
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime et bandes dessinées
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484 Chs

Chapter no.258 Aura Awakening part 2

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"The chosen one has awakened!"

It was a simple statement but it held all the importance of the world in its words.

"Lucario, you know what you must do. The chosen one must be in control of his Aura lest the world burns to Ash."

"I understand Master."

Lucario stated seriously "I shall dispatch a message to the Kingdom in Rota and the Hidden Aura Temple in Sinnoh. A companion must be selected for the chosen one at once. His aura needs to be bonded with another's to be in harmony with the world."

"I agree with you Lucario"

Riley replied in a deadly serious tone. Lucario nodded and turning on his heels, ran as fast as he could in the direction of the hidden temple.

"Make haste my friend"

At that exact moment, in various locations around the world, a phenomenon was occurring.


[ Kanto - Saffron City ]

The Gym Leader of Saffron City, Sabrina suddenly gripped her head and screamed out in pain at the top of her lungs in front of her father and students. Since she never showed emotion to anyone it was a scary sight for everyone present. Her eyes glowed with psychic power before suddenly glowing red and she spoke in a trance-like voice "My Chosen now walks among you. Such is the will of the world; such is the will of the first one!"

Sabrina felt the presence of a boy in her mind but she then collapsed. She wouldn't awaken for a further seven days. The other psychics had felt the resonance but were not strong enough to channel that much power. So in a room located in the back of Saffron Gym, Sabrina and her psychic pokémon remained while her father despaired.


In Johto, the people in Ecruteak City were enjoying a peaceful morning when all of a sudden the old burned-down bell tower or tin tower glowed and the ancient bell that no longer worked suddenly rang out loudly to the world.

Morty, the city's Gym Leader and member of one of the two original families to communicated with Ho-Oh ran out of his gym as he felt the disturbance shortly before the first ring of the bell. He spied movement and saw the Kimono Sisters, members of the other family staring in horror and sheer terror. A chill went down his spine. Something has happened; the world felt different all of a sudden.


In Sinnoh, in a little town located at the base of Mount Coronet called Celestic Town, Cynthia Shirona who had recently returned home to visit her grandmother and took a break from training screamed out in terror as the ruins she had visited to feel at peace suddenly shook and the ancient scripts on the stone walls glowed an angry red color. She cried out for help and someone ran up behind her but she didn't know who as she was suddenly mesmerized by a feeling that coursed through her body she felt like she was being watched by an entity, not from Sinnoh, and turned to face the feeling before it suddenly vanished; and for a strange split-second moment, she thought she saw red eyes staring right back at her.


In another location in Sinnoh, the Hidden Aura Temple to be precise, the statues suddenly glowed red and the world's chime echoed an eerie tune constantly through the hallowed walls of the temple. In desperation to soothe the World's Aura every pokémon there pulsed their Aura to heal the erratic nature of it.


Austin felt like he was floating. He saw his Aura swirling around him, he felt his hair blowing in all directions and he felt his eyes burn with sheer power one second, and then he felt like a passenger the next.

He felt himself or at least his Aura, stretch over the continents that made up the pokémon world.

In Kanto, Saffron City if he wasn't mistaken, he saw a beautiful lavender-haired young lady, older than him but still young resonate with both his Aura and that of the consciousness' Aura. What she was saying he couldn't make out but it scared the others there with her.

In Johto, he didn't recognize where though he heard a Majestic bell ring soundly and felt the warm feeling of being near a campfire for some reason and he heard the massive flap of wings heading at great speeds in his body's direction.

North of Kanto, in a grand-looking kingdom, Rota, his mind supplied; he saw a giant tree light up with his and the entity's Aura and he felt another presence brush past his own.

In Sinnoh, he found himself stretched even further and split into two locations. One location looked like a Temple of sorts; it was full of carved statues that lined the walls and it was filled with a bright Aura. The aura radiated off of it in soothing waves like it was trying to calm him or the entity down.

