
Poems Of Sadness But Has Jokes

Demon_K40 · Politique et sciences sociales
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5 Chs

Lost Boy

There was a lost boy,

Who had a best friend,

The boy was kind and stuck with them till the end,

One day his friends attacked him and hurt him,

Alone he was again,

But then a new light came,

Just for another torture to begin,

The lost boy spoke with the sadness of his heart,

Why god why, am i not enough for you,

He yelled with the top of his lungs, i hate you i hate you,

Till the day arrived he met a new friend but this time he wasn't the same,

This friend was different then the rest because this friend had loneliness.

They got very close and under stand eachother,

Then a person came along seeing his sorrows,

He said to bad i just need to borrow,

His best friend cried for the lost boy,

Because this person took him to hell,

Now this stories ended with a new one to begin,

Just remember when saddness comes think of the worst possible outcome so you can get ready for the truth. But this is a lie so if i was you just leave them to die.