
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs


Sorry for the lack of chapters and smaller chapter , but i have some issues i need to attend to.


Evan went back to home from the cafe where he made the deal with, as he slowly walked into the upstairs living room and yawned.

4 months, he had been praticising with his new tool, a gift from Robert and professor sycamore which was a stylis which could charm weaker Pokemon into a state of submission.

He had grand idea's for this stylish, and he was ready to find the materials to "upgrade" it to level two, which included some rare materials he couldn't get normally.

He watched the TV in boredom.

"Breaking news!" The news reporter said "a battle at the kalos mega-crystal mine has occured by several evil teams , as the pokemon alliance has flocked to the scene."

Evan shook his head, as he was sure y ow some branch's of the alliance was owned by the evil teams of the respective regions , not the opposite away around.

Team rocket was the most likely to control kanto , and probably had several agents in the alliance in a high position.

Dont you love politics?

Evan thought it was stupid , really.

Evan looked towards Abra , who lazed at his side , and was generally a lazy pokemon.

Gothita, contary from its breed's lack of emotional abilty, was enegertic and had a desire to save people , something that Evan respected.

He needed a healer like her , and it made it better that she could step up to the role and do what she was used for.

Abra was close to his evolution , Evan could feel it.

Gothita was a bit farther away , but she was close to reaching the "limit."

They both just needed a push , and what better way to do that then completeing the first gym challenge , which ranged from 13-16.

This was more than enough to give them the push they need to evolve , and also gives him 1/8 badges which could be used to scare people.

Many would think twice before striking a trainer with 8 gym badges , and those underneath him will respect his strength and choose his day-care.

Of course , he wasn't a trainer , and he didn't plan to be in the slightest , but it could be fun , and Oreburgh city was only a hour or so away meaning he didn't have to go away for a long time.

"Will the children be forced into taking jobs at the day-care once they turn 16?"

"No." Evelynn replied , shaking her head at the very thoprosistutionught "they can choose , but they will be given a sum of money larger than what even the goverment gives them , and also they can really stay if they want to work/live in Floaroma town."

She really had a way with words , and she immedatley pinned down the goverment , shifting the meager amount of money orphans get when they are kicked out of the day-care.

Evan could see why alot of kids have to stray for the dark to live a life , as they are not afforded the luxory of living a humble life , forced to dabble in prositution , murder and all the things that exist in the black market.

Team rocket , team plasma, they all have a extra new cannon-fodder of which they can manipulate to there own purposes.


Deciding to go to the gym tomorrow , Evan quickly heard a knock on the door , as he opened it.


His wheelchair was sent backwards and he was suddenly hugged by someone , as he groaned from the pain of being sent back.

"You fucking idiot!" It was a girl , and Evan quickly sighed realising who it was.

"Cindra , please , your crushing me."

The girl looked like Syndra, and they had comically similar names , which was apparentley a custom in their clan to combine both the names of the father and the mother.

"Do you know how much stress you put me through?" She shouted , as Evan felt his ribs slowly starting to give in to the pressure.

"Wel-atleast-you-eating-good." Evan gasped for air, as he slowly looked towards Abra with pleading eyes , as it codly looked away from its trainer.

Abra could sense Emotions , as it quickly disspeared from Evan's sight.

"NOOOOO!" he shouted , as his only light at the end of the tunnel disspeared.

"Auntie Elise , Uncle Steve , there gone..."

Evan's playful attutuide disperesed as he quickly stroked her hair , shedding a tear on his own.


The girl started to get up, as Evan watched her towering figure.

She was atleast 6"2 , as she looked down at the measly small Evan.

She was barely his size when he was put in the coma!

4 years....

What did he miss?