
Podrick's Path (Game of Thrones)

In a dark, alternate version of Game of Thrones, Podrick Payne overhears Shae selling out his Lord to the Queen. From there, a beast is awoken. Who knows what will happen next! https://www.patreon.com/Cambrian

CambrianBeckett2 · TV
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38 Chs

The Sand Snakes Pt. 7

As the bastard sent by the Lannisters to destroy her and her sisters makes his approach, Obara does her best to level a rage-filled roar in his direction, even as the blonde giant continues to slam her down anally upon the double-sided dildo the two of them are 'sharing'. Nothing about this debauchery has been pleasurable for the Eldest Sand Snake. Nothing about this has been 'fun'.

This is something straight out of her worst nightmares. Her vaunted physicality and immense strength ultimately rendered meaningless by a woman bigger and stronger than her. Her dead father's last paramour turned traitor against them, eager to make them supplicate themselves before the man tied to their father and aunt's killers as she herself clearly has. Even the Princess and her depraved perversions had been twisted and corrupted by the Lannister's man. And her sisters, taken one by one and made… made to do terrible things while at the same time having terrible things done to them.

Tyene was broken upon the bastard's cock, Obara watching the light leave the blonde girl's beautiful blue eyes. The youngest of the Sand Snakes was also the softest, Obara had always known this. She knew it in the same way she knew she was the strongest and the oldest and therefore meant to protect all of her siblings, all of her sisters. But Tyene was not defenseless. She'd had her own forms of protection.

Their bastard Uncle had stripped those protections away when he'd locked them in the Spear Tower, turning them into glorified prisoners and leaving them completely defenseless against the predators their enemies had sent to deal with them most decisively. Not to mention, whatever Ellaria had done with that kiss that she'd rushed to plant on Tyene, it had disabled the Mistress of Poisons before she'd had even a chance to respond.

And then that bastard had… he'd defiled her. He'd broken her in with his cock, until she was singing his praises and begging for more.

At least Nymeria was holding up a little better. Not that it made it any better, having to watch as the bastard and their Princess and their father's paramour treated her like a dog, made her act like a dog, trained her like a dog. Nothing could make that better; nothing could make any of this right. Obara and her sisters were in hell, and there was nothing she could do about it.

She was trapped, no matter how hard she fought, no matter how hard she struggles, she could not escape the blonde whore-giant's grasp. The position she was forced into was both humiliating and debilitating, preventing her from leveraging any of her own strength… not that her strength had helped much in their initial battle, when the giant had originally charged her, naked and yet determined, and taken her down so… efficiently.

The bastard motions for his whore giant to bring her before him, stopping in the center of the room as he does. The blonde bitch does so, hauling Obara up off of the double-sided dildo, though not all the way. It's not longer painfully digging into her bowels at least, but the first few inches are still stretching her previously tight anus far beyond anything it's experienced before.

Obara has NEVER been the kind of woman who prefers to be taken. She's always been the sort to do the taking, the kind of woman who prefers to swap roles, if not take on the role of man altogether. She's always preferred her bed partners to either be female or feminine, and she's ALWAYS been on top. But not right now. Not with this blonde giant overwhelming her, and the Lannister dog standing before her.

Glaring down at him with hatred, Obara does the only thing she can do, performing the only act of defiance truly available to her. She's already spoken all the words to be spoken… and to be frank, the Eldest Sand Snake was never much one for words anyways. She's always been a woman of action. Which is why she collects all of the spit that she can in her mouth, and hocks it at the bastard's face, managing to strike the Lannister man right in the cheek, much to her satisfaction.


His backhanded slap across her face is harsh and hurts like hell, and she's fairly sure he split skin in a few places with those boney knuckles of his, because she can feel a lingering pain and a slow drip of blood from both her lip and cheek. And yet, Obara can't help but revel in the pain, and in the fact that she got a reaction out of him. She grins ferally down at him then, and prepares to gather blood in her mouth next, maybe even dislodging the loose tooth she can feel, so she can spit it all at him.

