
Pokémon Insurgence: Tales of Torren

Pokémon Insurgence Novelization Without the memories of his past and himself, with only his name being a silver lining , Sho is thrust into the cult-infested region of Torren where cultists roam around as if they own the world while the strongest man of the region tries to hold them back.... ......Or does he not. What path is Sho going to take? Will he try to be a hero? Or will he ignore the pleas of the needy just because that ain't his problem? Will he ever find out who he really is? (I don't own Pokémon or Pokémon Insurgence, neither the characters of the game. All I own is the fanfiction and the OCs I will be using)

Duke_Aaron · Jeux vidéo
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Chapter Three

Sho kept running and didn't look back at all, fearing that if he looks back even once then it will be the end of him. He had even discarded the cult robes which were causing hindrance in running. The forest wind blew ruffling his two-tone blackish gray colored hair. His crimson eyes were looked onto Mew who was floating ahead of guiding him out of this forest. He swore not to stop unless he is out of this forest.

While discarding the robes he had found many other things of value with that man who he had killed off. He found some money on him which would come in handy for Sho. Stealing from a dead man maybe wrong but when it is done to survive, morals be damned. There was also a pokéball on that man which Sho nabbed.

Though it is still unknown what Pokémon resides inside the capsule. The Pokémon would have been rendered useless in a dead man's possession which is why Sho had taken it from him.

The seventeen year old had attached the pokéball to his belt so that it doesn't fall off and roll over. Sho's attire remained the same which he wore before getting captured though he doesn't even remember how he got captured. Underneath his black sweatshirt, he wore a light grey, half-sleeved t-shirt with a red lining around the neck. He wore matching black pants tightened with a belt and light brown boots.

Soon they arrived at some kind of clearing and Mew decided to stop. Following suit, Sho skidded to a halt as well, panting with his hands on his knees, trying to regain his energy. He finally looked behind and to his relief found no one chasing him.

'Good heavens..' Sho sighed in relief, wiping the sweat formed on his forehead. His gaze then fell on Mew who out of the blue had a strange flute with a note attached floating in front of it.

'Just from where in the world did it bring those things?'

Leaving the origin of objects as a mystery, Sho accepted the flute and detached the note from it before reading what was written in it.

If you reading this note then it must mean that you have escaped from the Cult of Darkrai's base. It is a great relief. Now the flute which you are holding is called the Quartz Flute. This will help you summon Mew in your dire times.

I know you may find it weird on who is helping you and may have million questions. Right now I can't tell you but I promise you that when we meet I will tell you everything.

Your benefactor.

Sho actually had questions in mind, with the most important one being that who is this mysterious benefactor who is going this far to aid him. Even handing him an object which could summon a powerful Mythical Pokémon such as Mew. Wonder Persephone's reaction if she gets her hands on a similar Darkrai flute.....

Sho shook his head. That nutso woman would be the last thing he thinks off. There were more pressing matters at hand where getting back his memories held priority. Also he needed to get stronger in order to fight back against the Cult of Darkrai if they were to come after him again.

At the very least, he is sure to get his answers once he meets up with his benefactor. The time will come but not now. He has to be patient. No harm in that.

'I hope there is a town nearby. I need to get some supplies.'

"I guess I need to thank you as well." Sho looked up at the DNA Pokémon who smiled in return, adding a "mew" to its reply. "You will be going away now right?"

Mew nodded before pointing its tail to the flute again. Sho could call onto him whenever he needs its help so it was sure they will meet again.

"See ya later then." Sho said and Mew disappeared after floating in a random pattern, earning a rare half-smile from the male. His smile disappeared as soon as Mew was gone. He gazed at the Flute and figured that roaming around with something as rare as this in the open is a bad idea.

He sat down under a tree in cross-legged position before he took out his knife from his sleeves. Then he proceeded to slice off his sweatshirt's sleeve with the help of his knife. Now the left sleeve of his sweatshirt is sleeveless from below his elbow.

"I don't even have the luxury to complain for this." Sho muttered to himself while delicately wrapping the black cloth around the Flute. The Flute was soon enveloped in a black cloth. "Much better."

He tugged the Flute onto his waist and that was when his gaze fell into the pokéball. He still needs to find out what Pokémon resides inside this capsule and make them his ally for future skirmishes with almost anything.

Taking a deep breath he enlarged the alchemic sphere before pressing the center button to release the being confined inside.

A quadruped Pokémon with mostly short and gray fur emerged, with the exception of shaggy black fur on her legs, tail and running on the length of her body emerged. She had triangular, dark streak patterns below her red eyes. Her rhombus-shaped ears perked up seeing a different person holding her pokéball. She begin growling intimidatingly as if demanding answers.

'A Mightyena....this one may come in handy.' Sho thought to himself. He knew he owed an explain and so he didn't waste time beating around the bush with it. "You previous owner is dead. I am going to be your new owner."

