
Pokémon Dark Edition: Arcane’s Rise

Arcane, a typical teenage boy with a love for Pokémon, wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a four-legged creature with fur and a bushy tail. His initial shock turns to bewilderment as he realizes he has become a Hisuian Zorua, a Pokémon known for its dark illusionary powers and ghostly appearance. To his delight, he discovers he has been transported to a forest region. However, he soon learns that this is a world vastly different from the cheerful Pokémon universe he once knew. This world is a land ravaged by conflict and darkness. Far from the vibrant and friendly world depicted in games and shows, this realm is a harsh and brutal place where survival is a constant struggle. Pokémon battles are bloody, fierce, and merciless, and the landscape is scarred by battles and treacherous terrain. Arcane must navigate this grim environment with caution, as he quickly learns that the Pokémon he encounters are not the friendly companions he’s used to but fierce and territorial beings. Struggling to adapt to his new form and the harsh realities of this world, Arcane must reconcile his human instincts with those of his new Pokémon self. His human side craves safety and normalcy, while his Zorua instincts push him towards battle and survival which often clash with his former sense of morality. As he fights to restrain his human impulses, Arcane must learn to harness his Pokémon abilities.

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Chapter 6

Arcane's attention snapped toward the source of the voice. Emerging gracefully from behind a thicket was a Delcatty, her fur sleek and well-groomed, eyes sharp with concern. She moved swiftly between the youngsters and Arcane, her posture protective.


"But Aunty, we just wanted to see—" the Eevee began, his ears drooping slightly.


"No excuses," the Delcatty interrupted firmly. "You should never approach strangers, especially ones that smell of blood."


The Skitty's eyes widened as she sidled closer to the Delcatty. "Mommy, is he dangerous?" she asked, casting a wary glance at Arcane.


The Delcatty's gaze remained fixed on Arcane, assessing and unyielding. "He could be. Blood scent attracts trouble, and we don't want any part of it."


As Arcane took in the scene, a familiar translucent status screen materialized before his eyes, detailing information about the trio before him.




NAME: Felicia

SPECIES: Delcatty


TYPE: Normal

HP: 60/60

ABILITY: Wonder Skin



Attack: 35

Defense: 30

Special Attack: 35

Special Defense: 55

Speed: 50

Accuracy: 95



Status: Alert

Experience: 1,200 / 5,000

Nature: Careful (Increased Special Defense, Decreased Special Attack)



Double Slap






Held Item: None



Ability: Wonder Skin – Makes status moves more likely to miss.


NAME: Ember



TYPE: Normal

HP: 20/20

ABILITY: Adaptability



Attack: 13

Defense: 12

Special Attack: 12

Special Defense: 12

Speed: 14

Accuracy: 95



Status: Curious

Experience: 50 / 300

Nature: Jolly (Increased Speed, Decreased Special Attack)




Tail Whip

Helping Hand



Held Item: None



Ability: Adaptability – Powers up moves of the same type as the Pokémon.


NAME: Lily



TYPE: Normal

HP: 18/18

ABILITY: Cute Charm



Attack: 12

Defense: 10

Special Attack: 10

Special Defense: 11

Speed: 13

Accuracy: 90



Status: Playful

Experience: 30 / 240

Nature: Naive (Increased Speed, Decreased Special Defense)



Fake Out


Tail Whip



Held Item: None



Ability: Cute Charm – Contact with the Pokémon may cause infatuation.


The information floated momentarily before fading away, leaving Arcane with a clearer understanding of who he was facing. Despite Felicia's stern demeanor, there was a nurturing protectiveness in her stance that put him slightly at ease.


Mustering his strength, Arcane attempted to push himself up into a sitting position, wincing as a dull ache coursed through his body. Noticing his movement, Felicia's fur bristled slightly, and she took a defensive step forward.


"Easy there," she warned, her voice steady but firm. "We don't want any trouble. We're just passing through."


Arcane raised a paw slowly, signaling that he meant no harm. His voice came out hoarse and soft. "I... I'm not looking for trouble either. Just resting."


Felicia's eyes narrowed slightly, scrutinizing him for any signs of deceit. After a tense moment, her posture relaxed just a fraction. "You look injured. What happened to you?"


Searching for the right words, Arcane hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. "I was attacked... had to defend myself."


The Eevee peeked out from behind Felicia, her curiosity overriding her caution. "Wow, did you win? You must be really strong!"


Felicia shot the Eevee a chastising look, but Arcane managed a small, weary smile. "I survived. That's what matters."


