
Chapter 6: Unrelated After Marriage

Lu Xiusi listened, and a cold gaze swept over in an instant.

The staff felt a chill in their hearts; this man's gaze was truly terrifying.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she straightened her face and said, "Miss, don't be afraid. If you didn't voluntarily marry him, just tell me."

"What era do you think it is?" Without waiting for Shen Nuo to speak, Lu Xiusi suddenly spoke, "Are forced marriages still a thing?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in his words, and a cold atmosphere instantly spread around.

Shen Nuo's heart pounded, then her lips twitched. Wouldn't Lu Xiusi blush saying such things?

Didn't Lu Xiusi forcing her into marriage count as a forced marriage?

Although she was the one who initially agreed to marry Lu Xiusi, she had changed her mind afterward. Why wouldn't Lu Xiusi let her go?

But Shen Nuo also knew that she had to go through with this marriage now, whether she wanted to or not.

After a few seconds, Shen Nuo took a deep breath and hurriedly spoke, "Thank you. I married him voluntarily. I've made up my mind. Please help us with the paperwork."

Seeing that Shen Nuo was somewhat sensible, some of the anger dissipated from Lu Xiusi's demeanor.

His displeased gaze swept over the staff, clearly urging her to hurry up and also blaming her for meddling in their affairs.

After receiving the marriage certificate and leaving the Civil Affairs Bureau, Shen Nuo still couldn't believe it when she looked at the two red booklets in her hand.

Not long ago, she was preparing for her wedding with Lu Qingzhou, and now she had married Lu Qingzhou's uncle.

And now, she finally realized why Lu Qingzhou had been reluctant to go get the marriage certificate with her before the wedding.

At the same time, Shen Nuo felt relieved that she hadn't married Lu Qingzhou, that scumbag.

She took a deep breath. Although it was somewhat self-consoling, it had to be said that thanks to her sister Shen Qing, she had finally seen Lu Qingzhou clearly.

The sunlight was a bit dazzling. Shen Nuo raised her hand to shade her forehead. "We agreed before, that we are unrelated after marriage. If I fall in love with someone else, you must divorce me."

"Okay." Lu Xiusi only responded with a faint "okay."

The days ahead were long, whether Shen Nuo would fall in love with someone else or with him, remained unknown.

"After marriage, we won't live in the same room." Shen Nuo's gaze became more serious, continuing, "Apart from this, there's one more thing, which I think is for your own good."

"For my own good?" Lu Xiusi questioned back, a hint of a wicked smile appearing on his lips.

Shen Nuo nodded. "Property notarization."

Shen Nuo requested property notarization to distance herself from Lu Xiusi. "In case of divorce, I won't take a penny of your pre-marital property."

Naturally, there wouldn't be any complicated post-marital property between them either.

Lu Xiusi narrowed his eyes, his gaze showing some curiosity. This woman was becoming more and more interesting.

He had seen women who were eager to get into bed with him, seen women who were trying hard to do something with him, but a woman who distanced herself so clearly, he had never seen before.

For a moment, Lu Xiusi's interest in her grew even stronger.

Why didn't Lu Qingzhou like such a woman?

After leaving the Civil Affairs Bureau, Shen Nuo and Lu Xiusi went directly to the property notarization office.

Shen Nuo maintained a serious attitude throughout, while Lu Xiusi was indifferent, as if he didn't care about these matters at all.

Shen Nuo rolled her eyes, unable to understand Lu Xiusi's thoughts. Wasn't he afraid that she would take away most of his property after a divorce?

This man...

Shen Nuo muttered in her heart, then suddenly met Lu Xiusi's gaze.

In that moment, her heart trembled, as if struck by lightning, feeling at a loss.

After a few seconds of stiffness, Shen Nuo hurriedly turned away her gaze, while Lu Xiusi continued to stare at her.

After that action, Shen Nuo realized how embarrassing it was. She hadn't done anything wrong, so why was she avoiding Lu Xiusi's gaze?


If she lost her dignity now, how could she lift her head in front of Lu Xiusi in the future?

Lu Xiusi naturally noticed Shen Nuo's expression and even sensed her embarrassment. He had been observing her all along, and his interest in this woman only grew.


After the property notarization, it was already afternoon.

Shen Nuo wanted to go home, but Lu Xiusi suggested going out for dinner.

In the first hour of their marriage, Shen Nuo couldn't resist Lu Xiusi, and their battle ended with Shen Nuo's stomach growling.

In the restaurant, the waiter led the way, and Lu Xiusi had already booked a private room while they were still in the car.

Shen Nuo knew that some wealthy young men didn't like being disturbed while dining, so they often booked private rooms to eat in peace.

The dishes were already served in the private room, and Shen Nuo was already hungry, her stomach grumbling even more now.

She felt a bit embarrassed and glanced at Lu Xiusi.

Without even looking at her, Lu Xiusi pulled out a chair and sat down, showing no gentlemanly demeanor. Shen Nuo felt that a true gentleman should help a lady pull out her chair first.

"This is our first meal after marriage, my treat. I hope we can cooperate pleasantly." Lu Xiusi said, picking up a napkin and elegantly wiping the tableware in front of him.

Observing Lu Xiusi's actions, Shen Nuo suddenly had a thought. Lu Xiusi seemed to have some cleanliness habits.

Shen Nuo withdrew her gaze, not thinking too much about it anymore. "Lu Xiusi, since you're treating, I won't hold back."

Shen Nuo's family was well-off, but she had never been spoiled. Although she hadn't been poor since childhood, she wasn't accustomed to extravagant spending. Looking at the table full of food, Shen Nuo was worried that she wouldn't be able to afford it.

Now that Lu Xiusi said he would treat, Shen Nuo felt relieved.

"Now that we've got the certificate, there are some things you need to understand." Lu Xiusi casually said, "I'll organize the situation of my Lu family and send it to your email for you to review."

Shen Nuo felt somewhat helpless but nodded.

Indeed, acting was acting. And Lu Xiusi's request was that she must play her role well.

"Also, I'll organize some things you should do in the future and send them to you."

Things I should do? Shen Nuo frowned upon hearing this sentence. So Lu Xiusi has other requests for her?

Did he marry her to boss her around, or to find