However, before she can even try to do so, the Lannister dog has stepped away and gestured to Ellaria with one hand, while cleaning his face with a torn fragment of Nymeria's discarded dress with the other. Obara's eyes narrow and she watches the treacherous bitch move towards her with something in her hands, but before the Eldest Sand Snake can say or do anything, the blonde giant still holding her aloft is gripping her tightly by her hair, yanking it back HARD and painfully and taking her head with it as an involuntary cry spills forth from Obara's lips.

It's in the midst of this cry that Ellaria forces the O-ring gag into her mouth, pushing the metal thing into place most securely while Obara is still trying to catch up and fight back. She's too far behind though, and she completely fails to do anything to stop this latest indignity from happening. By the time, the whore-giant lets up on her pulling, the gag is firmly in place and there's nothing Obara can do to dislodge it.

Podrick, meanwhile, has gotten over his anger at Obara's little act of defiance. Now that she's gagged, she won't be spitting anything more substantial, he knows that much. Her punishment has already been carried out, effectively. And yet, he's no less determined to break the Eldest Sand Snake here and now. Breaking her, of all three of the sisters, is paramount to his plans. It may not be precisely accurate to say that where Obara goes, Nymeria and Tyene would follow… but seeing her break would definitely go a long way to shattering her younger sisters and firming up his hold over the both of them.

Moving back into position, Podrick makes eye contact with Brienne and smirks a little as he nods once.

"Drop her."

Well-trained and obedient are both words that can be used to describe the blonde giant, these days. He'd put his all into making her his bitch during their boat ride down to Dorne. Without hesitation, Brienne drops Obara off of the double-sided dildo that had been buried in the Sand Snake's ass, and out of her hands as well.

As the Eldest Sand Snake begins to fall, a breath of sheer, instinctive relief leaves her lips. She falls in a tangle of limbs… but of course, Podrick is there to catch her. And Ellaria is there to secure her. Obara Sand falls from one inescapable hold, off of one thick shaft, into another inescapable hold… and onto an even thicker shaft.

Essentially, she falls upon his cock, dropped onto it really on his order. Her so-far untouched pussy is impaled on his thick, hard shaft of meat rather painfully, causing her to shriek as she 'lands' on him. He doesn't catch her with his hands… ONLY his dick. His magnificent member, his bitch-breaker of a cock holds Obara up off the ground, her feet angled downwards and her toes still inches from the floor as she unleashes a gargled shriek, hanging limply in the air only by the girth and strength of Pod's prick.

Ellaria, of course, quickly moves in behind Obara and yanks her limp arms together behind her back, tying them off with silks and making sure that the most physically capable of the three Sand Snakes isn't going to do anything untoward to her beloved Master. Podrick pays Ellaria's assistance no mind, not even giving it the acknowledgment, it probably deserves.

Instead, he reaches up and grabs at Obara's ass cheeks, gripping them tightly and observing her cross-eyed expression, the gagged Dornish bastard's face mere inches from his now.

"It seems your whore blood has finally manifested itself, Obara Sand. Like mother… like daughter."

Now, in any normal circumstances, this would have incited a fury in Obara the likes of which had been rarely seen. Podrick would have been in the fight for his life at the very least, if the brutish woman weren't gagged and bound and currently cross-eyed upon his bitch-breaking cock. As it is, she's in no position to even process his words, let alone react to them.

Before she can even properly recover from her stupor, Podrick grins and bucks his hips upwards as he digs his fingers harder into her buttocks, sending a jolt up her spine and watching as an involuntary, wanton moan leaves her open mouth through the O-ring. As she begins to flail about, as he begins to standing fuck the Eldest Sand Snake on his cock, Podrick's grin only widens further still.

It was time to fucking end this.


Nymeria could only watch in horror as her eldest sister was defiled by t-that man and his… his monstrous member. It didn't even feel right to call it a cock. He was gifted, blessed, and cursed with so much more than a cock. But she hadn't let it break her. Not entirely. Even now, she was biding her time. Even now, she was bending so that she would not break.