Mightyena was in total shock for a few moments. The man that caught her from the wild when she was a Poochyena is no more? The one that took care of her even though they both used to do dirty work which did disturb the Dark-type's conscience was no more? It felt as if karma had befallen on him, giving him what he deserved. Then why was she left alone? A trainer and Pokémon are partners. Even though he was a bad human being, he didn't mistreat her at all.

It was under him that she was able to evolve into a Mightyena and now he is no more to command her in battles against other Pokémon.

Guessing that the teenager in front of her is at fault for separating her and her owner, she lunged at him with her fangs bared, ready to rip him into pieces. Sho instinctively brought his hands up in an X-fashion to block damage.

The Dark-type noticing the bare skin on his left arm, clamped down her jaws on it, eliciting a loud yelp of pain from the male who then fell on his back from the momentum. Mightyena didn't let go off his hand. Blood begin trickling down from his hand while he noticed the Dark-type glaring down at him. Her intent was clearly visible with the vengeful look in her eyes.

"Argh!" Sho let out another cry of pain and tried shaking his arm off but Mightyena's grip on them was tighter. The pain was increasing each passing second.

"I know life is shitty as it is." Sho spoke up. Apart from vengeance, anger and hatred directed towards him, her eyes also carried the feeling of loneliness. "Even though you still got to move on with life."

Due to his lack of memories, Sho had no clue whether there was someone was waiting or looking out for him. Right now all he knows he is alone in this world, just like this helpless Pokémon who lost her trainer.

"So all I ask if for you to cooperate with me. If no then you can walk away but I have no intention of giving up my life!" Sho replied before kicking Mightyena.

The force was enough to send her skidding back and his arm was freed. Sharp teeth marks were visible on his arms and blood was still flowing out of his hand with no intention of stopping. The boy clutched his arm to stop the bleeding. This injury needs to get properly. He was lucky that her jaws didn't hit any vital points. But if he doesn't treat it soon, it might get worse. He was already feeling dizzy at it is.

Mightyena gazed at the human standing in front of her. From one look it seems he had gone through much as well. Knowing better, she is sure that her owner is to blame in this as well. A feeling of pity crossed her hearts, cooling down her anger. She was reminded of all the dirty work she had to do under her owner. Maybe she can redeem herself by working with this human.

Maybe The Creator let her live because of this.

Thinking over she slowly walked towards Sho again, letting go off all her ill intent and hatred. Sho was on guard all the time wondering if she would attack him again or not. But he didn't take out his knife for some reason. When she reached near him, she begin licking his wounds which she caused.

"....?" Sho blinked unable to process this sudden change of behavior but appreciated it. At least she isn't hostile anymore. "Should I take it that you have forgiven me and willing to work with me?"

Mightyena paused her licking and nodded her head.

"Thanks. I will be forever grateful and uhh....I apologize as well.." Sho muttered before sitting down again. He really needs a break and the strain of running for so long was getting to him. "Could you please go and check if there is a town, village or just any settlement nearby?"

Giving a bark of approval, Mightyena dashed off the pathway to see to it. It was Sho's first command to her and she would be following him wholeheartedly until she feels like she has been redeemed.

'I still need to do something about this..' Sho gazed at his hand. The evidence of being licked by Mightyena was there as well which brought out a light chuckle from the boy, followed by a wince of pain. 'It still hurts-!'

Sho looked around himself and found some wild grass growing from the shrubs. He has no clue on what use the leaves could be but something is better than nothing. He stood up and slowly staggered to the shrubs before plucking their leaves. Then he took out his knife again and sliced off his other sleeve.

He then crushed the leaves and applied them on the bite marks, doubling in pain just from mere touching but endured it somehow. Then with the torn sleeve, he made a makeshift bandage, wrapping it around the wound.

"This will do for now." Sho muttered and tried not to put much strain on his left arm until it is properly treated by a doctor. He leaned his back on the big tree he had been seating under, waiting for Mightyena to return.

To keep himself awake and prevent passing out from pain and fatigue, Sho counted the money he had stolen from the cult member. It was enough to fetch him basic supplies and even a cheap backpack. He has to keep himself and not pass out, incase some cult members of the Darkrai Cult come here chasing after him. Unless he reaches somewhere secure, he can't risk passing out in the open.

Mightyena returned soon after and stood by his side.

"Did you find anything?"

The Dark-type nodded in affirmation. From that gesture it was clear that, there was a town or some kind of settlement nearby. In addition to that Mightyena took really less time to go and comeback here which means that it is nearby.

"Good job.." Sho raised his right arm for a fist bump which Mightyena returned with tapping her paw to his fist. "We are partners from now on."

The boy felt a feeling of satisfaction on having someone to rely on with him. It meant that he won't be alone in his journey to find out more about himself and regain his memories. Then there is meeting with the mysterious benefactor.

"Let's get going." Sho stood up and dusted himself. Mightyena gave a bark of approval before starting to walk down the pathway, leading her new owner to the town she had found on the way.