
One fine evening

I can't count the many times I got sexually harrased by men.

Taxi drivers touching my tights when I sit infront because I didn't want to be rude and sit in the back.

Men, no boys, insulting my ethnicity and spouting vulgar words.

Men just listening to me to fuck me later.

Former male friends assaulting me in a Hotel.

Excuse- I booked a hotel for the night but my girl friend and me, we fought, it's such a waste to not stay in the hotel. Could u please come and talk with me? I really need a friend.

OK, but I'm gonna lock the bathroom and sleep there if it's night.

Sure, don't worry.

Bitch, u pulled down your pants as soon as u opened the motherfucking door. U told me that u loved me. That I opened the doors of desire.

I regret so much having had Sex with u when I Was drunk. This act made you really believe that you could grip me, breathing like a horse, sweating so much-me begging you to let me go.

After more than half an hour, you let me go.

I fled and got lost in the hotel, me running like a madman.

Thank you for assaulting and sexually harrasing, traumatizing me and breaking my trust in friends and men. Thank you, you mother fucker.

Side note: your dick was smaller than my small Finger. What Kind of doors? Alice in wonder Land Style? Doors to Narnja?

Bless me, I was so Kind as to not laugh at your small smaller smallest dick I not even felt inside.

Bless your exgirlfriends who supposely shout cringy Things like:' o m g, please ram me with your big thick dick, my lord.'

Praise the lord for making you so awesome and disgustingly revolting.