
Plunder, Improve, and Amalgamate

120 years ago, the worlds have merged with earth and its universe. And along with it, Dungeons have appeared. The previously small earth has expanded massively in size, reaching tens of hundreds of times its previous size. With the appearance of new species, civilizations, dungeons, and "Magic", came the rise of the Awakened. Powerful humans that had gained the ability to cast various magical skills and abilities. One day, Baku brought the "Potential Awakener", an item that is capable of awakening one's potential and awakening their innate skill. An item that is mostly used for those who couldn't awaken naturally. [Awakened the innate skill, Plunder, Improve, and Amalgamate: Steal the skills of the foes you have killed, improve them endlessly, and merge them together to gain more powerful skills!]

I_Like_Dragons · Fantaisie
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The Inferior Goblin Tower (2)

"Hah..." I let out a sigh and wipe the sweat from my forehead. I felt anxious, conflicted, and excited, all at the same time. It's like a package of emotions that would make you question what the hell is going on with you.

I glanced at my back, and saw a glimpse of everything I had done. Corpses, of inferior goblins. There were countless of them, and these were not even the majority.

In just a matter of an hour or two, I managed to clear 9 floors of this dungeon with extreme ease, and now, I'm at the 10th floor. I was currently standing in front of this behemoth of a gate, which had a skull on the top of it.

This was the boss gate. The moment I open this gate, I would be face to face with the boss of this dungeon, [The Inferior Goblin King].

Usually, this dungeon takes me about 4 to 5 hours, but now, with my new skills, I was able to almost complete it at a much faster rate.

I glance one last time at the corpses of the goblins, and mutter; "...Maybe I went a bit overboard?"

Honestly, maybe I was a bit too excited. I remember sweeping and bonking everything that came in my way with absolute ease, and not only that, but I was the one following them. I was the hunter here, not them.

But hey, at least I got a few new skills!

[War Cry: With a resounding shout, increase the strength and speed of you and your allies by 30% for a few minutes]

[Danger Sense: Feel the killing intent of attacks, and a ringing sound would be made if an attack has the potential to instantly kill you]

[Intimidation Aura: Passively let out an aura of intimidation, causing anyone who is massively weaker than you to be intimidated and not be able to move]

3 new skills! And all of them were amazing! They were all F- rank, of course, but even at that state they were still powerful!

Not only that, but I managed to get many replicas of skills, causing my own skills to gain experience. And... one of my skills even leveled up to Rank F!

[Name: The Novice of Clubs

Rank: F

Description: Attack speed with clubs are multiplied by 3.

Experience Gained: 8.52%]

I felt utterly exhilarated at just seeing the rank of this skill. Although it was only an F, a mere level higher than F-, it was still way better than before! A 3 times attack speed is nothing to laugh at. Good luck ever dodging an attack that is 3 times faster than you.

"Alright, alright, let's just calm down a bit." I calmed my mind a bit, suppressing the emotions I were feeling. I need to focus right now, for this boss is nothing to laugh at. Although I could defeat it even without these new skills, this boss was still dangerous if you were not careful. Many of the deaths in this dungeon were due to this monster.

"Let's start," I muttered to myself, and after reigning in my emotions, I touched the gate of the boss.

The skull on the gate glowed red, and a few seconds after, the gate started to slowly open.

The interior of the boss room was way different compared to the depressing lower floors. It was a throne room, and it was incredibly large.

There was gold everywhere. The wall, the ceiling, the floor, everything was made out of gold. In the room, there was a large red carpet that led to the throne. On that throne made of gold, sat a tall and muscular Inferior Goblin. His stature was way bigger compared to the other goblins, and it was even taller than me by half a head.

There were over 5 inferior goblins next to the throne, all of them holding a variety of weapons.

This boss room was a problem for most people because of the abundance of enemies here. 5 inferior goblins, and then their king. It was dangerous, which is why most people when they start hunting for the first time, they come in groups in order to get used to this dungeon.

The king slowly opened his eyes, and glanced at me. He let out a groan, slowly lifting his sword, and-


Let out a thunderous roar, causing all of the inferior goblins to shout in unison, before they all came rushing towards me. The king didn't move, however.

These goblin guards were a bit stronger than normal inferior goblins, but they weren't dangerous to me.

I clenched my fists, and inhaled sharply. Then, I let out a thunderous roar of my own.


[War Cry]

The moment I shouted, I felt like my body had become stronger, and I felt lighter, too. This was the effect of the War Cry skill. With it, my strength and speed are increased by 30%, which was really good. Now, I was stronger than these inferior goblins by quite a huge margin.

"Criiik!" One of the goblins shouted, and accelerated towards me, his eyes bloodshot. However, the moment it was 5 meters away from me, it suddenly stopped.

"Cri...?" The once goblin that was burning with power suddenly stopped dead in its track the moment it got close to me, and its eyes, which were blood shot, were now filled with uncertainty and fear. Its body was shaking, and it tried to move, but it couldn't.

"Heh," I let out a chuckle at the sight of this goblin's new behavior. I glanced at the light purple-colored aura that was emitting from my body, and I felt a huge grin appear on my face.

[Intimidation Aura]

This was the effect of the Intimidation Aura. The moment any being that is weaker than me by a formidable margin comes close to me, they would be intimidated and wouldn't be able to do anything.

Ah, how nice! If I wasn't awakened, I had to fight these 5 goblins all at the same time, which took some time. But now, I didn't need to care about that.

The other four goblins were probably weirded out by their comrade's behavior, but still continued their assault. However, just like the first goblin, they moment they touched my aura, they were paralyzed.

I chuckled once more, and then immediately attacked the four goblins that were paralyzed. With my newfound speed and the effect of Novice of Clubs, my attack speed was way beyond what these goblins could perceive.


In just a few seconds, I had managed to kill the five goblin guards with. They couldn't even block due to the effect of my aura.

"Gre..." The goblin king groaned and narrowed his eyes at the sight of his guards dying at my hands, and calmly stood up again from his throne. His eyes never left mine, and I could see he was looking at me with scorn.

"Criik, Croik." The king talked in a language I couldn't understand, and pointed his sword at me.

He took one step forward, and immediately dashed at me. His speed was astounding, and he looked like a huge mountain that was coming towards me.

I didn't panic, and instead focused entirely on the sword of the king. I couldn't block this attack with my wooden club since, well, the king's sword is made out of material similar to a sword, and mine is just wood. I think it's obvious what is going to happen to my club.

The king was now only a meter or so away from me, completely unaffected by my aura, and swung his sword at my head.

I narrowed my eyes, and calmly read the trajectory of his attack. Swiftly, I ducked and managed to dodge the attack. I was able to do this even before I was awakened, let alone now where I had my speed enhanced.

After I dodged the attack, I replied with my own. With the effects of my skills, I swung my club at a speed far faster than the king could dodge.


Bingo! I managed to get a clean hit on the king's head, causing him to recoil back from the impact.