
Pokémon are scary

There are a lot of people out there that when asked if they could choose a world to live in, a fantasy world that they could start all over in there is no doubt that the world of Pokémon would be one of the top of the list, and why not its full of breathtaking landscapes, its safe enough for 10 years old's to wander the woods and of course it has Pokémon... but what if the world of Pokémon isn't as bright and gentle as we think it is. Meet Robert Leone and how he chose to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon and discovered it's not a PG-rated world. my first novel so any feedback is appreciated. I don't own the rights to Pokémon or any characters other than the ones I make cover art is not mine so if you don't want it there let me know

DoctorDraco · Jeux vidéo
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10. Joel Junsar

Robert and Joel walked into the Pokémon centre together and after walking inside, Joel looked at Robert a bit embarrassed. "Mrs Chromium asked me to help you find a room, but I would really like to get my Pokémon healed first."

Robert looked back at Joel in surprise, "of course we will get your Pokémon healed first." Joel could tell from the look on Roberts's face that he was shocked he would even ask. Robert was indeed a little incredulous, why would they go book a room before getting an injured Pokémon healed. Joel was even more embarrassed facing Robert's gaze. He quickly thanked Robert and raced off to find nurse Joy. Robert followed behind him.

The entrance to the Pokémon centre was a large foyer with a reception desk. On the left was a large archway with a red cross above it. This is where the medical wing of the Pokémon centre was. After Robert walked through, he saw a large waiting room with a counter at the end. Standing behind the counter was Nurse Joy. Joel was standing at the counter talking to nurse Joy and handing over his Pokéball.

Robert walked over to the counter himself. "Hello Robert, do you also need your Pokémon healed." Nurse Joy turned to Robert and greeted him with her trademark bright smile. Robert didn't know what it was but every time He was around nurse Joy she made him feel warm and relaxed. "No, just the usual checkup." As he said that Robert handed nurse Joy his three Pokéball's.

Joel was still standing at the counter and noticed Robert handing over three Pokéball's. Joel believed that his Growlithe wasn't any weaker than Roberts Vulpix, but Growlithe was the only Pokémon he had. Joel really wanted to know what Roberts other Pokémon were and if they were just as strong.

"I'm guessing you are here now because you have entered the Junior league, Robert. After all, I've done quite a few checkups on your Pokémon. I know how strong they are and doubt you would fail." As nurse joy said this, she handed the tray with Roberts Pokémon to a Chansey waiting on the side.

Robert beamed at nurse Joy, "yep, I aced it. I really can't wait to get there and see what it's like." Nurse Joy smiled seeing Robert so excited. "I must admit, I am going to miss you coming in for your checkups and seeing how much you improved." Joel off to the side was surprised to hear this. He had a rather formidable background as well and knew that although all nurse Joy's were kind and polite, they were difficult to impress.

Joy noticed Joel's surprised look and smiled at him, "I know you are a strong trainer for your age Joel and you are not wrong to think so. But if you underestimate our little Robert here then you might suffer." While Joel was a little shocked at Joy's words, Robert was shocked about something else. "Eh, you know him nurse Joy."

"of course, a lot of people know about the young boy from the Junsar family." Seeing Robert still looking confused she realised where the problem was. "I guess I should have known better, to expect you to remember something not related to Pokémon." Robert gave an embarrassed smile, he did have a problem with this. Maybe he should start sparing a tiny bit of his brainpower for other things…maybe.

"The Junsar family have just as much power and influence as mine. Only instead of healing and research, they specialize in enforcing the law and justice."

"Eh, you mean like officer Jenny" Joy clapped her hands together and smiled, "that's correct, just like how I and other Nurse Joy's are perhaps the most easily recognised of the Joi family. Officer Jenny's are the easiest to recognise of the Junsar family. That reminds me, there will also be someone from the Joi family attending the Junior League this year. She was never interested in healing or research and instead enjoys Battling."

Robert widened his eyes hearing this. A battling Nurse Joy, that sounded crazy! And he finely recognised the clothes Joel was wearing. It was similar to the uniform officer Jenny wore. Maybe he was an officer Jenny's son. Things were starting to get exciting.

Joel couldn't help watching all this with shock. He normally avoided telling people his family name because of how they reacted, they either started acting overly respectful or just avoided him. When he first told Robert, he didn't seem to react at all. Only now he found out that he never even heard it before, or he had and didn't bother to remember it. Going off the conversation it was probably the latter.

Even now after finding out what his family name meant it was clear that he simply didn't give a damn. He seemed to find it a novelty at best. Nurse Joy smiled looking at the two boys. She knew better than most what it was like growing up with the moniker of a large and influential family. The other kids too afraid to say anything that might upset you. Everyone greets you with fake smiles. Even kids of similar standing would usually approach with an agenda.

Real friends were hard to find in that world. Nurse Joy had known Robert for a long time now and had gotten to know him quite well. She was also good friends with his mother, they often talked when she was in town. From what she knew of Robert he really didn't care about titles or backgrounds. These things were nothing more than trivia to him. Until the subject of Pokémon came up.

She couldn't think of any other word than fanatic to describe him. He also seemed to know an amazing amount about any Pokémon. There had not been a single Pokémon that she had at the centre that he didn't recognise at a glance. Always hungry for more knowledge to fill in any gaps he might have. Joy had no idea how such a young boy had so much knowledge, but she always enjoyed his company.

Joy really hoped that these two could become friends and maybe that girl from the Joi family as well. While Joy was lost in her thoughts Robert and Joel had moved over to some seats and started talking. The more Joel talked to Robert the more he found himself enjoying the conversation. Joel found out that Robert was from a farm about a day's travel north of here and that he had an Eevee a little stronger than his Vulpix and a Magikarp close to evolving.

Robert found out that Joel wanted to be a special investigator of the world police. These were special individuals that work solo or in small teams. they track and disrupt the activities of any crime organisation and had a lot of authority in any region.

As the boys talked a group of kids approached and stopped in front of them. Robert and Joel both looked up and saw the kids that were being blocked outside the Pokémon centre earlier. "Hi, my name is Daniel and I just wanted to thank both of you for helping out earlier." The three others vigorously nodded in agreement. "you don't need to thank me. I can't stand stuff like that plus I didn't even help out. It was Robert here who swooped in and saved the day. My name is Joel by the way."

"Eh, what are you painting me the hero for. I just found them annoying and decided to give them a good smacking. It's too bad Mrs Margret chased away the other two."

"Don't think I don't know what you wanted, you only wanted to battle that Rhyhorn."

"Yea I really did. Did you notice that it seemed a bit thicker than most Rhyhorn? Even though that rich kid looks a bit silly he must be a decent trainer?"

"He really was tough, I would say I mostly lost because of the type disadvantage but a loss is a loss. Did you also notice…."

The other kids didn't quite know what to do seeing the two seem to go off in their own little world. They stood there awkwardly for a bit Before Daniel stepped forward again. "well, we only wanted to thank you, I'm sure we will meet again at the Junior League. That is where we are all heading after all." Joel looked embarrassed that he had unintentionally ignored them but Robert simply bid them farewell.

Looks like the next few years are going to be fun.