

Cursed by the Gods to end a war, hunted by the people who started it. * After being found guilty on the charges for practicing witchcraft, Yima was sentenced to life and in three years time she was to be executed. The ship that was transporting new prisoners to Osi was attacked by the notorious kuozwa, the pirate king's private ship. After agreeing to marry the pirate king's son in exchange for a chance to enroll at the only magic school, Ngula, Yima doesn't expect any more trouble to come her way, but it does.

Shibawrites2 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
22 Chs


[There's just some things that never change] 

 "Lunch is over, Cordelia, can I speak with you privately?" Neon was fuming, he didn't even wait for Cordelia to stand up. He marched up to her and yanked her out of the chair then dragged her upstairs. 

 Kai and Yima decided to leave without saying goodbye. 


 Yima made her way to house droppers to meet up with Hunter. 

 The training area/room was almost filled to the roof with people from different houses. She spotted Hunter and approached him, he was seated with a curly haired girl on his lap at the boxing area. 

 Yima looked around in search of Beth and she too had a guy holding her inappropriately. Her eyes would occasionally meet with Hunter's and they would smile to each other. 

 "Is Beth your girlfriend?"

 "That's none of your business." 

 "Hi." The girl greeted as she walked away and joined Beth. They started whispering and laughing which made Yima even more confused. 

 "Like I was saying yesterday, one of your members said something rude that hurt my feelings." Hunter stood up and started wrapping a cloth around his fist. 

  "The name?" 

 "I don't know," Yima replied, "yet." She quickly responded. 

 "I can't do anything until you have a name to give me." 

 "Give me five days." 


 Lilith walked in and Yima realized that she had cut her hair short. 

 "Now take a seat, the show is about to begin." He turned his attention back to Lilith, who was alone at the knife throwing area. 

 "Why is no one joining her?" Yima asked as she sat down. He scooted closer to her and she raised an eyebrow at him and he shook his head as if to say she wouldn't understand. 

 A hand having no body appeared in front of Hunter's face. It roughly grabbed him by the chin and turned his head to the left so that he could see its owner, Beth. 

 She reconnected her hand with her body and threw a kiss at him. Hunter sent his right hand to her and gave her ass a slap which made her giggle. 

  "That's where Leandre always trains, no one has been brave enough to join him, especially now that he is back." Looking at the door he continued, "Lilith has never left that area after finding out, it's a known fact that she wants to be his Ashin." 

 "She's trying too hard." Yima said. 

 "She's desperate." 

 With a flushed face and beads of sweat racing down her body Lilith came over to say hi to both of them and they pretended like they didn't notice her until now. 


 The door opened and the person who walked in made his presence known by sending out waves of power and dominance. 

 Yima's eyes turned to find Leandre looking different from the last time she saw him. This time he was dressed like an H.U member and moved like one.

   Leandre ignored the whole room of people, his attention only on Lilith who had previously gone back to the area. Her back was facing him and he slowly looked her up and down lingering weirdly on her back. 

  She turned around glaring at him as he approached. His face was blank but Yima could have sworn a look of surprise crossed his face. 

 "Let's move closer." Hunter suggested and they did just that. 

 "Master." Lilith said respectfully. She didn't move away even when he stopped directly in front of her, their faces inches away. 

 "Lucy right?" He sneered.

 "It's Lilith." 

 "Right, not that I care. Leave now Rebecca." He was trying to intimidate her and get on her nerves, he only succeeded to do the latter.

 Lilith moved closer to fill in the inches of space separating their bodies. Leandre moved away to prevent their lips from touching. 

 Hunter pinched Yima on her arm and Yima smiled.

 With a hand on her hip Lilith told him, "look who's cowering." His eyes flashed with memory, Yima noticed that those words meant something to both of them.

  Lilith interrupted him before he could respond, "The winner is the one who stands his ground and doesn't step away, isn't that what you taught me?" Leandre clenched his fists at her words. Lilith took two knives and handed one to him.

 "If you manage to hit the bullseye, then you can stay." He said as he roughly took the knife from her and drew three circles at the bottom of the handle and Lilith slightly hesitated. 

 "Not so confident now are we?" He smirked. 

 While keeping his eyes on her, Leandre threw the knife and it hit the bullseye that was hung on the wall. He stepped aside mockingly and gestured for Lilith to begin. 