It was contradictory to the words of their father's house, of course. Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken. That was the Martell way. But though their father was Prince Oberyn Martell, they themselves were not Martells. They were bastards, plain and simple. They were Sands. And bits of sand had to be willing to move with the wind, or it would end up grinded down against other specks, until it was nothing, less than nothing.

Dornish Bastards, even the bastards of Princes, had to be adaptable. Always adaptable. Unfortunately, Nymeria feared that her eldest sister was not prepared for this. She feared Obara could not be bent or bowed… and would indeed break upon that man's gargantuan phallus. She's… never been entirely religious before, truth be told.

But, as she kneels there, acting the part of a submissive whore while plotting her and her sisters' escape and revenge, Nymeria Sand finds herself praying for Obara's sanity. She was already afraid for Tyene, unsure of how the blonde would be when she came back to herself. Whatever Ellaria had forced upon the youngest Sand Snake had left Tyene completely vulnerable to that man, far more vulnerable then Nymeria herself had been.

If Obara and Tyene were both broken, Nymeria wasn't sure what she was going to do. How was she going to fix them? How was she going to get them away from that man long enough to get them back to the way they were before? And how was she going to get revenge for all of them, if she could not rely on her sisters to be at her sides and have her back?

All of this and more weighed heavily on Nymeria's mind, heart, and even her soul as she knelt there watching in horror and pity as Obara was defiled and fucked upon that man's shaft, as her gagged sister was bounced up and down while he just stood there, like an immovable force or an unstoppable object, forcing Obara up and down his member, her feet never quite managing to touch the ground.

She prayed for Obara's sanity, right up until she felt heavy breathing across the nape of her neck, and a hand slipping down betwixt her thighs, to lay upon her uncovered crotch. Going still for a moment, Nymeria briefly assumes that it's the Princess again, and she refuses to give her the time of day. But then her eyes alight upon Arianne within her field of vision, the Martell Heiress sitting in a chair touching herself to the view of Podrick breaking Obara in.

Ellaria then? But no, both Ellaria and the blonde giant were also within the kneeling Sand Snake's field of view. Only once she's ran out of possibilities does Nymeria turn her head and look back, the realization of who it MUST be since all other options were out dawning on her just as she found herself staring into her younger sister's angelic face.

Tyene is awake, the blue-eyed blonde having snuck up behind Nymeria, kneeling there along with her and fingering her older sister's cunt… as she watches their eldest sister get fucked. Tyene's crystal blue eyes are fixed on the scene taking place between Podrick Payne and Obara Sand, at first. Nymeria is granted a horrific glimpse into her younger sister's new state of mind. The look of pure and utter awe on Tyene's face… she's completely enraptured by the depraved debauchery taking place before her.

Of course, within a few seconds of Nymeria looking back and registering just who it is that's… playing with her so shamelessly, Tyene's gaze shifts from that man and their sister to meet hers. As the two sisters lock eyes, Tyene smiles a soft smile and then moves in, locking lips as well. The youngest Sand Snake moans incestuously into Nymeria's mouth, even as her collared older sister groans in shame and embarrassment, mostly for Tyene, but also for herself.

And yet… the moment Tyene's tongue touches Nymeria's lips, she opens up instinctively. And when that same tongue hits Nymeria's tongue, working its way over the inside of her mouth, Nymeria can't help but kiss her back, something energetic and lustful filling her entire being with desire and arousal. The last remnants of the aphrodisiac that Ellaria had forced upon Tyene before Podrick fucked her linger in the blonde's saliva now and are thus transferred to Nymeria.

It's not enough to completely destroy the middle child of the three Sand Snake Sisters like it did the youngest, but it is enough for Nymeria to throw caution to the wind and just… give in to her desires for a little while. Before she knows it, Tyene has them both positioned so that they're grinding and scissoring against one another while never once breaking their lip lock.

Arianne and Ellaria notice, of course, and are all smiles and cooing in the background, delighted to see the two younger Sand Snakes getting it on. But neither Nymeria nor Tyene pay them any mind, ignoring their onlookers and focusing solely on one another, engaging in debauched incestuous relations with one another and focusing on absolutely nothing else.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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