
You are a liability

"Give up the name Fernandes. You have proven unworthy of it," Hugo's voice sliced through the air as Marcus entered the room. The starkness of the demand hung between them, a tangible heaviness that seemed to echo in the silence.

Hugo's gaze bore into Marcus, a weighty silence enveloping the room. The air seemed charged with tension as Marcus grappled with the stern demand to rescind the family name. The audacity of such a request hung in the air, and Marcus felt a mix of confusion and anger welling within him.

Sandra, who had been unusually eager moments ago, now observed the scene with an impassive expression. The contrast between her cold demeanor and the bizarre excitement she had displayed earlier added another layer of intrigue to the situation.

"Why?" Marcus questioned, defiance etching his features. He couldn't fathom the reason behind his father's abrupt demand. The legacy of the Fernandes name held immense value in the corporate world, and surrendering it felt like an inconceivable betrayal.

Marcus's internal thoughts wrestled with conflicting emotions. The weight of the Fernandes legacy... Was it truly a burden, or was it a connection to something deeper? He couldn't shake off the realization that he was, in essence, severing ties with the only familial link he had – a name seemingly the only thing still tying him and his father together.

Hugo's response was measured, his eyes narrowing as if gauging Marcus's reaction. "Your recent antics, the public spectacle you made, threatens the very foundation we've built. The Fernandes name is not a tool for your reckless endeavors. Rescind it, or face the consequences."

The weight of Hugo's words hung heavily in the room. Sandra, still standing stoically, seemed to relish in the unfolding drama. Marcus, torn between familial loyalty and the defiance that had grown to define his character since his younger years, grappled with the ultimatum. Rescinding the family name meant severing ties with the legacy that both burdened and defined him. Yet, standing against his father's expectations seemed equally daunting.

In that tense moment, with the fate of the Fernandes name in the balance, Marcus faced a decision that could alter the trajectory of his life and the legacy of the formidable Fernandes empire.

"Why do you suddenly care about what I do with my life?" Marcus loudly questioned his father. His fists clenched at his sides, and he felt a tightness in his throat. "You never showed any interest in anything I did. Why would this be any different?" The room, with its imposing furniture and cold atmosphere, seemed to close in on him.

"You are a liability," Hugo stated coldly, his gaze unwavering. Sandra, standing stoically by the door, observed the scene with an almost gleeful expression. Marcus almost broke down hearing this response. The disregard in his father's tone sent a shiver down his spine, and the weight of rejection settled heavily on his shoulders.

"Why, Father? We're not just talking about a name. This is about family, about us," Marcus pleaded, desperation lacing his words. "What about the bond we share, no matter how strained it is? Is that worth nothing to you?"

Hugo's eyes flickered for a moment, a subtle acknowledgment of the emotional undercurrent. Yet, it was quickly replaced by the unwavering resolve that defined him. "This is about survival, Marcus. The Fernandes legacy can't be tarnished by one individual's recklessness."

"Survival? What about the survival of our family, of our connection?" Marcus retorted, frustration evident in his voice. "You can't just erase what we have because of a few mistakes. I won't let you."

The room hung in a tense silence. Sandra, usually the orchestrator of corporate symphonies, observed with keen interest. She could sense the seismic shift occurring within the familial dynamics, an unpredictable melody that threatened the harmony she had mastered for years.

Hugo, after a pregnant pause, broke the heavy silence in the room. "Marcus, I'm willing to offer you a deal. Rescind the family name, and in return, I will compensate you with 900 million. However, there's a condition – you must stay in the background for the next six months, ensuring no further disruptions."

The sum hung in the air, a staggering figure that reflected not just the cost of compliance but also the weight of an unspoken burden on Hugo's conscience. Originally intending to offer Marcus 50 million, Hugo felt compelled to increase the amount, a gesture driven by an inexplicable sense of responsibility.

Sandra, who had been a silent observer, raised an eyebrow in surprise once again. The deviation from the initial plan caught her off guard, and her keen eyes betrayed a flicker of curiosity. Hugo's uncharacteristic generosity left her intrigued, and she awaited Marcus's response with heightened interest.

Marcus, still ensnared in the emotional whirlwind, weighed the options. The financial freedom beckoned, a tantalizing prospect that could liberate him from the suffocating expectations of the Fernandes legacy. Yet, the strings of familial ties tugged at him, reminding him of the complexity woven into the fabric of his identity.

Finally, after a prolonged silence, Marcus offered a hesitant nod. The weight of familial ties clashed with the allure of financial freedom, a silent battle playing out on his features.

As they exited, Sandra's demeanor remained impassive, betraying no hint of surprise or curiosity. She seamlessly transitioned into her role, concealing any internal musings, while simultaneously preparing to modify the documents to align with the revised terms. The swift adjustment of figures and clauses was routine for her, a skill forged through years of navigating the intricate web of corporate dealings.

In the background, the silent machinations of power continued. Marcus, unwittingly caught in the ebb and flow of familial dynamics, moved through the orchestrated motions while Sandra, the unsung architect, deftly manipulated the paperwork, readying it for Marcus's reluctant signature. In the clandestine world of the Fernandes empire, where alliances and allegiances were ever-shifting, the true implications of this agreement remained shrouded, obscured by the veils of calculated moves and concealed intentions.

In what seems like minutes, Marcus finds himself navigating the corridors of the courthouse, a place typically associated with the ponderous bureaucracy of name changes. However, armed with the considerable weight of his father's wealth, the gears of this bureaucratic machinery were set into an expedited motion. Surprisingly, Sandra is absent, having delegated the task to a pair of efficient security officers to ensure the seamless processing of paperwork and the swift completion of the name-change procedure.

Approaching the clerk's desk, Marcus is met with an intrigued, if not slightly starstruck, expression from the female clerk. She has been following Marcus's life in the tabloids for quite some time and was shocked to see him here, especially with such a request.

Puzzled, she questions the motive behind his decision, unable to comprehend why someone with a name as esteemed as Fernandes would opt for such a drastic change.

"You forgot to fill in your new surname, Mr...." the clerk timidly prodded

The embers of anger flicker within Marcus, but he quickly smothers them, recognizing the futility of resistance. His father has severed the familial ties and paid for his "cooperation"—a peculiar act of "kindness" in Hugo's eyes.

The clerk's scrutiny intensifies, and Marcus, caught between the past and an uncertain future, is jolted back to the present.

With a deep breath, Marcus responds, "Kennedy," a fleeting smile gracing his lips. In this seemingly mundane act of choosing a new identity, a subtle defiance and a hint of reclamation emerge.

The clerk, though still perplexed, processes the paperwork, unwittingly becoming a witness to the quiet transformation unfolding in the wake of familial rupture.

The weight of his decision settles on Marcus as he realizes that what he once believed to be a strained but alive father-son bond was perhaps a figment of his own imagination. Guess our so-called father and son bond only existed in my mind, he muses bitterly.

Might be a few inconsistencies in this part. Not really satisfied but looking for ways to improve. Should i create a discord?

I think their might be a few holes in my thinking here but cant put my finger on it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Crosticreators' thoughts