  Lilith's grip on the knife wasn't strong and with hesitant strides she stopped in front of the target. With her head held high she threw her knife. 

 She slowly walked towards the target to check.

  "Well?" Leandre called out to her.

 "Second circle." She said with pride and Yima was proud of her. 

 "So you lost?" He was smiling at her. 

 "This time." 

  She might have not won their little game but she won her place. He turned on his heels and left. 

 "That was entertaining. You can  leave now." Hunter said to Yima and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm leaving only because I have things to do, not because you told me to." 

 She walked out into the sunny afternoon. 


 "Hey, remember me." A wave asked.

 "No." She tried to go but ice formed at her feet preventing any movement. 

 "Lagon, that's my name." He moved his long hair out of his face. 

 "I'm freezing." 

 "You're cold hearted actually. You don't like to make new friends?" He leaned against the nearby wall. 

 "I do. Now please let me go, I have somewhere important to be." 

 "If I knew I could make you beg just from freezing your feet then I'd have done that instead of making you feel warmer that day." 


 "That was you?" 

 "You're welcome." 

 "Let me go." She said each word slowly.

 "Say my name." 


 "I said, say my name." His brown eyes pierced her, she couldn't believe that he was being serious.

 "Lagon what did I say about rule number five?" Adelia asked as she walked out of the same building.

 "That I should leave the job of recruiting new people to you?" 

 "Exactly," Adelia turned to Yima with a bright smile, "Hi, we've already met." 

 "Ophelia?" Yima asked as the ice melted away.

 "Adelia. This is my boyfriend Lagon." Lagon waved to her.

 "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have freezed your feet." Lagon pushed himself from the wall. 

 "Truce?" His hand was held out. 

 "Truce." Yima said as she gave it a shake. 

 "We should go out together one day, you should bring a friend." Adelia said.

 "I'll think about it." Yima waved them both goodbye and went back to the room that she shared with Lilith.

Once in her room, she was welcomed back with a hand at her throat. It was Lilith. 

 "You should've seen your face." She screamed as she laughed. 

 After Lilith stopped choking on her own laughter and calmed down, they started talking about other things after Yima's failed attempt to get her to confess her love for Leandre.

 "Is it possible to mind-link someone even though you didn't have a blood oath with them?" Yima asked as she braided her hair.

 "Remember what I said about the HU?" Yima nodded. "Well you see only an HU member can do that, but it depends on the situation, if a person is not married, an HU member or hasn't mastered the mental wall then they can easily mind link them."

 "When do I get to practice on the wall?" 

 "Relax, the only HU member here is Leandre and he doesn't like associating with people like us, he thinks he's so superior," There was a raw anger radiating from her, she clenched her fists grabbing a hand full of Yima's hair causing her to hiss in pain. "The other member's will be here in a few months." 

 "What's wrong?" Yima asked.

 Lilith whispered an apology and fell down on the bed and with her hand slapped to her forehead, she explained. 

  "There's something called an Ashin, it's like a sidekick or something. Every month, the master has a one week long challenge where they choose someone to help them during the main event, that person is called a Cab. Once the challenge is over all the masters re-choose their second and third in command while H.U members choose an Ashin." She shut her eyes before continuing, "I want to hit Ashin so badly but Leandre never takes any of us seriously." 

 "I tried to impress him last year when I was a beginner but he acted like I didn't exist. He didn't choose Ashin last year, his back so that means he'll be concentrating on beginner's." 

  "Lily, I'm sorry." Yima placed her hand on Lilith's shoulder. 

 "Don't be, it's not over yet. I won't stop until I become his Ashin. He will regret laughing at me and telling me I wasn't good enough." 

 "Shouldn't you be planning your revenge instead of worshipping the floor his feet step on." 

 "You don't get it, no one does and that's okay." 

 "He doesn't deserve you." 

 "Don't act like you know it all, Fangs didn't deserve what happened to him but you still let it happen. So don't make me feel like a fool for doing the same with Leandre." 

 "I'm sorry." Yima said and Lilith stood up. 

 "Where are you going?" 

 "I have to meet up with Stash, she volunteered to take in Fangs, the uglets don't like him." 

 "What are uglets?" 

 "The other pets are ugly so I call them uglets."