The Skitty, still clinging close to her mother, tilted her head. "But why do you smell so much like blood? It's... scary."


Arcane's expression grew somber as flashes of the brutal battle resurfaced in his mind. "Had to do things I'm not proud of to stay alive," he admitted quietly.


Felicia regarded him thoughtfully, the hardness in her gaze softening slightly. "Survival out here isn't easy," she conceded. "But you should clean yourself up. The scent will attract predators, and you don't look like you're in any condition for another fight."


Arcane nodded slowly, appreciating the advice. "I was planning to find some water and wash up soon."


Felicia glanced back at the path they had come from, then back at Arcane. After a brief internal debate, she spoke again, her tone less guarded. "There's a stream not far from here. We can show you the way."


The Eevee's face lit up with enthusiasm. "Really, Aunty? Can we help him?"


Felicia sighed softly, a hint of a smile touching her lips. "Yes, but only if he promises to keep things peaceful."


Arcane's eyes shone with gratitude. "I promise. Thank you."


The Skitty's tail swished happily as she stepped forward, her initial fear subsiding. "I'm Lily, by the way. And this is my cousin, Ember," she said, gesturing to the Eevee.


Ember puffed up proudly, nodding in acknowledgment. "And that's my Aunty Felicia, but you already know that."


Arcane managed a genuine smile, feeling a warmth he hadn't experienced since his transformation. "Nice to meet all of you. I'm Arcane."


Felicia gave a curt nod. "Alright, introductions aside, let's get moving before anything else catches wind of us."


With that, Lily and Ember took the lead, bouncing ahead with youthful energy while Felicia stayed close to Arcane, ensuring she could keep a very close eye on him. If he made any sort of move she could quickly react.


As they walked through the dense forest, the canopy above filtering soft rays of sunlight, Arcane felt a glimmer of something stirring within him. Perhaps not all encounters in this new world would be marked by brutality and fear. Maybe, just maybe, he could find companionship and guidance in these three.


The sound of running water grew louder as they approached the stream. The clear, sparkling water flowed gently over smooth stones, creating a serene and inviting scene. Ember and Lily scampered to the water's edge, splashing playfully while waiting for Arcane and Felicia to catch up.


Felicia gestured towards the stream some distance away from where the two were playing. "Go ahead and wash up. I'll keep watch."


Arcane understood Felicia's meaning, nodded appreciatively, and limped towards the water, wading in carefully. The coolness enveloped him, soothing his aching muscles and washing away the grime and blood that clung to his fur. As the water flowed around him, cleansing and refreshing, he felt the weight of recent events begin to lift.


From the bank, Ember called out cheerfully, "You look much better already!"


Lily giggled, nodding in agreement. "Yeah! Now you don't smell so scary."


Felicia watched over them all, her eyes scanning the surroundings vigilantly. Despite her cautious nature, there was a sense of calm and unity among the small group.


As Arcane finished cleaning himself and stepped back onto the bank, water dripping from his now pristine fur, he felt reinvigorated. Shaking his body Arcane managed to get rid of most of the water dripping off his body. The pain from his wounds had subsided further, and his spirits were lifted by the unexpected kindness he had received.


Approaching Felicia, he bowed his head slightly in gratitude. "Thank you. I owe you all."


Felicia's eyes softened as she responded, "Just take care of yourself out here. The forest can be unforgiving."


Ember bounded over, his eyes shining with excitement. "Where are you headed, Arcane? Do you have a home nearby?"


Arcane hesitated, the reality of his situation settling back in. "I'm... not sure. Still trying to find my place in all of this."


Lily's ears perked up as she suggested, "Maybe you can come with us! We're traveling to a meadow where lots of friendly Pokémon live. It's safe and there's plenty of food!"


Felicia immediately furrowed her brow, shaking her head. "That's not a good idea, Lily. He must have somewhere he needs to go, and we shouldn't get involved."


Arcane felt a pang of disappointment at her words of rejection. Before he could respond, Ember chimed in, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "But Aunty Felicia, he's all alone! We can't just leave him out here."


Lily nodded in agreement, her eyes wide and pleading. "Please, Mommy? He's so nice, and he could really use our help."


Felicia sighed, clearly torn. She looked at Arcane, her expression stern but not unkind. "Even if we bring him along, it doesn't mean he can stay. That's up to our leader to decide. And it won't be easy; our meadow isn't a refuge for just anyone."


Arcane understood the caution in her voice, but the thought of traveling with them, even temporarily, was too tempting to ignore. "I understand," he said, his tone respectful. "I'd be grateful for the company and a chance to rest while I heal."