
Pokémon Dark Edition: Arcane’s Rise

Arcane, a typical teenage boy with a love for Pokémon, wakes up one morning to find himself transformed into a four-legged creature with fur and a bushy tail. His initial shock turns to bewilderment as he realizes he has become a Hisuian Zorua, a Pokémon known for its dark illusionary powers and ghostly appearance. To his delight, he discovers he has been transported to a forest region. However, he soon learns that this is a world vastly different from the cheerful Pokémon universe he once knew. This world is a land ravaged by conflict and darkness. Far from the vibrant and friendly world depicted in games and shows, this realm is a harsh and brutal place where survival is a constant struggle. Pokémon battles are bloody, fierce, and merciless, and the landscape is scarred by battles and treacherous terrain. Arcane must navigate this grim environment with caution, as he quickly learns that the Pokémon he encounters are not the friendly companions he’s used to but fierce and territorial beings. Struggling to adapt to his new form and the harsh realities of this world, Arcane must reconcile his human instincts with those of his new Pokémon self. His human side craves safety and normalcy, while his Zorua instincts push him towards battle and survival which often clash with his former sense of morality. As he fights to restrain his human impulses, Arcane must learn to harness his Pokémon abilities.

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Chapter 4

Breathing heavily, Arcane stood over the lifeless body of the Ferroseed, his golden-yellow eyes still ablaze with the aftermath of the brutal battle. His fur was matted with blood, and his own wounds were gruesome to behold. Deep scratches marred his once pristine fur, and the metallic shards from the Ferroseed's body had left gory punctures all over him. His body was a testament to the ferocity of the encounter, and he bore the scars of the battle with pride.


Despite his victory, Arcane's strength was waning rapidly. The relentless battle had taken a toll on his body, and the pain from his injuries was catching up with him. With a final, exhausted breath, he collapsed to the ground, his golden-yellow eyes slowly losing their otherworldly intensity.


The forest was silent except for the soft rustling of leaves in the wind. Arcane's body lay still, the battle-hardened Zorua succumbing to his injuries and exhaustion. The once-savage creature was now a lifeless form, its breaths stilled as it lay in the aftermath of a brutal and gruesome battle.


As the unconscious Arcane laid on the ground bloody images kept flashing through his mind. These images seemed to tell the story of a boy. In his unconscious state, Arcane's mind was awash with a vivid reenactment of the boy's past. It was like stepping into the pages of a cherished diary, where every memory was a carefully preserved entry, revealing the boy's undying passion for the Pokémon world. The images were crisp and colorful, the emotions palpable.


Arcane felt the rush of excitement as the boy unwrapped a Pokémon Yellow Version game cartridge. The anticipation in the air was almost tangible, and he could practically hear the crackling of the plastic wrap. Holding the game in his hands, the boy's heart raced with the promise of adventure.


Just like Ash Ketchum, he had embarked on a journey, his virtual companion being a Pikachu named Sparky. The adventures that unfolded on the screen were nothing short of magical. Capturing Pokémon, battling trainers, and thwarting the plans of Team Rocket became thrilling experiences that transcended mere gameplay. They were the stepping stones to a boundless world where dreams came true.


As he traveled through the digital landscapes of the Kanto region, the bond between the boy and his virtual Pikachu, Sparky, grew stronger. It was a bond that went beyond the screen, forging a connection as real as any. Arcane could feel the elation of victory and the determination in the boy's heart to become a Pokémon Master. The games were not just games; they were a way of life.


The boy's room was a testament to his love for Pokémon. Posters of legendary Pokémon adorned the walls, plushies occupied shelves, and a drawer was carefully organized to house a collection of trading cards. Pokémon wasn't just a pastime; it was an integral part of the boy's identity.


Suddenly the scene faded and everything went black before a weird sensation awoke Arcane. Groggily opening his eyes, Arcane found himself surrounded by the aftermath of the gruesome battle. The metallic shards and bloodied remains of the Ferroseed lay strewn about. It was a grim sight, and he could scarcely believe what had transpired. His memory of the battle was hazy, and confusion clouded his thoughts.


The forest was eerily silent, as if holding its breath in the wake of the brutal struggle. As he stood amid the chaos, Arcane's survival instincts kicked in, and he couldn't help but assume that another wild Pokémon had been responsible for the carnage. The notion of a fierce predator lurking nearby filled him with dread, and he believed he had narrowly escaped becoming the next victim.


With a surge of fear and a desperate need to avoid further danger, Arcane scrambled to his feet, his body aching presumably from the tackles he had sustained. He had little time to contemplate the strange events that had unfolded, and his primary concern was to distance himself from the perceived threat. He believed that running from the scene was his best chance at staying alive, and so, without further hesitation, he fled from the area, leaving behind the remnants of the fallen Ferroseed.


Arcane's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions as he sought refuge and safety. He needed time to recover from his injuries and to make sense of the enigmatic images he had experienced. After a few minutes of running Arcane's stomach started to growl.


Hungry and in need of nourishment, Arcane reached into his Item Bag and retrieved a handful of the berries he had foraged earlier. With a rumbling belly and a grateful heart, he consumed the sweet and succulent berries, savoring their taste as they provided much-needed sustenance.


The berries filled his belly and began to ease the gnawing hunger that had plagued him. They also helped to replenish some of his energy, and he felt his aching body slowly regaining its strength.


With his immediate need for sustenance addressed, Arcane turned his attention to another pressing concern: thirst. He knew that water was essential for his well-being, and he couldn't afford to overlook it. After a brief search, he found a nearby stream. The clear, glistening water called out to him, promising refreshment and relief.


Arcane approached the stream cautiously, looking around to detect any potential dangers. Once he was satisfied that the area was safe, he bent down and lapped at the cool water, quenching his thirst and feeling revitalized. The stream's gentle murmur provided a soothing backdrop to the serenity of the forest, and for a moment, he could simply enjoy the simplicity of life in the wild.


As Arcane stared at his reflection in the tranquil pond the mysterious status screen appeared before him once again.


NAME: Arcane

SPECIES: Hisuian Zorua

Level: 5 

Type: Normal/Ghost/Dark

HP: 32/40 

Ability: (Dark Illusion, Mirage Sight, Reincarnated Soul, Appraisal, Born Lucky)



Attack: 20 

Defense: 14 

Special Attack: 16 

Special Defense: 12 

Speed: 13 

Accuracy: 100



Status: Healthy 

Experience: 12/68 

Nature: Brave (+Attack, -Speed)



Scratch Leer Quick Attack Hone Claws



Pin Missle



Held Item:




Ability: Dark Illusion – Takes on the appearance of any Pokémon that you defeated in battle before. 

Ability: Mirage Sight – Able to observe a move and instinctively be able to replicate it. Once replicated and used you learn the move permanently.

Ability: Reincarnated Soul – Due to the soul of the user having reincarnated from another world they aren't restricted by the laws of the world and are able to learn and use multiple moves which defy the common sense of the world. (Unlocked Item Bag)

Ability: Appraisal – Able to see the stats, abilities, and attacks of other Pokémon

Ability: Born Lucky – The user is blessed with levels of luck so great that they should be called The Protagonist or The Chosen One