
Yes it’s a chapter

About 10 minutes after I laid down on the bed Delium finally left the bathroom. She was in a bathrobe that barely covered her ass cheeks. I was debating on taking her again, but I noticed she was walking funny again, and I have been rough on her. She deserves a few minutes of rest at least.

B-"Hey Delium, I have some questions if you don't mind." D-"Sure Bash, I'll tell you everything I know." B-"Can you tell me about what all has happened with the pokemon? I thought they were friendly." D-"To make a long story short, Team Rocket is an organization that wanted to take over everything. They will steal, kill, and do anything they can to get an upper hand. Their scientist created a gas to make their pokemon more aggressive and stronger. It was successful, in fact a bit too much and they lost control of their pokemon. When the base was destroyed by the pokemon the gas was released into atmosphere and in little over a year it had spread all over the world. No one knows if it transferred to water or how it spread so fast but all the pokemon have changed. Pokemon that were captured and trained under their pokemon trainers even rebelled and attacked their trainers. From what everyone has figured out is that if you treat them badly that they will most likely rebel and attack. Naturally his caused issues everywhere. Pokemon are everywhere. They were in all the towns and in everyone's back yards. Then one day they started attacking everyone. It was horrible, a lot of people were killed. The pokemon that stayed loyal to their owners fought back and luckily saved a lot of towns from being destroyed. Humanities infrastructure nearly crumbled. Over the past few years, we have rebuilt it up but not to the point previously. Our poke-technology has developed quickly do to high demand. Pokedexs are run via satellite now instead of using the old cell towers. Most cell towers have been destroyed. People tried to raise new pokemon but for some reason, very few pokemon in captivity will bread. Most of the ones born from captive parents will not live more than a few weeks. They are just too weak to survive. That was also why Ann and Brittany were trying to find eggs in the trees. Eggs and other baby pokemon captured in the wild have no issues when they grow up in captivity.

B-"What is the pokedex you mentioned" I already know this I just want to know if anything is different than the original version.

D-"Pokedex are cell phones that capture data of the pokemon. All pokemon trainers are given one from all sorts of sponsors. Trainers are given many incentives from different companies to use their pokedex. When new pokemon are discovered the company gets money from different organizations. Specially when a new pokemon is captured and the data is submitted. This is all based on different contracts that are signed. Trainers can also get a non-contracted pokedex and submit their pokemon updates to companies and get paid then. The pros are, you can maximize your money when new pokemon data is submitted. The con is that if you don't submit any new data, you are not getting paid. Pokemon trainers also hold all rights over everything they submit or don't. At the end of the day it's the pokemon trainers that are risking their lives. Oh, one thing I nearly forgot is that since the world changed it was found out that Pokemon trainers could only have up to five pokemon. After that the pokemon stop listening to commands and sometimes just leave. I heard about one trainer who had tried to get a sixth pokemon and ended up losing the five previous pokemon. The only one that stayed was the new one. You can capture as many as you can find. For some reason they can tell, its another mystery that we are trying to figure out.

B-"wow, this is crazy, so what about yourself?" D-"I'm a researcher and a single mom. My girl is off studying at a major academy, when she turns 17, she will come back here where I have a pokemon I bought for her. I am still paying off this pokemon. That is why I am a researcher out here. Her father disappeared years ago, we were never married but when he found out I was pregnant he disappeared the next day. I dated on and off before the change and since then I have been out here by myself." B-"Sorry to hear that, but if you don't mind I would like to keep you company for as long as you want. 😉" D-"haha thank you Bash, I will take you up on your offer. I don't have a lot of money, but I will be able to take care of the both of us if that is fine with you?" B-"Don't worry about the money, I will take care of that. What would you do, if you didn't have to worry about money? Would you go traveling? Become a pokemon trainer or continue doing what your doing?" D-"If money were no issue, I don't know. I would probably follow the guy I'm in love with. It's a shame you're not wealthy 😊." B-"hahaha it is a shame I'm not wealthy. How much do pokecores and dead pokemon go for?" D-"Your low level pokemon go for a few hundred pokedollars, pokecores start at around 700 pokedollars. Its just hard to get trainers to bring back many at once. Pokemon will smell the dead pokemon and rush to get a free meal. They get stronger from eating each other just like the pokemon of trainers. Humans also get a little bit of strength from the meat. The higher quality the more the human gets out of it." B-"is there a place I can sell some pokemon around here?" D-"There is a small bank intown that could do that for you. You won't get as much as you would in a bigger town but you will still get around 80% of the value." B-"Tomorrow, would you mind showing me the bank? I have a few pokecores that I picked up in the woods before I ran into you guys." D-"Oh yes, That is great Bash. A single pokecore, even at the low level is equal to about 1 to 2 months worth of pay for us out here. After the change all currency crashed as the value of items changed. Gold diamonds and other items that were valued before are now substituted by pokecores and other pokemon items." B-"Thank you so much, how can I repay you?" D-"haha you don't have to repay me, but if you want you can let me hold you tonight. I don't think my body can handle any more loving from you." B-"Sure I would love to spend the night next to you." I did have a thing for Ash's mom in the story, well for that matter I had a thing for a lot of the girls in the old story. Oh Joyce I can't wait to meet you and have you heal my pokemon. D-"Although it isn't late would you mind laying down with me? I am exhausted." B-"That sounds great"

We ended up in the bed by 8 in the evening, we talked about everything in general and ended up passing out. It felt nice holding her, I did end up teasing her a bit before passing out. I just couldn't resist playing with her giant marshmallows and naturally my blood circulated causing my member to rest between her ass cheeks. Was a good night's sleep.