In the other location, he found himself in an ancient ruin located in a town that sat at the foot of a great mountain, though again he didn't know where he was. He caught a glimpse of a terrified Cynthia. She looked like she was looking at the shaking temple itself before screaming for someone else, he caught a glimpse of an older woman that bared a resemblance to Cynthia running in and gasping before he felt himself leaving. His final vision was of Cynthia turning to face his direction.


Austin felt himself 'return' to his body and shortly after, he felt the presence of the entity's gaze. Swiftly turning around he came face to face with a set of eyes, red like blood, and while they were just eyes; they held an unfathomable amount of power. The entity's eyes narrowed and he heard an echoed voice speak directly to him.

"You are now responsible." It spoke powerfully

' Responsible for what?' Austin thought in confusion. 'I don't understand

The entity's gaze sharpened and with a glow of them.

"You are my chosen" it spoke once more, though it was fading now "Do not fail me, Ash Ketchum!"

" Wait, you're Arceus, right? You know who I am and where I came from. This is not my world! This is not my body! This is not me!

Send me Back! " Austin screamed out to the entity which seemed to ignore Austin's words as Austin felt like he was floating once more before he felt the entity's consciousness leave.

" No! No! N,o, No, no, no....please at least tell me why I am here ?! Arceus! Arceus! I can't remember my face .... my real face! Arceus tell me, why I am here ?! Answer me you damn fucking bastard! Answer me; please, answer me."

The desperate cry of a boy lost in another world echoed throughout the mindscape that was filled with an ethereal light.


Austin opened his eyes and shook his head to clear his mind; he fell to his knees and vomited up whatever food was in it, his throat burned, it felt like he'd swallowed acid and he swore he saw blood in his vomit.

" How do you feel ?" Lucario called out as he was on one knee with Yellow healing him. She had an extremely worried look in her eyes.

" A, Ash are you alright ?"

" I am alright, yellow."

" But you are crying," Yellow said as her lips quivered.

She could sense sadness from her friend.

Why was he sad?

" Am I ?" Austin said as he touched his eyes.

Looking at his fingers wet with tears, Austin sighed but his eyes caught something on his wrists.

There were intricate patterns on it.

" What ?"

Austin said but a thud from above caused him to look up where he saw Lucario looking at Yellow incredulously.

Yellow meanwhile was on the floor with blood trickling down her nose.

" Is she alright ?"

" Yeah," Lucario said with an unsure tone of voice.

"Mhmm, Lucario."

" What is it ?"

" Where is the pond ?"

" It evaporated."

" ... "

" You should also wear some clothes. "

" I beg your pardon!"


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Of the extant pokemon native to the poles, only Seel is not considered to be of the ice type. In eras when currents, volcanism, and the planet's orbit made temperatures at the poles less extreme, others like the water-type Piplup were found there; they have since faced extinction (at least in the wild) and Seel is the lone holdout. The secret of its typing lies in its thick, extremely warm coat of fur, which forces it to maintain a body temperature warmer than even its ice-type evolution of Dewgong, too warm to be ice. Indeed, it is said that their fur is so warm that they seek out the coldest parts of the arctic to cool off, for it is not already cold enough in the rest of the ocean.

Sadly, this fur has also led to Seel's decline. Indigenous Arctic peoples have always hunted the Seel for their fur coats, and indeed some say it was their fur that allowed humans to expand to the far reaches of the north, to begin with. As empires from the south subjugated the northern lands, people heard tales of fur which could keep them comfortable through the winter, and to this aim, they hunted Seel to the edge of extinction.

Thankfully, the Seel are nothing if not resilient. The ships which brought their pelts to Japan also saw some live Seel stowed away; today they live in the frozen caves spread throughout the country. Others sharpened their horns into drills that can not only pierce sea ice but kill a grown man in a single shot. And with the rise of indoor heating, Seel coats are no longer the commodity they once were: with any luck, this pokemon will make a comeback.