do for one year that left before my journey start. But there one thing that very clear i can never get such good chance to work under professor oak " thank you professor oak for giving me such opportunity. I looking forward to working in your lab.

Professor oak - you don't have to this formal with me . Come i show you nursing area .

( after reaching a small rench like area .sounds of pokemon can be heard from outside when both of them enter in there . They can see many baby pokemon playing around there also royal starter and many other kanto origin pokemon )

Professor oak - look these are all the pokemon which going to distributed this year young trainer.

Kai - even the non royal kanto starter .

Professor oak - yeah not everyone eligible for getting royal starter . So,they are given pokemon other than royal starter.

Kai - how you decide that who's eligible to receive royal starter.

Professor oak - boy you didn't know that because you home tuition by your parent and get certified by me . And it not decide by me but kanto national academy has there hand on deciding what they eligible to receive.

( kanto national academy with branches all over kanto every single child can attend it doesn't matter if your are poor , rich , disable or doesn't matter what caste and religion you follow . They provide free education to all people. Also from here they have been decided by official that are able receive royal or not .

There some exceptional like kai , ash , gary

With professor oak influence they didn't need to attend it To get starter . Not only kai but all the people that working for professor oak get this benefit. )

Professor oak - so, from tomorrow you have to feed them until they get chosen by trainer. Ok

Kai - ok professor. Professor because many thing happening to me in past these day i didn't available to ask where all the children had gone not even ash and gary looking around doing there mischief .

" yeah heard it right ash and gary have some memories with me not exactly with me but in the memories i receive. In which they are two year young then me i have some kind of young and older sibling relations with them"

Professor oak - i didn't get chance to tell they have been attending a summer camp right now.

Kai - " that infamous summer camp where ash and serena first time meet . I also thinking is i able to meet my soul mate "

Professor there one request i like you .

Professor oak - what kind of request boy.

Ask if in my capability in sure fulfilled it.

Kai - even though i chosen the bug type . I also knew not single pokemon is weak it depend on trainer how you train them.

Still i can't fix on single region pokemon doesn't matter bug type or not . I wish that you can provide me league permission to catch other region pokemon.

( yeah different region pokemon can't catch by different region people without league permission. League is very strict about it.it also Lessen the pokemon trafficking from different region . Still it not impossible to get league permission . And i have professor oak key of all lock he can get me permission instantly without long processor. )

Professor oak - boy your ambitious is bigger than what i am thinking. Ok i will talk to league .

( while Kai and professor is talking suddenly alakazam appear out of thin air )

Professor oak - alakazam did you deliver it safely " he nodded his head " thank you. Now i didn't have work right now . You can do anything.

Kai - " look like alakazam use teleport right now . Why not i check his status. Allen show me alakazam status "

Allen - ok


Pokemon - alakazam

Type - psychic

Level - ????

Potential - black

Ability - magic guard


Kai - " why can't i see his level "

[ Allen - alakazam is very strong that why you can't detect his level ]

( while kai busy measuring alakazam. Alakazam saw this said to kai )

Alakazam - ' boy its look you get aware about power train and practice it well not everyone get chance to have such power '

{ ' ' shows if someone talking through telepathically}

( after telling kai alakazam teleport away from there )

Kai -" how alakazam know did he read my memory or something"

[ allen - no , kai he only notice psychic energy when you use to check his status]

Professor oak - kai come with me to the office.

( as kai follow professor toward office. When they reach professor gesture kai to sit and he sit on opposite of side )

Professor oak - kai before alakazam teleport away he told me about psychic ability that also aware of .

Kai - " he started panicking and ask allen to what story should he told without risking anything. I even don't know where that dam! Alakazam lurking around caught my lie "

[Allen- kai don't worry because of my presence alakazam don't able detect lie and just tell what i am going to tell you .after that he start narrating to kai]

Kai - professor the time when i heard about my parent missing and declared death.

At that time i kinda feel some energy surging through my body but i ignore it that time but two days ago again i started feeling the energy so i try to manipulate it . It didn't yield any result and the energy feel like still inside me.

Professor oak - ok it's look like shock you get by loss of your parent triggered the your dormant energy to get activated. And unable to manipulate it which means it very weak for now.

[ this is all professor speculation which is far from truth ]

Professor oak - ok kai from here anything we gonna talk should be spread.

As you also possess this ability which different from normal human . you ought to know more of about this power.

( kai just start listening without saying anything. )

Professor oak - you know about psychic energy as you also have it . But there are more of different type energy exist on this world. There second ability which already well known is AURA . Both aura and psychic pretty common compare to other that energy

researchers has been trying to discover more of different energy that human possess. Through many research some hint of dragon energy has discovered in the sinnoh region people of oldest civilization successor but still research has not fully completed.

After going through hundreds of research. researchers come to this point that there is possibility of having every type of energy of every pokemon typing. But there is no evid

evidence to prove it .

Though we didn't able to find it influence on people. So we shifted our target toward pokemon and biggest result has been yield by galar region phenomenon gigantamax

Speculation has been this that galar phenomenon occur because energy of gigantamax belong to certain pokemon energy because of the effects of energy galar whole region get mutated and start affecting pokemon to achieve gigantamax or dynamax

Mostly chance eternatus having pokemon which affected the galar region but we don't able hold any research on eternatus.

This is whole report of research on energy has been done.

And telling everyone who possess so we ask for help in our research.

Kai - " first i thought its going something that i already know from my past self but dam! That too much take in one go "

Professor oak - i know its too much but when i discovered your power .thought that to make a you professor if are interested.

You don't have to decide now your whole is remain right now take your time . And go home and rest we meet you tomorrow at your work.

( kai take his leave in daze thinking about all the thing that he hear from professor.

After kai left alakazam appear)

Alakazam - * there is not any lie i able see in his story *

Professor oak - that good he honest till now .

Alakazam - * why you tell only half story about energy research *

Professor oak - to check his curiosity because something people curiosity became reason of many discovery.